Download Free Kapena - Responsive Portfolio HTML Template Nulled ThemeForest 22430464
Kapena is clean HTML/CSS template focused on displaying portfolio images in elegant manner. Template is minimal, light, fast-loading, clean with tasty typography and big images.
- 15 HTML pages included
- 7 Portfolio Post Layouts
- Unlimited Carousel Sliders
- Unlimited Simple Image Sliders
- Unlimited Text Sliders
- Responsive Design
- PHP Contact Form
- Google Web Font
- Easy to Customize
- Fully compatible for all major browsers
- Well Documented
Included HTML files:
- index.html
- home-box.html
- portfolio-1.html
- portfolio-2.html
- portfolio-3.html
- portfolio-4.html
- portfolio-5.html
- portfolio-6.html
- portfolio-7.html
- about.html
- blog.html
- single.html
- service.html
- team.html
- contact.html
Google Fonts:
- Work Sans
- Roboto
- PT Serif