Download Free Milestone - Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template Nulled ThemeForest 16401649
Milestone is an elegant and creative Bootstrap 4 admin template that comes out of the box with a myriad of layout options and features to help you build your next dashboard. Milestone features a huge set of reusable components, a tonne of plugins, different layouts and is easy to customise to individual needs.
- Bootstrap 4 – Comes with the latest bootstrap framework
- Flexbox layouts
- Clean design
- Easy customisations
- Beautifully crafted Admin template
- Clean and valid HTML/CSS3
- Built with SASS
- Fully responsive
- Different admin layout options including Sidebar template, Offcanvas menu template, Expanding menu template
- Horizontal menu template
- Angular and HTML Templates included
- Straight forward SCSS skin mixin
- Well documented Offline and Online documentation
- Material icons
- Font awesome icons