Winkle - Responsive Bootstrap Admin & Powerful UI Kit

Winkle - Responsive Bootstrap Admin & Powerful UI Kit 2018-06-09

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Download Free Winkle - Responsive Bootstrap Admin & Powerful UI Kit Nulld ThemeForest 22014422
Winkle is a Bootstrap based web UI kit, powered by Grunt, Bower, and SCSS. It’s very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is a professional package that comes with plenty of UI components, widgets, forms, tables, charts, pages and applications. It is mobile first layout and is based on Bootstrap CSS Sass framework. Each component is fully customizable and exceptionally easy to use. The simplest and fastest way to build web UI for your dashboard. <strong>For Support & Queries, please mail us at [email protected].</strong>
  1. Attractive Dashboards
  2. E-commerce Pages Included
  3. 90+ pages
  4. RTL
  5. Cryptocurrency Exclusive demo
  6. 300+ Ui Components
  7. Powered by Sass
  8. Horizontal Menu
  9. Bower – A package manager for the web.
  10. Grunt.js – The javascript task runner.
  11. Lots of widgets
  12. Bootstrap
  13. linea-icon Icons
  14. Themify Icons
  15. Simple line Icons
  16. Pe-icon Icons
  17. Responsive Layout
  18. Plenty of running apps – Calender, Email, Chat, Weather
  19. W3C HTML Valid code
  20. Multi-Browser Support
First release
Last update
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