Woocommerce Group Pricing

Woocommerce Group Pricing v3.3.1

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Download Free Woocommerce Group Pricing Nulled CodeCanyon 6806416
Shows different prices according to the user?s group. Special discounts for commercials, wholesales, Premium?
Product Discount Method:
You can select between rate or amount method.

Groups discount:
This discount is applied for each product.
Leave empty if no group discount should be applied (default setting).
Example with rate method: Indicate 0.1 for 10% discounts on every product.

Custom discount by product:
If you need to have a custom discount by product, you can set the value in product’s page “Groups pricing” tab.
Leave empty if this product doesn’t need a custom discount (default value will be used).

Muestra distintos precios a tus clientes según al grupo al que pertenezca. Aplicando descuentos por grupos, podrás dar un servicio personalizado a tus clientes.

Crea grupos de ?Comerciales?, ?Distribuidores?, o los que necesites. Así ellos podrán ver la web directamente con los descuentos aplicados, sin necesidad de cupones o terceras soluciones.
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