Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns in WordPress

Admin Columns Pro - Manage Columns in WordPress v6.4.8

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Download Admin Columns Pro v6.0.3 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v6.0.3 = Release Date: December 21st, 2022

* [Fixed] The settings for Network Sites and Network Users were not loaded correctly
* [Fixed] Labels for the Primary column picker are now sanitized
* [Fixed] Sorting for Related User Meta on the User table could lead to empty results
* [Fixed] HTML Character encoding for Saved Filters drop down
* [Improved] Added the Last Modified and Last Modified Author column to the Media page
* [ToolsetTypes] Export for DateTime field now exports the time
* [TheEventsCalendar] Null check for possible error in the 'Additional Field' column value
Download Admin Columns Pro v6.0.2 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v6.0.2 = Release Date: December 9th, 2022

* [Fixed] Bulk Edit could update posts that were not filtered
* [Improved] New hook `ac/addon/$addon/active` available to disable autoloaded addons
= 6.0.1 =
Release Date: December 5th, 2022

* [Fixed] Fatal error on Product Variation when no setting were stored
* [Fixed] Possible Fatal error for Media Library Assistant version < 3.05
= 6.0 =
Release Date: November 30th, 2022

* [Breaking Changes] The minimum version required to run Admin Columns Pro is now PHP 7.2.
* [Added] New Feature: Bulk Delete items on the list table
* [Added] New Feature: Added option to set the primary column of the table
* [Added] New Feature: Conditional Formatting
* [Added] You can now change the order of the columns on the list table itself by dragging the column
* [Fixed] License information did not always update
* [Improved] Export now supports export of selected items
* [Improved] Export UI improved: select which column you want to export and reorder column on the fly
* [Improved] Smart Filtering for the Date Publish column now only filters dates for published posts
* [Updated] Refactor: the `ACP\Editing\Service` interface has changed
* [Added] New hook `acp/delete/reassign_user` allows you to reassign posts to another users when bulk deleting users
* [Added] New hook `acp/delete/bulk/deleted_rows_per_iteration` allows you to set the number of rows that are deleted per batch
* [Added] New hook `acp/column_order/active` allows you to globally show or hide the column order functionality
* [ACF] It is now possible to add or remove options in bulk for Multiple Select fields
* [ACF] It is now possible to set a custom separator for fields that display multiple values
* [ACF] The Image field setting 'Uploaded to post' is now applied for Inline Editing
* [ACF] The ACF date format is now correctly displayed in the column setting
* [EventsCalendar] Sorting events on default columns did not work correctly
* [JetEngine] Repeater field support
* [MetaBox] New column support for the Relation Manager
* [MetaBox] Editing on Table Storage did not work correctly when the related row did not yet exist in the table
* [Pods] Date field display issue
* [WooCommerce] Export for Customer columns fixed: Total sales, Order Number
* [WooCommerce] It is now possible to select the order status for the user Total Sales column
* [WooCommerce] Added Editing for Order columns: Payment Method, Customer
* [WooCommerce] WooCommerce Sale column did not show correct schedule date
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.7.4 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v5.7.4 = Release Date: September 13th, 2022

* [Fixed] Taxonomy ListScreen could give a PHP warning when the default taxonomies were unregistered
* [Fixed] Beaver Builder integration support was always initiated
* [Fixed] Expired licenses were not updated correctly when it was expired and re-activated or renewed
* [Fixed] Suppress more PHP 8.1 warnings
* [Fixed] JS null checks that could lead to JS errors
* [Improved] Smart Filtering for the Date Publish column now only filters dates for published posts
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.7.3 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v5.7.3 = Release Date: July 4th, 2022

* [Added] Support for Beaver Builder template views
* [Added] New hook to toggle persistent sorting as a preference `acp/sorting/remember_last_sorting_preference`
* [Fixed] Smart Filtering for some Taxonomy columns did not work correctly
* [Fixed] Suppress PHP 8.1 warnings
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.7.2 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v5.7.2 = Release Date: June 14th, 2022

* [Added] It is now possible to toggle the Row Actions (Below title) on the setting page per list table
* [Added] New hook that runs before the value is saved in (bulk/inline) edit `acp/editing/before_save`
* [Improved] Changed the radio buttons to a Toggle element for column settings that have a on/off state
* [Fixed] Updater on License page is fixed
* [Fixed] Smart Filtering for some columns on the Taxonomy overview paged did not work
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.5.2 )
* [Added] It is now possible to select the Website display for User related columns
* [Added] New hook to disable the column value sanitation on the table `ac/column/value/sanitize`
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.7.1 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v5.7.1 = Release Date: May 16th, 2022

* [Added] It is now possible to hide the Comment Type filter in the Hide on Screen section for Comments
* [Added] Custom Field column can now display nested serialized data
* [Added] Better display value for serialized Custom Fields (Multiple values)
* [Improved] The Link count column can now display All, internal, or external links
* [Improved] The 'Hide on screen' options are renamed to work more intuitive (toggle to show instead of hiding)
* [Improved] The media column types are now grouped based on the media type
* [Fixed] Export for the Media Taxonomy column now works correctly
* [Fixed] Javascript: possible null error for the column configurator when the screen options are not available
* [Fixed] There was a Filter button in the footer on the Taxonomy page when there were no filters available
* [Fixed] Several issues during the updates of Admin Columns plugins
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.5.1 )
* [Added] New Audio player column for Media list table
* [Added] New Video player column for Media list table
* [Fixed] Prevent fatal error, when removing a non-existent column set from a Local Storage repository
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.7 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= 5.7 =
Release Date: March 22nd, 2022

* [Added] New hook `acp/editing/view` in favor of the old deprecated 'acp/editing/view_settings' hook
* [Added] New hook `acp/export/file_name` to alter the exported filename
* [Fixed] Adding non-existing terms with editing did not work properly
* [Fixed] Clicking the mobile caret to open the row now works in combination with Inline Editing enabled
* [Fixed] Pagination for taxonomy entities now load more than just one extra page in the smart drop-downs.
* [Fixed] Removed the Ninja Forms integration from the add-on page
* [Fixed] The placeholders for the full name editable were incorrect
* [Fixed] Unexpected focus scroll behavior in Inline Editing
* [Improved] Check if a post is locked in order to be able to edit the post
* [Improved] It is now possible to search for specific icons for the label icon picker
* [Improved] Javascript is now compiled with the target set to ES6
* [Improved] Made the Polylang Language column available for all related List screens
* [Improved] Smarter Link editing for the Custom Field URL type
* [Updated] Admin Columns Core changes ( 4.5 )
* [Added] New Image column for the Media list table
* [Added] The Slug column is now also available for the Media list table
* [Improved] More thorough logic for the 'Restore Settings' option.
* [Improved] Refactor of the Setup Script that runs when the plugin is installed and activated for the first time
* [Improved] The Permalink column now also shows the (upcoming) permalinks for future and draft posts
Download Admin Columns Pro v5.6.4 - Manage Columns in WordPress Free Nulled
= v5.6.4 = Release Date: December 6th, 2021

* [Hotfix] The ReadOnly class is renamed because it gave a fatal error in PHP 8.1

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