Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table

Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v3.2.0

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Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8.5 Nulled Free
= v2.8.5 = Release date 20 April 2021

* Fix: An issue with the positioning of the search filter dropdown items introduced after the WooCommerce 5.2 update.
* Fix: A bug with user_products attribute showing all ordered products if user has none.
* Fix: A bug with missing products on user_products attribute when product_limit is set to -1.
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Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8.4 Nulled Free
= v2.8.4 = Release date 1 April 2021

* Added compatibility with new WooCommerce Quantity Manager plugin.
* Dev: Renamed FitVids hook to wc_product_table_enable_fitvids.
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Reactions: carmeli
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8.3 Nulled Free
= v2.8.3 = Release date 24 March 2021

* Added new options for displaying product tables in WooCommerce templates. There are now separate options for product categories, tags, attributes,
custom taxonomies and search results.
* Improved the Photoswipe event handler.
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8.2 Nulled Free
= v2.8.2 =
Release date 3 March 2021

* Fix: Fixed a bug which caused the quantity for the previous product added to cart to be used as the default for all products in the table. This only affected tables with the "AJAX cart" option disabled.
* Fix: Fixed an issue with the dropdown filters when the filter heading was wider than the dropdown items.
* Fix: Fixed a bug which caused accidental display of responsive child rows when the product image was used as the first column.
* Fix: Ensure quantities, checkboxes and variations are reset when adding products to the cart from responsive child rows.
* Fix: Improved loading of icon font to prevent render blocking.
* Added support for new navigation menus in WooCommerce Admin feature plugin.
* Updated DataTables to 1.10.23.
* Tested up to WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.
* Minor code improvements.
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8.1 Nulled Free
= 2.8.1 =
Release date 23 December 2020

* Fix: Fixed a bug searching by SKU when using lazy load.
* Fix: Fixed positioning of search filter dropdown items when the browser has a vertical offset.
* Fix: Styling improvements in Enfold and Jupiter themes.
* Dev: Added hook 'wc_product_table_enable_select2' to allow developers to enable/disable select2 library.
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.8 Nulled Free
= v2.8 = Release date 30 November 2020

* Improve compatibility in various themes including XStore and Uncode.
* No longer automatically select variations in the Add to Cart column when selecting from a dropdown filter or sidebar widget.
* Renamed the 'add-to-cart' column to 'buy' (previous column still supported).
* Renamed the 'show_quantity' option to 'quantities' (previous option still supported).
* Improved display of cart column in responsive rows.
* Improved display for RTL languages.
* Updated the Spanish, French and German translations.
* Fix: Prevent wide dropdown filters extending beyond the page width.
* Fix: Bug which caused non-Latin characters to be removed from columns and filter headings.
* Fix: Bug with product totals message when using lazy load.
* Fix: The page length wasn't reset correctly when resetting the table.
* Fix: Prevent conflict with responsive column display where the column name contained a reserved keyword (e.g. "mobile").
* Fix: Bug when saving columns option in the plugin settings.
* Dev: Prevent themes from de-registering required scripts.
* Dev: The column class filter wc_product_table_column_class_[column] now applies to all rows in table, not just headings.
* Dev: Custom columns should now implement Table_Data_Interface.
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Reactions: carmeli
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.7.1 Nulled Free
= v2.7.1 = Release date 5 November 2020

* Various CSS improvements including improved RTL support and theme compatibility.
* Reintroduced the 'Ajax add to cart' option on settings page.
* Fix: Bug introduced in 2.7 which broke the search filter for custom taxonomies.
* Fix: When adding multiple products to the cart, the quantities were reset incorrectly when using a min/max quantities plugin.
* Dev: Updated DataTables to 1.10.22.
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Reactions: carmeli
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.7 Nulled Free
= 2.7 = Release date 22 October 2020 - Thanks To @TassieNZ

* The dropdown filters now display only relevant items, and update automatically after making a selection depending on results (excludes lazy load).
* Added the ability to set custom headings for dropdown filters.
* Other filter improvements: added a search box to filters, use the selectWoo library, removed the 'Filter:' label.
* Changed the wording of the product totals count below the table.
* Changed the default position of the page length selector to below the table.
* Automatically tick the Add to Cart checkbox when a variation is selected.
* Always show the product button for non-purchasable products when Add to Cart checkboxes are enabled.
* Improvements to the product modal when using the responsive_display="modal" option.
* Replaced FontAwesome with custom font based on IcoMoon Free icon pack (GPL license).
* Various minor improvements to settings page.
* Improve the Product Addons integration and remove support for older versions.
* When using Quick View Pro to open product links, clicking image will now open the quick view rather than image lightbox.
* Tested up to WooCommerce 4.6.1 and WordPress 5.5.1.
* Fix: Improve error handling when adding to the cart, and prevent multiple errors being shown for the same product.
* Fix: Adding to the cart from the responsive modal now redirects back to the product table rather than the single product page.
* Fix: Improved handling of attribute data used for dropdown filters to prevent table loading errors.
* Fix: Bug when using Quick View Pro plugin to open products from the table when variations are disabled.
* Fix: Bug with Product Addons plugin which prevented products with addons being ordered via the cart checkbox.
* Dev: Added hooks: wc_product_table_available_variations, wc_product_table_do_[product_type]_add_to_cart.
* Dev: Renamed various classes and moved to plugin namespace. The following classes are now deprecated: WC_Product_Table_Plugin, WC_Product_Table,
WC_Product_Table_Columns, WC_Product_Table_Query, WC_Product_Table_Config_Builder, WC_Product_Table_Args, Abstract_Product_Table_Data.
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.6.4 Nulled Free
= v2.6.4 = Release date 7 July 2020

* Tested up to WooCommerce 4.3 and WordPress 5.4.2.
Download Barn2 Media WooCommerce Product Table v2.6.3 Nulled Free
= 2.6.3 = Thanks To @NullMaster
Release date 1 May 2020

* Test: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1 and WordPress 5.4.1.
* Tweak: Minor improvements to settings page.
* Dev: Added Composer support.

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