Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On

Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On v5.6.0

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  • Added a new gform_stripe_payment_element_updated_payment_information JavaScript filter to allow modifying the payment element payment information when the form total changes.
  • Updated logging to decrease the log file size and make it easier to track issues.
  • Fixed a fatal error that occurs when the customer is redirected back after a no-cost checkout order payment.
  • Fixed PHP 8.1+ deprecation notices displaying on the settings page.
  • Fixed a fatal error that occurs when the webhooks signing secret is invalid.
  • Fixed an issue where the loading spinner is not hidden after the form fails validation.
  • Fixed a fatal error that can occur when the Stripe field is hidden by conditional logic.
  • Fixed an issue where the Link option for the Stripe Payment Element can not be disabled once an email field is selected.
Decryption key:

  • Fixed fatal error that can occur when the Stripe field is hidden by conditional logic.

5.5.0 | 2024-02-22​

  • Added a Stripe API wrapper and deprecated the use of the Stripe PHP SDK.
  • Added new notification events for pending and authorized payment states.
  • Added the ability to map a Gravity Forms coupon field in a Stripe subscription feed which was removed in a previous release.
  • Updated the Stripe API version to the latest: "2023-10-16".
  • Fixed an issue where the form gets stuck in loading state when using a testing card number in live mode.
  • Fixed an issue where a fatal error can occur when using the Payment Element on a form with reCAPTCHA v3 using version 1.5.0 or later of the reCAPTCHA Add-On.
  • Fixed an issue where the post image file was not uploaded when additional payment methods option is enabled.
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Download Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On v5.4.5 Nulled Free

- Fixed an issue where forms using the Stripe Payment Element do not display the correct confirmation when embedded with AJAX enabled.
== Changelog ==

### 5.3.0 | 2023-11-22

- Added compatibility with the upcoming Compact View feature of Gravity Forms, displaying field messages on the sidebar.
- Updated the theme framework variables to be compatible with Gravity Forms 2.8.
- Fixed an issue with the Stripe Card field that displays a "return_url must be specified" error message in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue that causes 3DS transactions to fail if the associated feed is for Subscriptions.
- Fixed an issue that halts form submissions on certain situations if 3DS validation is required.
- Fixed an issue where using the Payment Element in conjunction with conditional logic can result in incomplete entry data.
- Fixed an issue where a "The link you followed has expired" error occurs on submission when the "Require user to be logged in" form setting is enabled.
== Changelog ==

v5.2.0 | 2023-09-20
- Added the [gform_stripe_payment_element_initial_payment_information]( filter to override the initial payment information used to render the payment element.
- Fixed an issue where a payment method can't be attached to a customer when the Payment Element is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the gform_stripe_elements_style filter is not being correctly applied.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the gform_stripe_webhook filter from being fired in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where using a list field with columns enabled on a form with the Stripe Payment Element can cause a fatal error.
- Fixed an issue where list field values are not saved to the entry when the Payment Element is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the Payment Element doesn't work on ajax-enabled forms.
### 4.3 | 2023-01-19
- Added support for changes in the Stripe API.
- Added support for the new theme framework.
- Fixed a fatal error which can occur with the Stripe API Client if the add-on isn't connected to a Stripe account.
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Download Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On v4.2.1 Nulled Free

- Fixed a fatal error which can occur with the Stripe API Client if the add-on isn't connected to a Stripe account.
Download Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On v4.2.0 Nulled Free
v4.2 | 2022-02-03

- Added security enhancements.
- Added the ability to refund payments from the entry detail page.
- Added the ability to capture authorized payments from the entry detail page.
- Added the stripe_customer_portal_link shortcode action to support [self-serve billing portal](
- Updated the Stripe API SDK methods.
- Updated the styling for the disconnect alert messaging.
- Fixed a javascript error when de-authorizing Stripe account.
- Fixed an issue with unsaved warning being displayed on settings pages even when there are no changes made.
- Fixed an issue with the Webhooks Add-On where the payment details in the entry are empty.
- Fixed an issue where if future usage is set to 'on_session' and a user enters a 3DS card. This addresses an issue that results in an infinite loop on form submission.

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