GravityView - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Websites

GravityView - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Websites v2.25

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Download GravityView v2.4.1 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled Free
= v2.4.1 on August 16, 2019 =

  • Fixed: Inconsistent sorting behavior for Views using Table layouts
  • Fixed: Searching all fields not searching Multi Select fields
  • Fixed: Error activating GravityView when Gravity Forms is disabled
  • Fixed: "Getting Started" and "List of Changes" page layouts in WordPress 5.3
  • Tweak: Don't show "Create a View" on trashed forms action menus
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Reactions: cassiojlpb
Download GravityView v2.4 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled Free
= v2.4 on July 17, 2019 =

  • Added: A new Result Number field and {sequence} Merge Tag learn all about it!
  • Added: {date_updated} Merge Tag (see all GravityView Merge Tags)
  • Added: Option to output all CSV entries, instead of a single page of results
  • Fixed: Settings compatibility issues on Multisite
  • Fixed: CSV output for address fields contained Google Maps link
  • Fixed: When editing an entry in Gravity Forms, clicking the “Cancel” button would not exit edit mode
  • Fixed: Some fatal errors when Gravity Forms is deactivated while GravityView is active
  • Fixed: Search All Fields functionality with latest Gravity Forms

Developer Updates:

  • Breaking Change: users without the unfiltered_html capability can no longer edit Views.
  • Added: gravityview/security/allow_unfiltered_html to not require unfiltered_html. Dangerous!
  • Added: gravityview/template/field/address/csv/delimiter filter for CSV output of addresses
Download GravityView v2.3.2 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled Free
= v2.3.2 on May 3, 2019 =

* Re-fixed: Conditional Logic breaks in Edit Entry if the condition field is not present

Developer Updates:

  • Fixed: strtolower() warnings in class-frontend-views.php
  • Fixed: gravityview/fields/fileupload/link_atts filter didn't work on link-wrapped images
  • Fixed: PHP notice triggered when using the Poll widget
  • Updated: Updater script, which should improve license check load time
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Reactions: Luk and cassiojlpb
Download GravityView v2.3.1 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled Free
v2.3.1 on April 18, 2019
  • Added: Entry Approval now features a popover that allows you to select from all approval statuses
  • Fixed: Issues accessing Edit Entry for Views using Multiple Forms
  • Fixed: Issues with Edit Entry where fields were duplicated. This temporarily reverts the conditional logic fix added in 2.3.
  • Fixed: Maps will now properly use global API key settings on Multisite installations
Developer Updates:

  • Fixed: Issues searching Address fields that contain custom states
  • Added: gravityview/approve_entries/popover_placement filter to modify the placement of the approval popover (default: right)
Download Free GravityView v2.3 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled
v2.3 on April 2, 2019
Gravity Forms 2.3 is required
. Some functionality will not work if you are using Gravity Forms 2.2. If this affects you, please let us know
  • Added: Multi-Sorting! Example: Sort first by Last Name, then sort those results by First Name Read more about multi-sorting
  • Added: support to easily check user login status – read how it works
  • Added: Dropdown, Radio and Link input support for searching product fields
  • Fixed: Conditional Logic breaks in Edit Entry if the condition field is not present
  • Fixed: Sorting numbers with decimals
  • Fixed: CSV output of List and File Upload fields
  • Fixed: “Hide empty fields” setting not working Product and Quantity fields
  • Fixed: Month and day reversed in multi-input date search fields
  • Fixed: Join issues with embedded Views when using Multiple Forms
  • Fixed: Other Entries empty text override was not working
  • Updated: 100% translated for Dutch, German, and French
Developer Updates:
  • Added: gravityview/search/created_by/text filter to override dropdown and radio text in “created by” search UI
  • Added: gravityview/approve_entries/after_submission filter to prevent is_approvedmeta from being added automatically after entry creation
  • Modified: List and File Upload fields are now output as objects/arrays in REST API JSON
  • Modified: Business Hours field support in CSV and JSON output
  • Fixed: Fatal error when custom templates are loaded without \GV\Template_Context
  • Fixed: Potential PHP warning with PHP 7.2
  • Added notice for users to upgrade to PHP 5.6, since WordPress will be bumping the minimum version soon
Download Free GravityView v2.2.5 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Nulled
v2.2.5 on February 4, 2019

* Added: Support for nested dropdown selection in Search Bar
* Fixed: State search dropdown type for custom address types
* Fixed: Don't show Credit Card fields on the Edit Entry screen (#1219)
* REST API and CSV fixes
* Fixed: Email field being output as links in CSV
* Fixed: CSVs could not contain more than one special field (Entry ID, Custom Content, etc.)
* Fixed: CSV and JSON REST API did not output duplicate headers (Entry ID, Custom Content, etc.)
* Fixed: JSON REST API endpoint did not render Custom Content fields
* Modified: In the REST API duplicate keys are now suffixed with (n), for example: id(1), id(2), instead of not showing them at all
* Updated: Script used to provide built-in Support Port
* Updated: Russian translation by [@awsswa59](

__Developer Updates:__

* Added: `gravityview/edit_entry/before_update` hook
* Added: `gravityview/api/field/key` filter to customize the generated REST API entry JSON keys
* Added: `gravityview/template/csv/field/raw` filter to allow raw output of specific fields
* Modified: CSV REST API endpoint returns binary data instead of JSON-encoded data
Download GravityView v2.2.4 - Display Gravity Forms Entries on Your Website Free Nulled
v2.2.4 on January 14, 2019

* Fixed: Other Entries field would display all entries without filtering
* Fixed: Entry Date searches not working (broken in 2.2)
* Fixed: CSV outputting wrong date formats for Date and Date Created fields
* Fixed: CSV outputting empty content for Custom Content fields
* Fixed: Changelog formatting so that the 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and 2.2.3 updates are shown
* Fixed: The picture of Floaty was _really big_ in the Getting Started screen
* Updated Translations for Italian and Iranian. Thanks, Farhad!

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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