Oxygen Builder - You'll Build incredible Websites With Oxygen

Oxygen Builder - You'll Build incredible Websites With Oxygen v4.8.3

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Once Francesco reported a similar issue to us for Breakdance, we invited them to investigate Oxygen as well. On May 7th, they alerted us to this vulnerability in Oxygen and we immediately began work to remediate the issue.

This reiterates the importance of regular, high quality security audits, a long-time standard practice here at Soflyy. Please note that any reports about this issue coming out through Patchstack are from other security researchers attempting to replicate the Breakdance RCE in Oxygen, and that the discovery should be credited to Francesco Carlucci who validated CVE-2024-4662 on May 8th via WordFence.
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For changelogs

In This Release​

Overhauled Builder UI

JSON Instead Of Shortcodes

Back-End Performance Improvements

Workflow & QoL Improvements

New: Added Oxygen > Stylesheets admin screen with external stylesheet editor & management for Oxygen stylesheets

Fix: Security fix (#4911)

New: Accessibility focused Site Navigation menu element

Fix: Corrected issue that caused unit auto-completion to not work in the Primary > Width field for Div elements
Fix: Corrected issue preventing CSS cache regeneration from working properly on sites in subfolders
Download Oxygen Builder v4.2 Final Nulled Free
New: Added option to unwrap Code Block PHP & HTML on the front-end
New: Added auto-unit selection based on typed unit names in fields with multiple units

Fix: Corrected issue that resulted in the wrong data being returned when fetching user/author fields via Dynamic Data (#4743)
Fix: Appearance > Customize should remain available even when using a block-based theme (#4742)
Fix: Social Icons element should now be visible in the builder preview (#4736)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.1.1 Final Nulled Free
2022/11/11 - v4.1.1 Changelog

Fix: Corrected issue where nested Repeater resulted in query being reset, breaking any subsequent nested Repeaters after the first one (#4777)
Fix: Corrected issue causing it to be impossible to click sub-menu links in Pro Menu dropdowns if the dropdown was animated (#4778/#4785)
Fix: Corrected issue causing it to require two clicks to follow Pro Menu mobile menu dropdown links (#4784)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.1.0 Final Nulled Free
The Changelog

New: Added cross-site copy & paste (#4654)
-- Use the new "export" button in the Structure Pane node menu or ctrl/cmd+shift+c to copy an element's JSON
-- Use the new "import" button at the opt of the Structure Pane or ctrl/cmd+shift+i to import an element's JSON

Tweak: Added width expansion when "none" unit is chosen to most fields with "none" as a unit option (#4411)
Tweak: Made a number of adjustments to revisions (#4553)
-- Set maximum number of "daily" revisions to 7 by default. This is adjustable in Oxygen > Settings > Revisions.
-- Removed "hourly" revisions.
-- Added ability to delete individual revisions from posts.
-- Added ability to delete all revisions from specific posts.

Enhancement: Added support for tab navigation in Menu and Pro Menu elements (#2275)
Enhancement: Added support for ACF fields in Media Library images (#4528)

Fix: Non-CSS option from Elements API being rendered in CSS in builder preview
Fix: Umlaut characters being replaced in Oxygen JSON/shortcodes (#3272)
Fix: Form select dropdown triggers Oxygen Exit Intent modal (#3822)
Fix: Incorrect behavior for styles present indicator on Effects > Filter (#2366)
Fix: Incorrect behavior for styles present indicator on checkboxes (#2366)
Fix: Button padding ignored when using multiple classes (#1769)
Fix: Can't use Global Colors as a caption background color in Gallery element (#3779)
Fix: Revisions listed in incorrect order (#3775)
Fix: ACF image returned when image field empty (#3671)
Fix: "Dynamic Callback in Static Method" error related to Conditions (#3437)
Fix: Backtrace from notice Undefined index: oxygen_lock_post_edit_mode (#3136)
Fix: Updated EDD updater URL to https to avoid redirects on license checks (#3349)
Fix: Defining manual IDs in Repeater causes it to return only "post" post types (#3618)
Fix: Backtrace from notice Undefined variable: show_gradient (#3137)
Fix: Error related to design set images and User Design Library denied access (#3560)
Fix: Typo in Repeater code that could cause wrong post/product to be shown (#3526)
Fix: Global fonts not resolving in some specific scenarios (#2874)
Fix: Exception "Too few arguments to function wpdb::prepare()" (#3370)
Fix: Design library items can't be found if permalinks are set to Plain (#2654)
Fix: Dynamic data in a template can now be inherited down more than 2 levels (#2008)
Fix: Corrected scenario involving spans made into links containing dynamic data that could result in duplicate IDs/broken structure (#4668)
Fix: Corrected issue with elements that have apostrophes in their names breaking the page after being imported via the Design Library (#4657)
Fix: Users with "edit only" access to Oxygen can no longer rename elements (#4498)
Fix: Users with "edit only" access to Oxygen no longer have access to the gap field for containers (#4497)
Fix: Users with "Edit Only" access can no longer delete elements that aren't enabled for them (#4744)
Fix: Made multiple changes resulting in faster builder load times (#4683)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.0.4 Final Nulled Free
Oxygen 4.0.4 Now Available
hello world!
Oxygen 4.0.4 is a minor releases that focuses on bug fixes and improvements. Below is a list of changes present in Oxygen 4.0.4:
## 2022/09/16
## Oxygen 4.0.4 Final Changelog

Tweak: Optimized webfont loading techniques (#3538)
Fix: Corrected issue preventing output of ID assigned styles on Code Blocks used via Templates (#4689)
Fix: Disabled Properties Pane text editor for Spans (#3600)
Fix: Removed duplicate ct-section-with-shape-divider class on Sections that have Shape Dividers (#4622)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in JSON manually deleted from a post not being removed properly (#4462)
Fix: Corrected "Image not found" error when inserting background images (#4645)
Fix: Corrected "Maximum call stack size exceeded" error on sites with large amounts of classes (#4510)
Fix: Fixed class locking for states/pseudoselectors (#4437)
Fix: Corrected z-index on color picker & Structure Pane so they don't overlay in-builder dialog backdrops (#4016)
Fix: Corrected issue that could result in stylesheets having incorrect parent IDs, thus being active but not visible anywhere (#4264)
Fix: Minor security fix (#3781)
Fix: Repeater styles on breakpoints should now show properly in the builder (#4042)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused xlink.css file to still be generated for some sites, even with CSS caching enabled (#4631)
Fix: Edit Only users can now see the History list again (#4662)
Fix: Cleaned up some old Dragula files that were no longer in use (#4656)
Fix: Implemented fix for cases where CSS cache could not be regenerated on certain pages due to the presence of Code Blocks or third-party plugin shortcodes (#4219)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused an archive template to only be used if there were posts in the archive (#1954)
Download Oxygen Builder v4.0.3 Final Nulled Free
Oxygen 4.0.3 is a minor releases that focuses on bug fixes and improvements, including resolving some final remaining edge cases from the Oxygen 4.0 release. Below is a list of changes present in Oxygen 4.0.3:
## 2022/08/23
## Oxygen 4.0.3 Changelog

Enhancement: Added options to limit number of revisions, and delete all revisions (#4532)
Enhancement: Added post type & shortcodes/JSON options when regenerating CSS cache to avoid memory errors (#4643)

Fix: Corrected an issue that prevented default Gutenberg CSS from being output on the front-end (#4578, #4618)
Fix: Corrected an issue that prevented content/Gutenberg blocks from rendering with some template configurations (#4631)
Fix: Corrected Thrive compatibility issue (#4632)
Fix: Corrected issue that caused HTML inside script tags inside Code Blocks to be stripped on the front-end (#4585)
Fix: Corrected fatal error related to PHP 8.x and global Text/Display font settings (#4620)
Fix: Corrected issue preventing Structure Pane drag & drop from working correctly in Safari (#4453)
Fix: Empty templates should now render content as they did prior to 4.x (#4629)
Fix: Corrected PHP error related to CSS cache regeneration (#4597)
Fix: Added support for custom attachment sizes for images (#4388)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in PHP Function Return Value function arguments getting encoded (#4546)
Fix: Corrected a number of invalid CSS properties output by Oxygen (#3963)
Fix: Corrected Border control lag (#4605)
Fix: Corrected issue resulting in erroneous warning in builder after setting Tabs element width on a breakpoint (#4563)
Fix: Locked classes can no longer be edited by having the Advanced tab open on another element, then switching to an element with the locked selector active (#4351)
Fix: Added option to load AOS styles in head, correcting issues where on-screen elements don't animate on page load (#2364)
Fix: Corrected FOUC caused by Tabs element (#3927)
Fix: Corrected issue that allowed Edit Only users to make changes to classes in specific circumstances (#3685)
Fix: Corrected issue causing Edit Only users to get redirected when attempting to edit Blocks (#3980)
Fix: Made it possible to use hyphens in custom attribute names (#3938)

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