PublishPress Authors Pro

PublishPress Authors Pro v4.4.1

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The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( [3.7.2] - 2020-09-14 =*
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Reactions: tanierlyons
[3.7.1] - 2020-09-11 =* Fixed: Fixed the authors field in the quick edit panel. It was displaying all authors instead of only the post authors, #236;
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Reactions: tanierlyons
2020-09-10 =*
Fixed: Fixed performance issue in the post list and edit page removing avatars from the authors fields, #227; * Added: Added option to change the default author for new posts in the site, #50; *
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Reactions: tanierlyons
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.6.3 Nulled Free
= [v3.6.3] - 2020-09-04 =

* Fixed: Fix error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function add_cap() on null", #223;
* Changed: Update base plugin to v3.6.3;
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.5.1 Nulled Free
= [3.5.1] - 2020-08-20 =

* Fixed: Avoid warnings regarding constants already defined;
* Fixed: Fixed the cache for the get_multiple_authors function for archive pages, #190;
* Fixed: Fixed fatal error Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string, #182;
* Fixed: Fixed the value for $author->display_name which was returning the value from the user object instead of the custom value set for the author, #183;
* Fixed: Fixed Plugin::filter_user_has_cap() is passing a param to Util::get_current_post_type() which doesn’t support params, #187;
* Fixed: Fixed Plugin::filter_user_has_cap() to use the correct user, not the current one, #186;
* Fixed: Removed leftovers from the deprecated capability: ppma_edit_orphan_post, #193;
* Changed: Updated the base plugin to the v3.5.1;
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Reactions: tanierlyons
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( [3.5.0] - 2020-08-06 =* Added: Added a new widget to display all the authors, #76; * Added: Added option to display the username in the authors search field, #162; * Fixed: Fix compatibility with WooCommerce products, #169; * Fixed: Performance issue in the frontend. Added cache for queries that can run multiple times in the frontend, #171; * Fixed: Fix PHP notice on author page when user is not an author, #156; * Fixed: Fixed notice when a post doesn't exist after deleting the post, #167; * Changed: Updated base plugin to 3.5.0

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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.4.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.4.0] - 2020-07-23 =

* Added: Added support to BuddyPress Profile link on custom layouts;
* Added: Add new filter "publishpress_authors_author_attribute" for customizing author attributes in the layouts;
* Fixed: Fix syntax on the file AUthor_Editor.php removing an invalid char;
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Reactions: tanierlyons
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.3.2 Nulled Free
= [v3.3.2] - 2020-07-13 =

* Fixed: Fix the text domain loading, fixing the translations;
* Fixed: Fix "orphan" authors when the mapped user is deleted, converting them in guest authors, #142;
* Fixed: Fix infinity loop when user's and author's slug are different and you are trying to save an author profile, #143;
* Fixed: Fix hardcoded table prefix from a query, #146;
* Fixed: Fix error about missed Authors_Iterator class, #144;
* Changed: Updated the min PHP version to 5.6;
* Changed: Updated the WordPress tested up to version, to 5.4;
* Changed: Updated base plugin to 3.3.2;
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Reactions: tanierlyons
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.3.1 Nulled Free
= [3.3.1] - 2020-05-27 =

* Added: Added the static function "get_by_email" to the Author class for getting an author by his e-mail address;
* Changed: Improved error messages;
* Changed: Updated base plugin to 3.3.1;
* Fixed: Fatal error for WP < 5.4 due to the function "is_favicon" not being defined;
* Fixed: Fix the get_avatar_url output for authors with a custom avatar, #122;
* Fixed: HTML entities were not rendered in the frontend using the default author layouts, #123;
* Fixed: Secondary authors don't have the edit_others_posts capability for their own posts, #129;
* Fixed: Improved integration with PublishPress adding support for multiple authors in the calendar. #129, #131;
* Fixed: Updated the POT file;

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