PublishPress Authors Pro

PublishPress Authors Pro v4.4.1

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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.14.1 Nulled Free
= [v3.14.1] - 20 July 2021 =

* Changed: Invert position of Edit User and Edit Author Profile links in the term actions, #453;
* Fixed: Fix sanitization of the user_id before adding it to a query;
* Fixed: Fix compatibility with the search results on the plugin "Knowledge Base for Documents and FAQs" when an article is not found;
* Fixed: Fix compatibility with PublishPress' calendar create item form for the author field, to select guest or mapped to user authors;
* Fixed: Add compatibility with PublishPress' calendar to support multiple authors in the calendar form;
* Fixed: Fix the warning: Undefined array key "post" in multiple-authors.php file, when opening the General settings page, #459;
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.14.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.14.0] - 2021-05-26 =

* Added: Added new setting for selecting multiple post types to display in the author page, #436;
* Added: Added new function "get_by_id" to the Author class, accepting positive integer for User ID, and negative integer for term ID, #423;
* Changed: Shortcode [author_box] was renamed to [publishpress_authors_box], #426;
* Changed: Shortcode [ppma_test] was renamed to [publishpress_authors_test], #426;
* Changed: Shortcode [authors_list] was renamed to [publishpress_authors_list], #426;
* Changed: Legacy shortcodes are loaded by default, but defining the constant PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_LEGACY_SHORTCODES = false will prevent to load them, #426;
* Fixed: Fix the Author::get_avatar_url method returning the avatar URL, #443;
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.13.2 Nulled Free
= [v3.13.2] - 2021-04-22 =

* Fixed: Fix the color scheme for the Pro plugin, #411;
* Fixed: Fix the links style for the boxed and centered layouts, #414;
* Fixed: Hide the core author field in the post edit pages and add field to set a user as author if a post has only guest authors, #344;
* Fixed: Fix relationship between post and author if not existent when running the function "get_multiple_authors". It fallbacks to the current post author, creating the Author term and relationship with the post, #396;
* Fixed: Fix the CLI subcommand list-posts-without-terms adding support for the following arguments: [--post_type=<ptype>] [--posts_per_page=<num>] [--paged=<page>] [--order=<order>] [--orederby=<orderby>], #415;
* Fixed: Fix the CLI subcommand create-terms-for-posts adding support for the following arguments: [--post_type=<ptype>] [--posts_per_page=<num>] [--paged=<page>], #415;
* Changed: Temporarily disabled the CLI subcommands: update-author-terms, assign-coauthors, assign-user-to-coauthor, reassign-terms, rename-coauthor, swap-coauthors, remove-terms-from-revisions, #415;
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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.13.1 Nulled Free
= [3.13.1] - 2021-03-18 =
* Fixed: Fix syntax error in the built package for the latest release.
Added: Added fields for setting the plural and single title to the author box and widget, #75; * Added: Added Rest API support to list the post's authors, #311; * Added: Added new action to set authors to a post: "publishpress_authors_set_post_authors"; * Added: Added filter and constant for specifying to not load styles in the frontend, so users can use their own styles, #313; * Added: Added Italian language files. Thanks to Angelo Giammarresi; * Added: Added more automated tests; * Changed: Updated Brazilian Portuguese language files; * Fixed: Improved general performance removing unnecessary permissions validation on every text in the page, #325; * Fixed: Improved general performance ignoring the body class change method if not in the frontend; * Fixed: Fixed support to PHP 5.6 downgrading the Twig's requirement "symfony/polyfill-ctype" to v1.19, the last one that supports PHP 5, #323; * Fixed: Fixed support to PHP 5.6 downgrading "pimple/pimple" to v3.2.3, the last one that supports PHP 5, #323; * Fixed: Removed meaningless warnings when the post doesn't have an author: "[PublishPress Authors] Warning - The link for the author_id="" was changed to the post page because the author is not specified in the given url", #308; * Fixed: If the post doesn't have an author term, the function filter_author_link doesn't recognized the user from "post_author" as author of the post, #308; * Fixed: If the post doesn't have an author term, the function "get_multiple_authors" returns a WP_User instance (based on "post_author") even if the user is mapped to an author term, #306; * Fixed: In the function "is_multiple_author_for_post", recognize user as author of a post even if he doesn't have a term, #307; * Fixed: One test is trying to create a term which already exists, logging the error message: "A term with the name provided already exists"; * Fixed: Fixed multiple footers displayed when both Free and Pro are activated, #312; * Fixed: Fix PHP error when an older version of YoastSEO is installed and the warning "not compatible YoastSEO" is showed;=
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog]( and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( [3.10.0] - 2020-12-17 =* Fixed: Changed the way we sync post_author column: Current user will only be set as author if no terms where found for the post, or there are only guest authors. If post_author is empty, we set it for the current user, creating an author term for it, #286. * Fixed: Duplicated queries for the same given email in the method MultipleAuthors\Classes\Author_Utils::get_author_term_id_by_email(). Added a cache for the query results and an option to ignore the cache, #293; * Fixed: Performance issue. Optimized some methods and modules loading for reducing the server overload and reduce duplicated queries. Some modules now are only loaded if the required plugin is installed, #297; * Fixed: Fix the path for the template-tags.php file when called by the author box, if not loaded yet; * Fixed: Only register admin hooks if in the admin, #297; * Fixed: Fixed JS warning about variable being implicitly defined; * Fixed: Fixed compatibility issue with Select2 library loaded by WS Form Plugin, #292; * Fixed: Improved performance when opening the post edit page and quick edit panel for sites with thousands of authors; * Changed: Deprecated functions and classes now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_DEPRECATED_LEGACY_CODE" as false. Default is true, #297; * Changed: CoAuthors' backward compatibility functions now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_COAUTHORS_FUNCTIONS" as false. Default is true, #297; * Changed: Bylines' backward compatibility functions now can be disabled if you define the constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_LOAD_BYLINES_FUNCTIONS" as false. Default is true, #297; * Added: Added new maintenance task for syncing the authors' slug with the respective user's sanitized login (user_nicename). There is a new constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_SYNC_AUTHOR_SLUG_CHUNK_SIZE" for customizing the size of the chunk of authors to update at a time (default to 50), #287; * Added: Added new constant "PUBLISHPRESS_AUTHORS_SYNC_POST_AUTHOR_CHUNK_SIZE" for defining the size of the chunck of posts to convert authors in the maintenance task: Update author field on posts. Default to 10; * Removed: Removed the support to the filter "coauthors_auto_apply_template_tags"
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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.9.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.9.0] - 2020-11-25 =

* Added: Added support to Bulk Edit for authors in the post list, #263 and #280;
* Fixed: Fixed maintenance tasks to consider all the selected post types and not "post" only, #276;
* Fixed: Fixed compatibility issue with the WP RSS Aggregator plugin, #278;
* Fixed: Restored the posts count in the Authors and Users list, #275;
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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.8.1 Nulled Free
= [v3.8.1] - 2020-11-05 =

* Fixed: Fixed the consistency of avatar dimensions between the img tag attributes and the CSS, #258;
* Fixed: Fixed edit_posts permission check for the PublishPress calendar, #264;
* Fixed: Restored the post count column in the Authors list, #95;
* Changed: Added the "raw" filter to the author's description by default on fresh installations, #267;
Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.8.0 Nulled Free
= [v3.8.0] - 2020-10-07 =

* Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about undefined "default_author_for_new_posts" attribute for the module options;
* Fixed: Fixed the empty setting field "Default author for new posts", #242;
* Fixed: Fixed empty post_author on posts saved without any author. The current user will be added as the author, #238;
* Fixed: Fixed post_author field on posts when saving posts to store the user ID of the first author, ignoring guest authors, #171;
* Fixed: Fixed support for authors and guest authors in the PublishPress' calendar and content overview filters, #249;
* Added: Added new maintenance task to sync post_author with author terms for all posts, #171;
* Added: Added basic support for multiple authors in the Ultimate Members plugin's posts, #251;
* Changed: Updated base plugin to v3.8.0;
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Download PublishPress Authors Pro v3.7.3 Nulled Free
= [v3.7.3] - 2020-09-21 =

* Fixed: Fixed unresponsive author select box for new posts, #244;
* Changed: Updated base plugin to v3.7.3;
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