PublishPress Pro - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress

PublishPress Pro - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress v4.2.0

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Download PublishPress Pro v3.6.3 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.6.3] - 18 Nov 2021 =

* Fixed: Fix notifications page that tuns the WordPress admin area purple, #966;
* Fixed: Fix "save draft" button has gone, #967;
* Changed: Show the reviews banner on all admin pages;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.6.3 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= v2.6.3 - 11 Oct 2021 =

* Fixed : Classic Editor - Error submitting a pending or scheduled revision
* Compat : Google Site Kit - PHP error
* Compat : WPML Translation Management - Don't set "Needs Update" flag for images, other attachments
Download PublishPress Pro v3.6.1 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.6.1] - 04 Oct 2021 =

* Fixed: Add constants to customize priority of main actions: action_init, action_init_after and action_ini_for_admin, #953;
* Fixed: Fix notification body on events triggered by Elementor pages, #951;
* Fixed: Refactor the settings GET var for fixing a compatibility issue with 3rd party plugin;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.5.0 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.5.0] - 5 Aug 2021 =

* Added: Add the option to edit and delete editorial comments, #277;
* Added: Add new capabilities to control who can edit or delete editorial comments: pp_delete_editorial_comment, pp_delete_others_editorial_comment, pp_edit_editorial_comment, pp_edit_others_editorial_comment, #277;
* Fixed: Fix long text on the posts attributes in the calendar popup, #917;
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Download PublishPress Pro v3.4.0 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
v3.4.0 - 2021-07-07 =

* Changed: The calendar page has changed and is fully based on React now, #680;
* Changed: Minor improvements to the calendar UI, #680;
* Changed: The "Show 'n' more" option in the calendar cells now works independently and shows the number of visible or hidden posts, #680;
* Changed: The title field in the quick create form in the calendar is now focused automatically after the form is showed, #680;
* Added: Added async data loading to the calendar, with faster navigation and filtering without the need to reload the page, #680;
* Added: New quick create posts form in the calendar with specific fields per post type, #680;
* Added: Added the Post ID to the calendar item popup, #680;
* Added: Added the post status to the calendar item popup, #680;
* Added: Added the post publishing date to the calendar item popup, #680;
* Added: Added support to PublishPress Authors' multiple authors in the calendar, #680;
* Added: Added new fields for setting categories and tags when creating a post in the calendar, #680;
* Added: Added the number of editorial comments of a post in the calendar item popup, #680;
* Added: Type and create new post category or tag right in the quick create posts form in the calendar, #680;
* Added: Added a new button to the calendar navigation controls to refresh the calendar, #680;
* Fixed: Fixed support to PublishPress Authors for assigning guest authors to posts in the calendar, #680;
* Fixed: Fixed the Max visible posts per date setting in the calendar, #680;
* Fixed: Fixed the sorting option in the calendar for correctly sort items by publishing time or post status, #680;
* Fixed: Fixed a bug when dragging and dropping items in the calendar, removing the visual feedback of sorting items in the calendar cell, #680;
* Fixed: Fixed a bug after drag and drop an item in the calendar, showing the correct order of the moved item in the calendar cell, #680;
* Fixed: Fix calendar items ordering when sorted by status or time, #680;
* Fixed: Fix publishing date after publishing a post, using date_floating on custom statuses. Stops auto updating the publishing date with today's date, #741;
* Fixed: Fix adding or editing an user Role, #872;
* Fixed: Fix the scheduled time for cron events of scheduled posts that are moved to different dates in the calendar, #855;
* Fixed: Allow to publish a post with backdate in the calendar or post edit page, #715;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.3.5 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.3.5] - 2021-06-22 =

* Fixed: Fix code style;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.3.0 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.3.0] - 2021-03-18 =

* Added: Add support to Elementor edit links in the [psppno_post elementor_edit_link] shortcode, #794;
* Added: Add filters to customize the available fields in the notifications "shortcode" help text: publishpress_notifications_shortcode_post_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_actor_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_workflow_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_edcomments_fields, publishpress_notifications_shortcode_receiver_fields;
* Fixed: Fix the value of the notification channel for authors identified by the email, #793;
* Fixed: Fixed the admin menu icon restoring the calendar dashicon, #802;
* Fixed: Fixed PHP Fatal error Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function MA_Multiple_Authors::filter_workflow_receiver_post_authors, #814;
* Fixed: Fixed bug on WP 5.7 that breaks the toggle button on accordion of metaboxes, #816;
* Fixed: Fixed PHP notice: array to string conversion in debug.php:87, #813;
* Fixed: Fix notifications to user's custom slack channels, #335;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.2.0 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.2.0] - 2021-02-10 =

* Added: Added new option to notify Network admins, adding a notification log to the main site in the network, #765;
* Added: Add option to rescheduled failed notifications in the notifications log. We only had that option for scheduled notifications, #786;
* Added: Added option to the notification workflow for avoiding notifying the user who triggered the action, #778;
* Added: Add the name of blog in the notification log content column, if in a multisite network;
* Fixed: Fix calendar picking up the wrong day, depending on the time and timezone, #572;
* Fixed: Fix styling for the error messages in the notifications log. The error lines were moved to the top of the screen due the "error" CSS class, #765;
* Fixed: Add sanitization and escape variables in some variables, increasing compatibility with WP VIP and more security, #773;
* Fixed: Fix PHP warning "Creating default object from empty value in publishpress-authors.php:772", correctly assigning the filter "pp_pre_insert_editorial_comment". (Allows PublishPress Revisions integration), #231;
* Fixed: Fixed timezone information in the calendar subscription and .ics file, #784;
* Fixed: Fixed role selection when adding a new user in a multisite, #788;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.1.0 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.1.0] - 2021-01-20 =

* Added: Add shortcodes to the email notifications for the post content, excerpt and post type, #288
* Fixed: Fixed support to PHP 5.6, #772;
Download PublishPress Pro v3.0.1 - PublishPress Helps You Plan and Publish Content With WordPress Nulled Free
= [v3.0.1] - 2020-11-24 =

* Fixed: Can't delete users because the plugin redirects to the Notifications Log page, #737;
* Fixed: Fixed the arguments "old_status" and "new_status" for the shortcode "psppno_post", #713;
* Fixed: Fixed the argument "author_ip" for the shortcode "psppno_edcomment", #713;
* Fixed: Fixed the option to always notify users who edited the content, #742;
* Fixed: Fixed bug in the notification filters that was triggering notifications for unselected post types, #743;
* Fixed: Updated the Italian language files;

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