Shoptimizer - Optimize WooCommerce Store

Shoptimizer - Optimize WooCommerce Store v2.7.6

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  • Fix: Sidebar mini cart thumbnails visibility issue when inner scroll active.
  • Fix: Close icon visibility when size guides modal is active.
  • Compatibility: Support for SEO Framework breadcrumbs.
  • Tweak: Improved cross-sells display on mobile.
  • Tweak: RTL improvements.

= 2.7.5: 06-02-2024​

  • Tweak – Mobile left/right grid padding restored when 2-column grid is active.
  • Tweak – Improved position of close icon within search modal.
  • Tweak – Mobile scroll option now works within the category description area.
  • Compatibility – Improved mobile grid spacing in Elementor Pro.
  • Compatibility – One row header hover search color styling when Elementor Pro is active.
  • Compatibility – YITH Filters plugin sidebar panel visibility on mobile.
* New - Two-column mobile catalog layout (Appearance > Customize > Layout > General) now works when CommerceKit swatches are enabled on PLPs. * New - Option to display an account icon on desktop when the header layout is set to: Logo / Navigation / Cart * Tweak - Default WooCommerce block notifications styling improved. * Accessibility - Search toggle icon now uses a button element rather than a link. * Compatibility - Sidebar cart now works with the GTM4WP plugin.
== Changelog ==

2.7.0 - 29-11-2023
* New - Customizer option to display reviews count next to stars on shop/catalog pages.
* New - Option to create a separate menu for mobile.
* Fix - The "Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives" WC option caused the single add to cart ajax event not to work when caching was active.
* Fix - Search results sidebar not displaying on mobile.
* Fix - Empty cart page styling resolved after WC7.8.x release.
* Fix - Swiping past the add to cart button caused the mobile menu to close.
* Fix - Cannot redeclare function error when ShopEngine plugin is active.
* Fix - Mega menu dropdowns double-tap issue on large tablets.
* UX - Improved focus-visible styling when navigating with the keyboard.
* UX - Make Inter the default font for new installations rather than IBM Plex Sans.
* Tweak - Cart quantity arrows on cart page - can now enter a custom value.
* Tweak - Cart quantity arrows - improved styling in iOS devices when it becomes 16px on focus.
* Tweak - Custom no search results page now works for all use cases.
* Tweak - Sidebar mini cart quantity JS improvements.
* Tweak - Single product add to cart JS improvements.
* Tweak - Checkout page product thumbnails now have a skip-lazy class to prevent duplication in certain instances.
* Tweak - Standardized gap when regular or skinny gallery layout selected.
* Tweak - Styling for alignwide and alignfull included.
* Tweak - Product long descriptions now order correctly on mobile, i.e. image first, then text.
* Tweak - Numerous RTL improvements.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Recommendations style improvements.
* Compatibility - Support for the Advanced Woo Search plugin -
* Compatibility - Sendy Pro widget styling added.
* Compatibility - Initial theme.json version included (beta) for enhanced block editor controls.
* Accessibility - Primary menu dropdown items now have aria-expanded true/false labels when interacting with them.
* Accessibility - Sidebar cart now traps focus when interacting with it via the keyboard and can be closed with the Esc key.
Download Shoptimizer v2.6.4 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.6.4 - 31-01-2023

* New - Option to hide the "View cart" button in the sidebar mini cart. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* Fix - Hiding category description option now works again.
* Tweak - Theme now uses CSS Grid on blog and archive pages.
* Tweak - Lock icon added to cart and mini cart checkout buttons.
* Tweak - Mobile cart RTL improvements.
Download Shoptimizer v2.6.3 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.6.3 - 09-01-2023

* New - Customizer typography controls can now accept local custom font files.
* Fix - For variable items on sale, the sale % value now updates on PDPs if it differs between variations.
* Fix - Improved order of CSS loaded within Shoptimizer's child theme.
* Fix - Below category content WYSIWYG - solved empty <p> tag display issue.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Videos plugin.
* Compatibility - Smart Search Pro plugin.
* Compatibility - Improved WooCommerce Composite Products Styling.
* Tweak - Added a reveal password toggle to the login and register form on the My Account page.
* Tweak - Cart total in nav bar displays large values better.
* Tweak - Add to cart CTA on PDP goes full width if quantity input isn't present.
* Tweak - RTL improvements.
Download Shoptimizer v2.6.2 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.6.2 - 12-09-2022

* Fix - Header layout bug which occurred when mobile search toggle option was active.

v2.6.1 - 09-09-2022
* Fix - Bug when mobile filters button didn't stick to the top when certain conditions were active.
* Fix - Animated underlined links within mega menu on iPads required 2 taps before following the link.
* Fix - Category description text when switched off was only being hidden on the first page.
* UX - Accessibility improvements. Homepage now gets 98/100 in Google Lighthouse.
* Tweak - Standard 'On Sale' bubble style now matches the % version.
* Tweak - Mobile Cart layout option is no longer experimental and is now switched on by default on new installs.
* Tweak - Included optional open="open" parameter for the accordion shortcode.
* Tweak - Below header category banner now goes full width edge-to-edge.
* Tweak - 'Recently added' within search modal can now be toggled on/off in customizer.
* Tweak - Basic block styling CSS included if Gutenberg editor is active.
Download Shoptimizer v2.6.0 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.6.0 - 11-08-2022

* New - Related/Upsells/Cross-sells now scroll on small viewports. Can also mobile scroll WC shortcodes with optional "mobile-scroll" class.
* Fix - Elementor Pro editor triggered the sidebar cart.
* UX - Shop/Catalog mobile filters UX - 'Show Filters' button now sticks on scroll.
* UX - Catalog image hover effect now present only on non-touch devices.
* Tweak - Improved mobile styling across all key templates.
* Tweak - Improved sidebar cart styling. On mobile the sidebar cart is now full width.
* Tweak - Lots of RTL improvements.
* Tweak - My account order details styling improvements.
* Tweak - Out of stock label styling on product cards.
* Tweak - Search modal style adjustments.
* Tweak - Product categories widget: absolutely position the count.
* Tweak - Security lock icon added before 'Place order' button on checkout page.
* Tweak - In stock pulsing animation replaced by tick icon. Pulse was jerky on iOS devices due to a lack of support for animated pseudo-elements.
* Tweak - On PDPs if quantity is hidden, make the add to cart button fill the space.
* Tweak - In Firefox double arrows were appearing in the quantity field.
* Tweak - Product type "Mix and Match" excluded from PDP Ajax add to cart.
Download Shoptimizer v2.5.5 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.5.5 - 07-06-2022

* Fix - Search suggestions witin search modal no longer cut, and modal is positioned at the top rather than centered.
* Tweak - On original sticky add to cart bar, rel="nofollow" added to CTA.
Download Shoptimizer v2.5.4 - Optimize your WooCommerce store Nulled Free
v2.5.4 - 27-05-2022

* New - Empty mini cart widget area. You can now add custom content to this area.
* Improvement - Request a call back modal now includes product data.
* Accessibility - WAVE color contrast adjustments.
* Tweak - Mobile menu review styling.
* Tweak - In stock styling on PDPs.
* Fix - Better WooFunnels compatibility.
* Fix - Dokan z-index dropdown issue.

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