The Events Calendar Pro Community Events Addon

The Events Calendar Pro Community Events Addon 4.10.12

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The Events Calendar Pro Community Events Addon v4.5.14 Free
= [4.5.14] 2018-11-13 =

* Add - The email alert now displays a list with all organizers. The venue and the Organizers are now linked to their respective edit pages. New action hooks added before and after the email template. The email now indicates if an event is recurring [110657]
* Fix - Ensure that the form won't submit if new Venues or Organizers are being created on the form but the form's missing the required Event Title and Event Description fields [116196]
* Fix - The 'Show Google Map' and 'Show Google Maps Link' fields are now disabled when the `tribe_events_community_apply_map_defaults` filter is being used [97842]
* Tweak - Allow the HTML `<img>` tag in the Community Events submission form [111539]
* Tweak - Add a "Lost password?" URL to Community Events login forms so that users can reset their passwords, just like they can via other WordPress Core login forms (thanks to Karen White for suggesting this!) [105952]
v4.5.13 2018-08-01
* Tweak - Manage plugin assets via `tribe_assets()` [40267]
* Tweak - Added new `tribe_events_community_form_before_linked_posts` and `tribe_events_community_form_after_linked_posts` action hooks within the Edit Event form to enhance customizability [109448]

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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