The Plus Addons for Elementor - Most Populars Addon For Elementors

The Plus Addons for Elementor - Most Populars Addon For Elementors v5.6.1

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Version 5.3.6​

Compatibility : Elementor Button widget
Fix : Search Filter : Pagination not working after filter
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements
== Changelog =

Version 5.3.1

Add : Navigation Menu Lite : Documentation link
Add : Accordion : Highlight search text
Add : Carousel Anything : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Blog Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Product Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Social Feed : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Client Listout : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Team Member Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Testimonial : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Social Review : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Gallery Listing : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Category : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Dynamic Smart show case : Option to change the carousel direction
Add : Popup Builder / off canvas : Close Icon color
Fix : Search Bar : Compatibility of search result with All post selected
Fix : Display condition : Shortcode display condition Improvement
Fix : Minor bug fixes & Improvements
Update : Product Listing : Controller UI Improvement
Update : Carousel Remote : Controller Improvement
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Social Embed : responsive Compatibility for map style option
Update : Design Tool : Controller Improvement
Fix : Team member listing : Style 4 icon width not working
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Changelog Not Found!
Added : Client Listout : In Content Repeater Option
Added : Testimonials : In Content Repeater Option
Added : Team Member : In Content Repeater Option
Add : Google Map : Tooltip Content on Hover & Hide Title Tag
Update : Advanced Typography : HTML Tag Support
Update : Advertisement Banner : Hover Parallax Style Improvement
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Image/Icon Condition Improved
Update : Contact Form 7 : Textarea Height Option
Update : Carousel Anything : Dots UI Controller Improvement
Update : Display Condition : Condition Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : Desktop Column Controller Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : Support Icon Library in Hover effect
Update : Info Box : Dots UI Controller Improvement
Update : Info Box : Add border option in Style 5, Style_6
Update : Info Box : Full Infobox link Controller Improvement
Update : Info Box : Condition Improvement
Update : Product Listing : Hide Out of Stock Product
Update : Product Listing : Rating Dynamic Alignment
Update : Row Background : Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Rating Controller Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Radio & checkbox exclude child category support
Update : Search Filter : Pagination Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Search Results Controller Improvement
Update : Social Reviews : Language Controller Improvement
Update : Table : Condition Improvement
Update : Team Member : Add Image Overlay
Update : Team Member : Social Icon Styling Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu : Mobile Menu Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Mobile Menu Controller Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Mobile Menu Icon Updated 4 to 5
Fix : Carousel Anything : Responsive Mobile Dynamic Row Bug Fix
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: Coupon Code : Condition Improvement
Update : Image Factory : Condition Improvement
Update : Mouse Cursor : Condition Improvement
Update : Navigation Menu : Submenu improvement Update : Product Listing : HTML content support for Title
Update : Row Background : Container Compatibility
Update : Search Filter : UI Controller improvement
Update : Search Filter : Radio Button and Checkbox category and sub category UI Update
Update : Search Filter : In stock Condition Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Pagination Controller Improvement
Update : Search Filter : Archive Page Checkbox Field Improvement
Fix : Search Filter : Archive Category Improvement
Fix : Search Filter : Metro Re-layout
Compatibility : Smooth Scroll : Firefox Compatibility
Update : Search Bar : Condition Improvement
Update : Table : Add Dynamic Tags In CSV File URL
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Condition Improvement
Update : Info Box : Condition Improvement
Fix : LottieFiles Animation : Play Speed Issue Solved
Fix : Product Listing : Search List Option Issue
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Version 5.1.3

Update : Display Condition : Product Stock Improved
Update : Dynamic Listing : Ajax load Condition Improved
Update : Product Listing : Ajax load Condition improved
Update : WooCommerce Thank You file version info added
Update : Global Tooltip : Angle Condition Improved
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Image/Icon Condition Improved
Update : Audio Player : Added Background Size, Position, Repeat option for Style 9
Update : Audio Player : UI/UX Improvement in backend Editor Panel
Update : Blockquote : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Blog/Post Listing : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Button : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Carousel Remote : Next/Previous Icon On/off based conditions improved
Update : Chart : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Circle Menu : Overlay Color Condition improved
Update : Client Listing : Filters Text option and styling for Style 4
Update : Client Listing : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Contact Form 7 : Unchecked styling for Checkbox
Update : Contact Form 7 : Unchecked styling for Radio
Update : Contact Form 7 : Minimum Height Field improved for File/Upload Field
Update : Draw SVG : Border/Stoke & Fill Color global color disable
Update : Dynamic categories : Include Terms ID
Update : Dynamic categories : Exclude Terms ID
Update : Dynamic categories : Hide Parent Categories
Update : Dynamic categories : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Dynamic Devices : Icon Size control in array
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Post Meta Color improved
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Offset Option
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Flip Box : Border Radius for Button Style 8
Update : Flip Box : Button hover background improved
Update : Flip Box : Box Hover Effect(Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Gallery Listing : Tilt Parallax empty condition improved
Update : Header Extras : SVG Icon Size improved
Update : Header Extras : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Heading Title : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Hover card : Background Icon Update
Update : Info Box : Icon Width improved
Update : Info Box : Box Hover Effect(Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Mobile Menu : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Typography multiple in same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Outer Padding, Inner Padding same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Menu Color, Size and all styling option same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky Mobile Menu same page conflict fixed
Update : Navigation Menu Lite : Border Color improved for Mobile Menu
Update : Number Counter : Box Hover Effect (Float Shadow, Grow Shadow, Shadow Radial) note added
Update : Page Scroll : Next/Previous Color and Background wrapper update
Update : Post Content : Content fetch from WordPress editor
Update : Post Meta : Content Alignment improved
Update : Post Meta : Taxonomy Limit increase 25 to 200
Update : Pricing Table : Icon Spacing improved
Update : Pricing Table : Icon Border Style added
Update : Pricing Table : Prefix Hover Color & Price Main separator improved
Update : Pricing Table : In Price field value ZERO(0) supported
Update : Product Listing : Query update for custom Taxonomy
Update : Progress Bar : Title Left Margin improved
Update : Protected Content : User role output condition improved
Update : Row Background : Image segmentation Position improved
Update : Row Background : Auto Moving Image Yoast SEO conflict editor field empty
Update : Row Background : Top Layer Texture Image Opacity Label added
Update : Row Background : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Scroll Navigation : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Social Icon : URL Parameter improved
Update : Social Reviews : Show More Text Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Update : Switcher : Toggle Box Shadow label added
Update : Syntax Highlighter : Alignment improved for PRE and CODE tag
Update : Table : Padding wrapper improved
Update : Woo Single Pricing : Variations Product Label styling improved
Update : Woo Thank You : All Label Dynamic option. e.g Order Fail, Pay, My account. and rest
Update : WP Login Register : MailChimp Subscribe default Uncheck option
Update : WP Login Register : Password Hint Icon Styling improved
Update : WP Login Register : Backend editor option based Conditions improved
Fix : Pre Loader JS load after jQuery
Fix : Breadcrumbs Bar : Gradient Angle field improved
Fix : Pagination FA4 to FA5 icon update
Fix : Countdown : Label Typo fix
Fix : Global Tooltip : Background Type icon update
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Update : Performance : Infobox : JS Load condition based
Update : Performance : Advanced Button :JS Load condition based
Update : Performance : Message Box : JS Load condition based
Update : Performance : Post Feature Image : JS Load condition based
Update : Performance : Process Step : JS Load condition based
Update : Post Navigation : Based on Related Taxonomy option
Update : Performance : Display Rules : WooCommerce Frontend Performance Improvement
Update : Woo Cart : Cross-Sell option in Default Layout
Update : Google Map : Link update for longitude and latitude
Update : Social Feed : Condition Improvement
Fix : Woo Single Tab : Review Form bug
Fix : Minor fixes and Improvements
Download The Plus Addons for Elementor v5.1.1 - Most Popular Elementor Addons Nulled

Added : Display Rules : Time Range
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : In Cart Product Tag
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Purchase Order Total
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : First Purchase Date
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Purchase Date
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Billing City
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Billing State
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Billing Country
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Billing Postcode
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Shipping City
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Shipping State
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Shipping Country
Added : Display Rules : WooCommerce : Last Order Shipping Postcode
Added : Draw SVG : Loop Option
Added : Dynamic Device : Normal : Custom Mockup option
Added : Dynamic Device : Carousal : Laptop Predefined Mockup
Added : Dynamic Device : Carousal : Desktop Predefined Mockup
Added : Dynamic Device : Carousal : Custom Mockup option
Added : Dynamic Device : Carousal : Dots option
Added : Dynamic Device : Carousal : Arrows option
Added : Dynamic Device : Normal : Content option (Image, Template, iFrame)
Added : Dynamic Categories : Style 3
Added : Page Scroll : Full Page : Reset Scroll Top
Added : Page Scroll : Full Page : Content Overflow Scroll
Added : Search Filter : Work like Radio Button in Tabs
Added : Login Register : Pattern Hint Label Dynamic
Update : Section/Column Link Performance Improvement
Update : Event Tracker Performance Improvement
Update : Pre Loader : Assets Improvement
Update : Google Map : Assets Improvement
Update : Breadcrumb : Compatibility with WooCommerce
Update : Post Listing Metro Relayout on Filter
Update : Animated Service Box : Title Tag Dynamic Option
Update : Animated Service Box : Sub Title Dynamic Option
Update : Countdown : Class Based Section Visibility in Normal and Scarcity
Update : Product Listing : Carousel Style 3 Image Size Dynamic
Update : Social Feed : preg_replace improvement for Hashtag
Update : Animated Service Box : CSS Improvement
Update : WooCommerce Single Pricing : CSS Improvement
Update : Pricing List : CSS Improvement
Update : Pricing Table : CSS Improvement
Update : Header Extras : CSS Improvement
Update : Circle Menu : CSS Improvement
Update : Gallery Listing : CSS Improvement
Update : Mobile Menu : CSS Improvement
Update : Age Gate : Background Image Improvement
Update : Animated Service Box : Portfolio Offset field Condition Improvement
Update : Get WooCommerce attribute condition improvement in helper-function.php
Update : Countdown : Launch Date condition improvement
Update : Draw SVG : Media Selection Improvement
Update : Draw SVG : Minimum Width Option
Update : Dynamic Listing : Content Alignment icon update
Update : Dynamic Listing : Filter Style 4 Text Dynamic and Styling option
Update : Dynamic Listing : Pagination Alignment option
Update : Header Extras : Mini Cart Styling Improvement
Update : Infobox : Carousel Style Improvement
Update : Mailchimp : GDPR Position option
Update : Navigation Menu : Active Color Styling Improvement
Update : Product Listing : Tablet Metro Column Improvement
Update : Site Logo : Image Render improvement
Update : Tabs & Tours : Swiper Loop Note added
Update : Tabs & Tours : Condition Improvement for Title and Icon
Update : Woo Single Tab : Review Form Improvement
Update : Elementor Backend Still Loading link in new window (JS)
Update : Elementor Backend Missing Widget notice on search
Update : Pre Loader : Add Elementor Button Class in List
Update : Search Bar : Close Button JS condition Improvement
Fix : Blockquote : Text Shadow to Quote Shadow
Fix : Carousel Anything : Active Slide Shadow Field Improvement
Fix : Theplus Settings -> Extra Options Query load out site page fix
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Added : Mailchimp : GDPR Compliance checkbox
Added : Social Icon : Vertical Layout option
Update : Social Sharing : Toggle Button Shadow option
Update : TP Custom Field : PODS Image support
Update : Stylish List : Horizontal Layout
Update : Switcher : Switcher Label Enable/Disable
Update : Stylish List : Horizontal Layout Hint Adjust option in repeater
Update : Table : Swiper Responsive support in Container Compatibility
Update : Accordion : Autoplay Button styling options
Update : Tabs & Tours : Swiper Slide : Center Mode Improvement
Update : Advanced Button : Style 14 CSS Improvement
Update : Woo Checkout : Your order Heading Option
Update : Button : Border Radius in Style 18
Update : Dynamic Device : Manual Scroll & Scrolling Bar option
Update : Carousel Remote : Tooltip Offset options and condition improvement
Update : Countdown : Counter Style 2 Typography option
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Service Element Style 2 Icon Improvement
Update : Plus Extras : Glass Morphism Nested Container Issue
Update : Audio Player : Style 5 & 6 Layout Improvement
Update : Dynamic Category : Count & Description Layout Improvement
Update : Dynamic Device : White Device box shadow option
Update : Heading Title : Vertical Border Improvement
Update : Row Background : Solid Color Border Radius Option for Custom Loop Skin
Update : Infobox : Layout 3 Content Alignment Option
Update : Google Map : Overlay Map On load Class added
Update : Heading Title: Condition Optimised and Dot/Separator Option
Update : Plus Mega Menu Post Type public argument false
Update : Pagination Extra div remove "paginate-prev"
Update : Global Tooltip : Icon Update
Update : Pricing Table : Hover Content Option
Fix : Product Listing : Taxonomy query update bug in Single Page Related Products
Fix : Progress Bar : Empty width bug fix
Fix : Switcher : Content Typography Bug fix
Fix : Navigation : Mobile Offcanvas Class condition based
Fix : Mobile Menu : Remove Style Tab when empty css
Fix : Audio Player : Border Radius field condition based
Fix : Before After : Separator Icon condition based ( Horizontal,vertical layout)
Fix : Coupon Code : Tab Reverse bug fix
Fix : Woo Swatches : Bug fix
Fix : Image Cascading : Image Bottom Space fix
Fix : Button : Icon center alignment Bug fix
Download The Plus Addons for Elementor v5.0.11 - Most Popular Elementor Addons Nulled

Compatibility : WordPress 6.0
Compatibility : Elementor Pro 3.7
Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Word
Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Character
Added : Heading Title : Animated Split by Line
Added : Display Rules : Image Selector(Advanced Custom Fields: Extended)
Added : Display Rules : Visitor Location (IP Based - Based on Geoplugin )
Added : Display Rules : WordPress Site Language
Added : Display Rules : Visitor Browser Language
Added : Display Rules : String in URL (Exact match from URL value )
Added : Display Rules : Parameter in URL
Added : Display Rules : Shortcode based visibility (Advanced Custom PHP function based Shortcode)
Added : Display Rules : Cart Product Category (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Category In Cart (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Cart Subtotal (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Cart Total (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Purchase Date (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : In Purchase Product Category (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Order(s) Placed (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Current Product Category (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Current Product Price (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Current Product Stock (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Cart Product (WooCommerce)
Added : Display Rules : Text field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Number field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Radio field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Checkbox field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Checkboxes field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Select field (Toolset)
Added : Display Rules : Text field (PODS)
Added : Display Rules : Date field (PODS)
Added : Display Rules : Number field (PODS)
Added : Display Rules : Boolean field (PODS)
Added : Display Rules : Text field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Text Area field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Switcher field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Checkbox field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Radio field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Select field (Jet Engine)
Added : Display Rules : Number field (Jet Engine)
Added : Mouse Cursor : Container
Added : Unfold : Container
Added : Post Feature Image : Container
Update : Display Rules : Display Field Name with Group Label
Update : Dynamic Listing : Category Listout improvement
Update : Product Listing : Upsell Listing
Update : Product Listing : Cross-Sell Listing
Update : Accordion : Title Empty condition for Dynamic Value
Update : Accordion : Scroll Top Offset
Update : Tabs & Tours : Title Empty condition for Dynamic Value
Update : Scroll Navigation : Section Top Offset after click
Update : Post Meta : Taxonomies Type option (Category/Tag)
Update : Woo Single Basic : Next/Previous related to current Product Category
Update : Search bar : Search by Word Match
Update : Search bar : Related Search Tag
Update : Search Filter : Category show based on Archive page option
Update : Search Filter : Sorting value option for Tab, Radio, Checkbox and Dropdown
Update : Hotspot : Hover Pin Image with flip effect
Update : Audio Player : Loop Disable option
Update : LottieFiles Animation : JSON File Upload
Update : Dynamic Listing : Slide Animation option
Update : Infobox : Slide Animation option
Update : Gallery Listing : Slide Animation option
Update : Search bar : Animation option
Update : Number Counter : Dynamic Tag option for Number Value, Animation Starting Value and Gap
Update : Navigation Menu : Sticky support Container
Update : Navigation Menu : Accessibility
Update : Animated Service Boxes : Lottie Animations option
Update : Hotspot : Lottie Animations option
Update : Image Cascading : Lottie Animations option
Update : Number Counter : Lottie Animations option
Update : Popup Builder : Lottie Animations option
Update : Pricing List : Lottie Animations option
Update : Pricing Table : Lottie Animations option
Update : Process/Steps : Lottie Animations option
Update : Progress Bar : Lottie Animations option
Update : Unfold : Lottie Animations option
Update : Live Copy : Container Compatibility
Update : Plus Extras : Container Compatibility
Update : Display Rules : Container Compatibility
Update : Page Scroll : Container Compatibility
Update : Row Background : Container Compatibility
Update : Shape Divider : Container Compatibility
Update : Morphing Layouts : Container Compatibility
Update : Dynamic Smart Showcase : Container Compatibility
Update : Global Tilt Effect : Container Compatibility
Update : Carousel Slider : Container Compatibility
Update : Advanced Shadow : Container Compatibility
Update : Equal Height : Container Compatibility
Update : Glass Morphism : Container Compatibility
Update : Wrapper Link : Container Compatibility
Update : Animated Service Box : Container Compatibility
Update : Animated Service box Text (Stroke and Shadow)
Update : Animated Service box Height (EM,%,VH)
Update : Countdown : Label HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)
Update : Coupon Code : Title HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)
Update : Coupon Code : Content HTML Tag option (h1 - h6)
Update : Coupon Code : JS improvement for Copy button
Update : Woo MyAccount : No order Found Styling
Update : Woo MyAccount : Order tab Individual improvement
Update : Process Step : Margin option for Description
Update : Listing Widget : Post Excerpt empty value validation
Update : Infobox : Top margin option
Update : Social Feed : Instagram Business Account condition improvement
Update : Dynamic Listing : Author Prefix text dynamic
Update : Blog Listing : Author Prefix text dynamic
Fix : Google Map : HTML display bug with Filter
Fix : Table : Tooltip Field
Fix : Listing Widget : On Load more / Lazy load animation
Fix : Mouse Cursor : Column Cursor icon
Fix : LottieFiles Animation : Animation Play Speed
Fix : Countdown : Fake Number
Fix : Sticky Column
Fix : Design Tool : Background Visibility
Fix : Navigation Menu : CSS based effect bug on click
Fix : Slick Carousel : Draggable Disable bug on Mobile

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