Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application v5.40

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New Release V3.4 (July 7, 2020):
  1. Version Log: https://ultimatefosters.com/docs/ul...s-3-x-release-notes/#V34-Released-July-7-2020
  2. NEW: Page leave confirmations added to many screens to avoid loss of data
  3. NEW: Invoice scheme dropdown added to pos screen
  4. NEW: Recurring expenses
  5. NEW: Permission to view product stock value-added
  6. IMPROVEMENT: Spaces reduced in invoices
  7. IMPROVEMENT: Contact form improved: Added new field – Title, first name, middle name, last name, address line 1, address line 2, date of birth
  8. IMPROVEMENT: User max discount validation added for fixed type discount
  9. IMPROVEMENT: Recurring invoice issue fixed.
  10. IMPROVEMENT: Tax report improved to give details of input tax, output tax, and expense tax.
  11. IMPROVEMENT: Removed POS screen reset on changing of price group.
  12. FIX: Weighing scale product search issue
  13. FIX: User max discount issue fixed
Patch release for V2.19 available, January 30, 2020
New version 2.19, Released January 8, 2020
Patch release for V2.19 (January 13, 2020):
New Release V2.19 (January 8, 2020):
  1. RELEASE NOTES (Read release notes before updating)
  2. NEW: Types of service (like dine-in, 3rd part service, Parcel, Courier, etc) with the option to set different price groups for different services. Also, type of service breakdown in view registers.
  3. NEW: Price group option for locations added
  4. NEW: Location-based default payment account for different payment methods.
  5. NEW: Location based products, choose location where the product will be available. Also, bulk assigning of product locations.
  6. NEW: Enable/Disable payment method from business location
  7. NEW: Credit sale button in the POS screen.
  8. NEW: Add customer directly from the booking form
  9. NEW: Product warranty
  10. NEW: Location added to the cash register, now select the location of cash register before opening the register.
  11. NEW: Profile picture or avatar for users to upload
  12. NEW: New status overdue & Partial overdue for Sales & purchase invoices which extended the pay term date with filter for filtering them
  13. Improvement: Tax in expenses.
  14. Improvement: Made alert quantity field optional in add product screen
  15. Improvement: Displayinf due date in invoices
  16. FIX: Product Image in POS screen sometimes not showing.
  17. FIX: Cashflow balance
  18. Overall Code improvements

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