WooCommerce API Manager

WooCommerce API Manager v3.3.0

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Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.2.4 Nulled Free
2019.10.01 - version 2.2.4

* Tweak: Refresh cache when Order screen > API Resources meta box > Activation Limit field updated.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.2.3 Nulled Free
2019.09.07 - version 2.2.3

* Tweak: Delete API Key activation if no matching API Resource exists when API functions status(), information(), or update() are queried and and Instance ID is sent.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.2.1 Nulled Free
2019.09.03 - version 2.2.1

* Tweak: Lowered API functions status(), information(), and update() cache expiration to 1 hour.
* Fix: Warning - Undefined index line 1261 in woocommerce-api-manager/includes/wc-am-product-admin.php.

2019.09.02 - version 2.2.0
* Enhancement: Introduced SmartCache.
* Enhancement: SmartCache enabled by default.
* Enhancement: Added API product specific page cache for pages served by the API to display the more information tabs doc for plugins on plugin update screen.
* Enhancement: Refresh API product specific page cache when product edited, trashed, or deleted.
* Enhancement: Introduced Unlimited Activations for Products.
* Enhancement: Added checkbox on Product edit > API tab. When enabled, Unlimited Activations will override all previous, current, and next product purchase activation limits.
* Enhancement: Added 'unlimited_activations' return value to the API functions, activate(), deactivate(), and status(). See API docs for more information.
* Enhancement: Added 'wc_api_manager_unlimited_activation_limit' filter to allow third party plugins to change default Unlimited Activation Limit.
* Enhancement: Default Unlimited Activation Limit set to 100000, because all resources are finite.
* Tweak: Do not send WooCommerce Subscription order email if status is cancelled, expired, trash, or switched.
* Tweak: Update action hook from 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_' to 'woocommerce_settings_'. 'woocommerce_settings_tabs_' will be removed in WooCommerce version 4.0.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.1.6 Nulled Free
2019.08.14 - version 2.1.6

* Changelog update.

2019.08.13 - version 2.1.5
* Enhancement: Added Link to API Manager settings screen on WooCommerce > Status > API Manager section if Amazon S3 region has no value.
* Enhancement: Added Product ID section Link, represented by Dashicon, to product in Order screen > API Resources metabox.
* Enhancement: Added Product ID section Link, represented by Dashicon, to product in Order screen > API Resource Activations metabox.
* Enhancement: Added tooltip to display if order has API Key activations on WooCommerce Orders admin screen contains an API Product column.
* Tweak: Replaced 'edit' text Link with Link represented by Dashicon on Product edit > API tab, and Product eidt > Variations > variation > API section.
* Tweak: Reformatted WooCommmerce > Orders > API Resource Activations metabox for proper display.
* Tweak: Do not display Software Title on Product edit > API tab, or Variable > variation API Manager section, if field has no value.
* Fix: PHP warning if timestamp parameter for get_human_time_diff() was a string rather than an integer.
* Fix: Display errors on WooCommerce > Status > API Manager section.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.1.3 Nulled Free
2019.07.31 - version 2.1.3

* Enhancement: Added action hooks to API update() method:
- wc_api_manager_update_success
* Tweak: Delete all activations when the customer's Master API Key is changed. This includes activations created by Product Order API Key and Associated API Key, since both are granted limited privileges by the Master API Key.
* Fix: WooCommerce Orders admin screen contains an API Product column alignment.
* Fix: Fatal error when status.php rendered without WooCommerce Subscriptions active.
* Fix: Calling get_all_order_ids() for each Product ID in data update caused memory exhaustion that was not logged or displayed, but presented as a failure to complete, although it had been completed.
* Fix: PHP Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-api-manager/includes/wc-am-product-admin.php on line 1203.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.19 Nulled Free
2019.07.15 - version 2.0.19

* Fix: Check if return value of $order->get_date_created() is null before calling $order->get_date_created()->date() to avoid fatal error in some edge cases.
* New: Added clear_database_cache() to clear cache when order status changes.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.18 Nulled Free
2019.06.26 - version 2.0.18

* Fix: Some clients may query the API Status function before the API Key activation is completed, causing an inactivate API Key status to be cached and returned, so the errant cache is cleared upon API Key activation if it exists.

2019.05.09 - version 2.0.17
* Fix: insert_setting_after() method called only when is_admin() == true caused fatal error in some cases.
* Fix: <a tag open in woocommerce-api-manager/includes/api/wc-am-api-requests.php.
* Fix: Changed improperly referenced get_row_data_by_activation_id() method to get_activation_resource_by_activation_id().
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.16 Nulled
* There is an API Manager PHP Library available in a private Github repo, maintained by the author, to help WordPress plugin and theme authors quickly setup products that can utilize the API Manager APIs. Use this form https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket?broken=primary&select=260110 to provide your Github username, so the developer can add you to the private API Manager PHP Library Github repository.

REQUIRED: WooCommerce 3.4.
REQUIRED: WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.3, if is installed and active.

2019.03.28 - version 2.0.16
* Tweak: Expanded API error message "No API resources exist." to provide instruction to both the customer and support to help resolve the issue.
* Fix: WooCommerce Subscriptions required version warning was displayed in cases where a very old version of WooCommerce Subscriptions was upgraded to the latest version. ٩(θ ‿ θ)۶
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.14 Nulled
2019.03.26 - version 2.0.14

* Fix: Move _api_activations_parent to _api_activations before orders are moved in upgrade process.

2019.03.25 - version 2.0.13
* REQUIRED: WooCommerce 3.4.
* New: Added notice. If WooCommerce Subscriptions is installed and active, the minimum version required is 2.3.
* Tweak: If Master API Key is missing on customer profile when authenticating API request, return message and log error.
* Tweak: If the Master API Key does not exist when required then create it.
* Tweak: If the API Resource Product ID is missing from product meta when required, then update it.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.12 Nulled
2019.03.23 - v2.0.12

* Fix: When Master API Key was regenerated in the user profile, the Master API Key was not updated in the wc_am_api_resource or wc_am_api_activation database tables.
* Tweak: Added version to API Resources and API Resource Activations meta boxes on Order screen.
* Tweak: If WooCommerce 2.2 or greater is installed, all expired transients will be deleted on API Manager upgrade.
* Tweak: Prevent caching root/home page URL to prevent API query caching.
* New: Added WC_AM_Cache_Handler class.

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