WooCommerce API Manager

WooCommerce API Manager v3.3.0

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Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.11 Nulled
2019.3.16 - v2.0.11

* Fix: Only load Storefront My Account CSS if Storefront is the selected theme.
* Fix: PHP warning if api_key value not sent in request for API Information and Update functions queries when the product_id value is a legacy Software Title string.
* Tweak: Minimize CSS files.
* New: Added database caching option to settings.
* New: When enaabled, cache some data for Order screen, and My Account tabs: API Keys and API Downloads.
* New: When enaabled, cache data for API functions: status, information, and update.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.10 Premium Nulled
2019.3.14 - v2.0.10

* Fix: Fixed several errors in get_api_information_and_update_product_id() method that caused legacy Software Title string API update function queries to fail.
* New: If 'version' key and value are sent in query string to 2.x API functions activate, status, information, or update, or legacy pre 2.0 API functions plugininformation, or pluginupdatecheck, the 'version' for an API Key activation will be updated in the 'wc_am_api_activation' database table.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.8 Premium Nulled
2019.2.28 - v2.0.8

* Tweak: Optimize get_secure_order_download_url() method.
* Tweak: Move WooCommerce version requirement notice before WooCommerce_API_Manager class to be certain the API Manager does not load until after the WooCommerce minimum version requirement has been met.
* Tweak: Replace get_all_orders() method with get_all_order_ids() method.
* Tweak: Use wc_get_orders() for get_all_order_ids() method to insure compatibility when WooCommerce moves orders to a custom database table.
* Tweak: Free memory as wc_am_update_201_data_migrate_access_granted_to_order_created_time() loops through orders to make it more memory efficient.
* Tweak: Change api-keys.php template column wording from Product by Product ID to Product Title.
* Tweak: Change api-keys.php template column Product ID cell data from URL to plain text to make it easier to copy.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.7 Premium Nulled
2019.2.13 - v2.0.7

* Tweak: Template overrides for yourtheme/woocommerce/api-keys.php, and yourtheme/woocommerce/api-downloads.php have moved to yourtheme/woocommerce/myaccount/api-keys.php, and yourtheme/woocommerce/myaccount/api-downloads.php
* Fix: The API Manager no longer relies on the woocommerce_downloadable_product_permissions table for download data, but rather only looks for the first Downloadable files URL on the product due to issues described in the following docs. Please read https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/digital-downloadable-product-handling/ for more information on how adding/changing Downloadable files URLs on products can cause download/update URLs to stop working since WooCommerce 3.0.
* Tweak: Added Product ID to api-keys-order-complete.php email template.
* Tweak: Added Product ID to api-keys.php template.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.6 Premium Nulled
2019.1.29 - v2.0.6

* REQUIRED: PHP 7.0 and above now a hard requirement.
* Fix: Order screen displayed default Admin account's Master API Key if API Resource for the order did not exist. Now it displays user's Master API Key as expected.
* Fix: Removed wc-am-datetime.php to prevent conflict with core WooCommerce class.
* Fix: Fixed localized time offset for date and time display for activations.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.5 Nulled Premium
2019.1.17 - version 2.0.5

* Fix: Failed data migration introduced in 2.0.2.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.3 Nulled
2019.1.15 - v2.0.3

* Fix: Filter out non active WooCommerce Subscriptions from active API resources.
* Fix: Delete non active WooCommerce Subscriptions API Key activations if subscription is no longer active.
* Tweak: Do not show the Product ID or Software Title on variable/variable subscription parent product API tab.
Download Free WooCommerce API Manager v2.0.2 Premium Nulled
2019.1.12 - v2.0.2

* Fix: Year in date display on My Account and Order edit screen.
* Fix: WooCommerce Subscriptions subscription item checked for active subscription before creating API resource for item.

2019.1.12 - v2.0.1
* Fix: Newly completed order active subscription check disabled as it returns inconsistent values with a WooCommerce Subscriptions subscription. Broke API resource creation with new subscription product order.
* Tweak: Use order creation time for API resource access_granted field.
* Tweak: Unlimited activations on product must have a limit value set, such as 1000, rather than 0 or empty.
* Tweak: If product activation limit is increased, all API resources with the product will have the activation limit increased to match. Decreasing the activation limit will have no effect on API resources.

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