WooCommerce API Manager

WooCommerce API Manager v3.3.0

No permission to download
Decryption key:

* New: Add tabs to the frontend product page populated with API Manager Product data when using the Storefront theme.
* Tweak: Update brand to Kestrel
Decryption key:

2024-03-16 - version 3.2.4
* Fix: Remove esc_attr() from $_POST sanitization on line 1257 of wc-am-product-admin.php due to "Array to string conversion" PHP Warning.
Decryption key:

2024-03-10 - version 3.2.3
* Fix: <br> tag displayed in My Account > API Keys. Updated templates/myaccount/api-keys.php.
Decryption key:

2024-03-01 - version 3.2.2
* New: Added 'next_payment' date to the Status API endpoint.
*** WooCommerce API Manager Changelog ***

2023-12-26 - version 3.2.1

* Tweak: Further optimize when adding an API Key activation.
* Fix: Background processing to update all customer purchased API Key activations when the product activation limit is changed.
* Dev: Removed unused Amazon S3 function format_secure_s3_url() that was used to create AWS Signature Version 3 URL introduced in version 1.3.2. AWS Signature Version 4 has been in use since version 2.1.
== Changelog ==

2023-09-14 - version 3.1.2
* Fix: Cronjob cleanup of expired API Key activations queried a database column using a misspelled name.
* New: Added if the Homepage is cachable to the WooCommerce > Status > WooCommmerce API Manager status report.

2023-09-05 - version 3.1.1
* New: Added Action Filters, wc_api_manager_endpoint_title_api_keys, wc_api_manager_endpoint_title_api_downloads, wc_api_manager_add_menu_items_api_keys, wc_api_manager_add_menu_items_api_downloads. Changing endpoints requires Settings > Permalink Settings to be manually Saved to refresh the endpoints.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.4.10 Nulled Free
2022.12.20 - v2.4.10

* Tweak: On Order edit update of Access Expires and/or Activations, process API cache refresh in task queue rather than immediately.
Download WooCommerce API Manager v2.4.9 Nulled Free
2022.12.10 - v2.4.9

* Tweak: Don't delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold then back to active status when payment is processed.
* Tweak: When WooCommerce Subscription changes status delete related Authenticated API cache.
* Tweak: Delete the Authenticated API cache for more events to cover edge cases where results may be stale when fresh results are needed.
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2022.12.05 - version 2.4.8
* Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
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Reactions: Caly
2022.11.27 - version 2.4.7
* Notice: Declare incompatibility with WooCommerce HPOS until support is verified.
* Tweak: Detect WooCommerce Subscriptions included in WooCommerce core.
* Dev: Added wc_am_new_or_updated_order action hook that returns the order_id of a new or updated order containing API products.
* Dev: Can use WC_AM_API_RESOURCE_DATA_STORE()->get_all_api_resources_for_order_id( $order_id ) to get an array of all API Resource data created from the order line items. Use the plugins_loaded action hook to access the method.
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Reactions: Caly

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