WooCommerce Smart Coupons

WooCommerce Smart Coupons v8.22.0

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Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.9.1 Nulled Free
2019.01.17 - v3.9.1

* Fix: Applying the store credit amount twice after creating orders
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.9.0 Nulled Free
2019.01.09 - v3.9.0

* New: Introduction of background process for importing or bulk generation of coupons
* New: Search/Filter coupon's list by restricted email
* Fix: Call to undefined method WC_Coupon::get_meta() [WC 2.6.14 or lower]
* Fix: Import coupons from uploaded file on the server not working
* Fix: Support for coupon field 'Active for x payments' during auto/bulk coupon generation & import [WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.3.0+]
* Tweak: Disable autoload of few options
* Tweak: Loading of class for compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Update: POT file
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.8.6 Nulled Free
2018.12.24 - v3.8.6

* Fix: Sometimes store credit is discounting double than it's actual amount on checkout page [WooCommerce AvaTax]
* Fix: WordPress database error Duplicate entry
* Fix: Store credit used data are not shown in order admin page if that store credit is deleted from the store (Thanks to: Jarrad Grigg)
* Fix: Coupon actions not working when a subscription product is in the cart [WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.3.4+]
* Tweak: Addition of product from coupon actions
* Tweak: Move checking of WooCommerce version from constructor to functions
* Tweak: Code Indentation
* Update: Initialization of Smart Coupons plugin
* Update: Number of arguments for hook 'woocommerce_coupon_is_valid'
* Update: Context for logging errors for Smart Coupons plugin
* Update: POT file
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.8.5 Nulled Free
2018.11.28 - version 3.8.5

* New: Shortcode [wc_sc_available_coupons] to show available coupons on any page or post
* Fix: Sometimes while purchasing variable but fixed amount store credit, "Send coupons to..." section not visible on checkout page & also the coupons are not generated
* Fix: Theme's button style not applying on shop page for products which are created for purchasing credit
* Fix: Duplicate key error on inserting a value in table
* Fix: Coupons remain visible even after disabling the show on cart/checkout option
* Update: POT file
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.8.2 Nulled Free
2018.11.14 - version 3.8.2

* Fix: Discounts applied from the store credit getting multiplied everytime when the page is refreshed, when "Apply before tax" setting of Smart Coupons is enabled
* Fix: Sometimes the store credit is not showing discount applied in cart, it's displaying the discount as 0.00
* Fix: Coupon with actions defined are not visible on cart, checkout & my account page when the coupon's amount is zero
* Developer: Filter to handle display of zero amount coupon
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.8.1 Nulled Free
2018.11.06 - version 3.8.1

* New: WooCommerce 3.5.1 compatibility
* Fix: Searching coupon in shortcode pop-up is showing duplicate results
* Fix: New coupon designs not applying on preview of coupon in shortcode pop-up
* Fix: On removing coupon from checkout page, available coupon list not refreshing
* Fix: On clicking coupon, there's no indication of whether coupon is applying or not
* Fix: Broken HTML code in emails when the order is fully paid by store credit
* Fix: Logging error for WC lower than 3.0.0
* Fix: 'Coupon Receiver Detail' form on checkout page not showing correctly on few themes
* Update: Improved CSS for 'Coupon Receiver Detail' form on checkout page
* Update: sample.csv
* Update: POT File
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.8.0 Nulled Free
2018.10.25 - version 3.8.0

* New: Customizable Coupon designs
* Fix: Restrict single-use coupon to biling email address of guest user
* Fix: Correction in function arguments
* Fix: Show/hide of coupon not working correctly on checkout page
* Fix: Responsiveness of Welcome page
* Update: POT File
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.7.2 Nulled Free
2018.10.18 - version 3.7.2

* Fix: Store Credit not applying discount on manual renewal (WooCommerce Subscriptions)
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.7.0 Nulled Free
2018.10.08 - version 3.7.0

* New: Single usage coupon for new user only
* New: Manage number of characters in auto generated coupon code
* New: Rename "Store Credit/ Gift Certificate"
* Fix: Import notice not showing when importing coupons in bulk
* Fix: Incompatibility with PHP 7 which resulted in store credit not deducting on order placement
* Fix: Not showing "Free shipping coupons"
* Fix: Coupon codes having spaces not working when applied by 1-click, showing message "Coupon does not exists"
* Fix: Formatting (HTML encoding) to coupon code causing incorrect linking of the coupon to the product
* Fix: Fallback for text domain which was causing fatal error in some cases
* Fix: Duplicate deduction from store credit [TaxJar]
* Fix: Incorrect discount calculation by store credit [AvaTax]
* Fix: Store credit coupon is not being applied correctly when a Mix and Match product is in the cart [Mix and Match product] IS#80
* Tweak: UI improvements in settings for Smart Coupons labels
* Tweak: Tool to clear cache
* Tweak: Better handling of Smart Coupons cache
* Tweak: Clear cache on deactivation
* Update: sample.csv file
* Update: POT File
Download WooCommerce Smart Coupons v3.6.0 Nulled Free
2018.09.04 - v3.6.0

* New: WordPress Coding Standard
* Fix: Link for Smart Coupons settings, which appears in admin notice, pointing to wrong page
* Fix: Store credit of 0 is visible on cart/checkout page
* Fix: Setting 'Apply before tax' not working for orders created manually from backend
* Fix: Checkbox 'Send coupons on renewals' doesn't hide even if there are no coupons linked
* Fix: Checkbox 'Apply before tax' remains checked on checking the checkbox 'Use store credit applied in first subscription...'
* Fix: When multiple store credits were applied from backend then removal of any one store credit was restoring balance to all other store credits
* Update: POT File

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