WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On

WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v5.1.18

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Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.13 Nulled Free
= v4.3.13 (Date: October 07, 2022) =

- Adds Inventory Management module
- Adds Coupon Code limitation feature
- Adds ACF and Metabox support in Post feed
- Adds Salesforce sandbox support
- Adds min function to calculations
- Improves PHP 8 support
- Improves Quiz module
- Improves Google Sheet integration
- Fixes Webhook <br> tag
- Fixes HubSpot custom field issue
- Fixes BuddyBoss user registration issue
- Fixes elementor popup for conditional fields
= 4.3.12 (Date: September 01, 2022) =
- Improves translation for reciept page
- Fixes Resend email notification custom recipient bug
- Fixes pending payment entry count of additional shortcode
- Fixes BuddyBoss nickname issue
- Fixes Zoho CRM: Customized Lead Status Issue
- Fixes Rich Text input not working in modal
- Fixes Step Form previous session bug
- Fixes popup issue for Elementor with conversational form
- Fixes user update password issue
- Fixes image upload button issue
- Fixes Conversational form Phone field country code issue
- Fixes Rating field option editing bug
- Fixes Quiz field randomize issue
- Fixes Conversational form payment bug
- Fixes iPhone image upload issue conversational form
- Fixes Step form issue with submit button
= 4.3.10 (Date: August 04, 2022) =
- Adds Save & Resume form submission
- Adds Rich Text Input
- Adds Insightly Integration
- Adds Mailster Integration
- Adds Airtable Multiple table connection
- Adds email notification for Pending Payment
- Improves Quiz Module
- Improves Post Update with ACF
- Improves User Update with meta fields
- Improves failed integration notification email
- Fixes Signature field placement issue
- Fixes HubSpot API update issue
- Fixe User Registration password reset email issue
- Fixes Step form data save issue with Checkable Grid field
- Fixes Coupon Code issue
- Fixes ACF image upload with media upload
- Fixes Constant Contact Issue
- Fixes br tag issue in Twilio
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.9 Nulled
= 4.3.9 (Date: JULY 04, 2022) =

- Adds Resizeable Container Width
- Adds hCaptcha in conversational form
- Improves Regex pattern Condition
- Adds User Profile Update with Fluent Forms (Pro)
- Adds Partial Entry bulk delete (Pro)
- Fixes confirmation message responsive issue
- Fixes conditional logic empty issue
- Fixes form duplicate issue
- Fixes auto captcha option issue with Custom Submit Button
- Fixes tooltip issue
- Fixes Range Slider broken issue for multiple uses on the same page (Pro)
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.8 Nulled Free
= v4.3.8 (Date: June 02, 2022) =

- Fixes Post update taxonomy issue
- Adds MailJet integration
- Fixes Pipedrive custom field issue
- Fixes zero custom payment issue
- Fixes payment styling issue
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.7 Nulled Free
= v4.3.7 (Date: May 20, 2022) =

- Adds Airtable setup validation
- Fixes CPT selection issue for Post Update
- Fixes license error notice display issue
- Fixes smart dropdown style issue
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.6 Nulled Free
= v4.3.6 (Date: May 19, 2022) =

- Adds WP Media file upload option
- Adds Airtable integration
- Adds advanced quiz scoring system
- Improves Post update feature
- Improves Paystack integration
- Improves ZohoCRM integration
- Improves Discord integration
- Fixes chained selector issue on Elementor popup
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.5 Nulled
= 4.3.5 (Date: April 22, 2022) =

- Adds Quiz module
- Adds amoCRM integration
- Adds OnePageCRM integration
- Adds Pipedrive integration
- Adds phone number support for ZohoCRM
- Adds other data center support for ZohoCRM
- Adds email notification support for failed integrations
- Adds resubscribe option for MailerLite
- Adds dyanmic default value for payment item
- Adds support for programmatically license management
- Adds smart search for chained select field
- Adds {payment_total} shortcode support on Conversational Form
- Adds Subscription Payment field in Condition Logic groups
- Improves payment item display for radio fields
- Fixes Phone Field validation message for Conversational Form
- Fixes currency position issue for payment items for Conversational Form
- Fixes payment item value zero issue
- Fixes payment method selection issue
- Fixes Stripe donation issue

= 4.3.3 (Date: Mar 18, 2022) =
- Adds Post update feature
- Adds Salesforce integration
- Adds filter for post feed data
- Adds quantity field for Subscription
- Adds field customization option for Slack
- Adds remote CSV upload for Chained Select field
- Improves User Registration module
- Improves Trello integration
- Improves Zoho CRM and ClickSend integrations
- Fixes Address Line 1 duplication for autocomplete
- Fixes BuddyPress bug for Multisite
- Fixes Step Form saved data issue
- Fixes multiple payment method selection bug

= 4.3.2 (Date: Feb 17, 2022) =
- Fixes single payment method bug

= 4.3.1 (Date: Feb 14, 2022) =
- Adds AffiliateWP integration
- Adds Zoho CRM integration
- Adds ClickSend integration
- Adds CleverReach integration
- Adds Phone Number validation message configuration
- Adds conditional block support in PDF Feed
- Fixes payment hooks for FluentCRM
- Fixes custom payment issue for one time billing
- Fixes Phone Field country settings
- Fixes Range Slider width
- Fixes Stripe Subscription meta data
- Fixes Stripe Inline customer information
- Fixes Checkable Grid stat in Entries' Visual Data Report
- Fixes payment issue in Elementor Popup
- Fixes PayPal empty cart issue
- Fixes Salesflare custom fields issue
- Improves partial entry sorting
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Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.3.0 Nulled Free
= v4.3.0 (Date: Jan 18, 2022) =

- Adds Payment Inputs in Conversational Forms
- Adds Checkable Grid Field in Conversational Forms
- Adds File Upload Field in Conversational Forms
- Adds Image Upload Field in Conversational Forms
- Adds Discord integration
- Adds SalesFlare integration
- Adds Address autocomplete with map
- Adds Auto-locate user in address field
- Adds Media Attachment in email notifications
- Adds support for country-wise google autocomplete
- Fixes Stripe subscription trial Days issue
- Fixes Stripe donation issue with subscription
- Improves Customer Billing Address for Payments
Download WP Fluent Forms Pro Add-On v4.2.0 Nulled Free
= v4.2.0 (Date: Sep 01, 2021) =

- Subscription Payments
- Stripe Inline element checkout
- Paystack Payment method
- Razorpay modal payments
- Google Map API integration for Address field
- Manage Payments and subscription for user portal
- New "Stripe Connect" API implementation
- Calculate values with Repeater Field

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