WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro

WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro v.1.5.22

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Bulk Edit and Create User Profiles - WP Sheet Editor - Nulled
Modern Bulk Editor for Users and Profiles, create and edit hundreds of users in a spreadsheet inside wp-admin. Quick edits.

Display all users in a spreadsheet. Edit user profiles like name, email, role, etc.. You can add custom columns for custom fields, so you can edit WooCommerce profiles, buddypress fields, etc.

= Use Cases =
* WooCommerce stores : you can view all your customers in a single page
* BuddyPress : View all profile fields in the spreadsheet
* You want to Create a lot of Users Quickly
* You want to Edit User Profiles Quickly
* You have a website with a lot of Users
* You need to Update User Profiles in Bulk

= Free Features =
* View all your users in a table
* Edit users quickly in a table similar to a spreadsheet
* Sort the users list by name, email, and any profile field
* You can edit all CORE fields in the user profiles:
Email, Username, Password, Role, First name, Last name, description, nicename, website, display name, nickname, rich editing, comment shortcuts, admin color scheme, show admin bar on frontend , language.

= Premium features =
* Bulk Edit BuddyPress Profiles: The spreadsheet shows all custom fields automatically, view and edit all field types.
* WooCommerce Stores: View all customers in a Table or Spreadsheet
* WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Profiles
* WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Shipping Information
* WooCommerce Stores: Edit Customers Billing Information
* WooCommerce Stores: Advanced search for customers.
Find customers by address, city, state, billing info, shipping info, phone, etc.
* Advanced search for Users. Find Users by Email, Role, Sign up date, Custom Fields.
Use multiple search criterias and advanced operators during the search.
* Edit Users with ANY role.
* Edit Administrators, Editors, Authors
* Edit Custom Fields. Add new fields to the bulk editor
* Edit fields in user profiles added by other plugins
* Edit YOAST SEO fields for authors
* Update hundreds of users at once
* And more.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro v.1.5.22

    = V 1.5.22 - 2022-12-15 = * Updated to CORE v2.25.0
  2. WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro v1.5.19

    Download WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro v1.5.19 Nulled Free = v1.5.19 - 2022-08-19 = *...
  3. WP Sheet Editor - User Profile Pro v.1.5.18

    = v.1.5.18 - 2022-07-31 = * Updated to CORE v2.24.18

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