WPML Multilingual CMS WordPress Plugin

WPML Multilingual CMS WordPress Plugin 4.6.11

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# Fixes

  • [wpmlcore-6339] Resolved a catchable fatal error in a conflict with Divi and WordPress SEO
  • [wpmlcore-6332] Fixed the Translation Management wizard which was not showing when Toolset Layouts is active
  • [wpmlcore-6285] Handled an exception in the UI when adding/removing a language
  • [wpmlcore-6284] Refactoring of icl_sitepress_settings which resolves exceptions occuring in some user setups
Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.2.0 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
# Features

* [wpmlcore-6192] Added Galician language
* [wpmlcore-5811] Implemented integration for the new Cornerstone version
* [wpmlcore-4111] Added Bengali support
* [wpmlcore-2041] Prevent users from changing site's language under Settings/General when WPML is active

# Fixes
* [wpmlcore-6319] Fixed PHP warning when trying to deal with "_elementor_css" field
* [wpmlcore-6314] Fix the notice error during importing data from xml file
* [wpmlcore-6299] Do not display inactive language content info during the first setup wizard
* [wpmlcore-6297] Fixed deprecated uses of strpos() in php 7.3
* [wpmlcore-6293] Resolved an exception where wpml_resolved_url_persist option returns an empty string resulting in PHP errors
* [wpmlcore-6289] Fixed Deprecated: strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future
* [wpmlcore-6287] Fix the error caused by invalid variable initialization when flag url is being retrieved
* [wpmlcore-6279] Fixed compatibility issue with Elementor when loading a compatibility class without Elementor plugin being active
* [wpmlcore-6269] Fixed compatibility issue with PHP 5.3.x when using preg_match_all
* [wpmlcore-6247] Fixed the failing REST requests when WP is installed in a subdir and default language in a directory
* [wpmlcore-6237] Elementor Price List description changed to Area instead of Visual
* [wpmlcore-6228] Elementor Pro - Email content from the Form widget is available for translation now
* [wpmlcore-6209] Fixed issue when adding a new widget in an Elementor Template
* [wpmlcore-6190] Bug fixed with custom fields settings when filtered or paged
* [wpmlcore-6174] Added the integration with strip-the-category-base Yoast option
* [wpmlcore-6164] [wordpress-seo] Move 'posts' page to post sitemap and add custom post type archive translations
* [wpmlcore-6129] Fixed issue with nested CDATA in xliff files.
* [wpmlcore-6106] Fixed compatibility issue with Avada when saving a container translation using the classic editor
* [wpmlcore-5408] Fixed styling issues in WPML Wizard for RTL languages
* [wpmlcore-5219] Update of Punjabi language's flag
* [wpmlcore-2526] Redirect to a proper taxonomy url when an original taxonomy slug is used in a secondary language
* [wpmlcore-2128] Load some WPML resources only on required pages
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# Fixes

* [wpmlcore-6246] Make link to how to translate Gutenberg open in a new browser tab
* [wpmlcore-6243] Fixed an infinite redirection when the URL contains the REST URL prefix
* [wpmlcore-6225] Removed jQuery dependency from the browser redirect script (fixes `Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined`)
* [wpmlcore-6221] Fixed an issue assignin a category in the wrong language with Enfold
* [wpmlcore-6218] Fixed a PHP Notice thrown on the post edit screen for an Elementor page.
* [wpmlcore-6211] Fixed the duplicated string in Beaver Builder translation job.
* [wpmlcore-6201] Fixed an issue with Divi global sections losing translations after page update
* [wpmlcore-6200] Stopped converting system admin notices to block editor notices
* [wpmlcore-6196] Fixed issue with Elementor's maintenance mode when ST isn't active
* [wpmlcore-6189] Fixed the Divi global module strings which should be displayed only in the global module's translation job
* [wpmlcore-6127] HTML validator is added
* [wpmlcore-6067] Fixed a canonical redirection for translated paged content and lang as parameter
* [wpmlcore-6026] Fixed error when adding an attachment into a hierarchical post
* [wpmlcore-5972] Fixed the widget titles which were not translated in WPBakery "widgetised sidebar"
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# Fixes
* [wpmlcore-6172] Fix Standard Admin Notices to be converted on Block Editor page if no WPML Admin Notices is being Displayed
* [wpmlcore-6160] Fix issue with ARMember plugin and WP 5.0 while accessing the wp admin panel
* [wpmlcore-6158] Fix a console error with Disable Gutenberg plugin
* [wpmlcore-6155] Fix error when Admin notices aren't shown in Block Editor when using the Classic Editor plugin
* [wpmlcore-6123] Fixed issue when saving a duplicated post
* [wpmlcore-5239] Fixed a compatibility issue with Elementor when displaying the "Coming Soon" template
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Reactions: tonimueller
Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.1.2 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
# Fixes

* [wpmlcore-6147] Fixed a backtrace error thrown with PHP 5.3
* [wpmlcore-6134] Fixed a fatal error with Elementor and Beaver Builder when editing a WooCommerce product variations
* [wpmlcore-6131] Fixed an exception where WPML was preventing TinyMCE from loading in Text Widgets
* [wpmlcore-6120] Fix problem where PB translations cannot be updated using native WP editor
* [wpmlcore-6119] Fixed fatal error when trying to get a non-existent translation
* [wpmlcore-6112] Fix wrong filter name to support global templates conditions in Elementor.
* [wpmlcore-5968] Fixed issue with previous/next pagination links in Elementor
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Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.1.1 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
# Fixes

* [wpmlcore-6116] Fixed a JS error when editing a post using the WP classic editor
thanks to @purity
Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.1.0 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free

# Features
* [wpmlcore-5923] Added ability to translate Gutenberg's media blocks
* [wpmlcore-5890] Provide a meaningful message when Advanced Translation Editor activation fails.
* [wpmlcore-5873] Added Compatibility with Tiny Compress Images plugin
* [wpmlcore-5803] Extended Elementor integration to accept modules with multiple repeater fields
* [wpmlcore-5791] Added feature allowing users to translate images in non-translatable blocks for Beaver Builder
* [wpmlcore-5790] Filter added to prevent publicizing of a duplicate
* [wpmlcore-5766] Implemented feature for selecting which sub-keys of custom fields should be translated
* [wpmlcore-5693] Implemented a feature for handling page builder pages which don't contain translatable elements in order to avoid sending the entire post content, but copying it instead
* [wpmlcore-5690] Fixed missing language column in Fusion Builder's library.
* [wpmlcore-5666] Added WP endpoints support
* [wpmlcore-5231] Compatibility: Unblock MO files for "gutenberg" text domain.
* [wpmlcore-4875] Fixed exception occurring when translating a post that was previously handled with a page-builder

# Fixes
* [wpmlcore-6078] Resolved Javascript errors with Yoast SEO when used with WordPress' classic editor
* [wpmlcore-6071] Added compatibility for the Quote and Pullquote blocks of Gutenberg
* [wpmlcore-6070] Allowed translation of emojis in the classic translation editor
* [wpmlcore-6051] Fixed an issue with synced sticky posts when in translated mode but not actually translated
* [wpmlcore-6050] Fixed issue where sticky post status isn't copied over to translations
* [wpmlcore-6030] Moved the Minor Edit checbkox inside WPML's metabox in order to ensure compatibility with Gutenberg
* [wpmlcore-6021] Fixed database error when translating a page having Gutenberg active and Translation Management inactive
* [wpmlcore-6016] Fixed a Gutenberg compatibility issue which was causing a message related to duplicated posts to not be displayed
* [wpmlcore-6013] Fixed a 404 page when a secondary language page is accessed with the source slug and the display as translated mode is active.
* [wpmlcore-6008] Fixed the taxonomy terms list in Gutenberg editor used in a secondary language.
* [wpmlcore-6005] Fixed issue with the Browser Redirection feature which was doing unnecessary redirection on english pages to the english language
* [wpmlcore-6001] .mo file for Ukrainian language renamed since we adjusted locale to uk
* [wpmlcore-5988] Fixed the support of the Gutenberg cover block which name was changed
* [wpmlcore-5967] Fixed an issue with translated terms not being assigned in translations of posts created with Gutenberg
* [wpmlcore-5962] Improved usability and feel of WPML's tooltips
* [wpmlcore-5958] Fix canonical links on archive page for secondary languages
* [wpmlcore-5929] Fixed an issue with Elementor links which were not converted
* [wpmlcore-5839] Fixed an issue with the language meta-box not being refreshed when creating a page with Gutenberg
* [wpmlcore-5773] Removed Translation Media settings section from WPML Settings screen when attachment is set as not translated
* [wpmlcore-5772] Resolved problem with trailing slash management
* [wpmlcore-5702] Fixed a performance issue while deleting attachments in bulk
* [wpmlcore-5629] Fixed issue when displaying media items and in WPML it is set as not translatable
* [wpmlcore-5575] Disable media features when "attachment" is not translatable.
* [wpmlcore-5337] Fixed possible query errors when a theme or a plugin uses the same table aliases used by WPML
* [wpmlcore-5325] Fixed issue with Copying original content when Gutenberg is used
Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.0.8 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
# Fixes

* [wpmlcore-5893] Fix an error in BuddyPress when applying WP filter `page_link`
* [wpmlcore-5887] Fix the flag fo both traditional and simplified Chinese
* [wpmlcore-5884] Fixed fatal error when accessing Translation Feedback having the Translation Management disabled
* [wpmlcore-5883] Fix ajax call to get the current admin url in case the user change it
* [wpmlcore-5876] Fix icons in "How to Translate" links
* [wpmlcore-5875] Fixed issue when getting posts inside of an ajax call and modifying the "term" clause
* [wpmlcore-5863] Fixed "How to translate" link in order to redirect user to documentation when user doesn't allow WPML to share compatibility information from the local site with OTGS servers
* [wpmlcore-5832] Updated flag for Arabic language
* [wpmlcore-5829] Fixed issue when getting the host from the HTTP_HOST global for filtering the site_url
* [wpmlcore-5827] Fixed an issue which prevented updating the translation status when a Toolset Layout was modified
* [wpmlcore-5820] Fix catchable fatal error when term_id is different from term_taxonomy_id, and taxonomy is displayed as translated
* [wpmlcore-5793] Fix an issue which prevent Elementor to open in secondary language
* [wpmlcore-5780] Fixed issue when converting URL which contains a port number
* [wpmlcore-5291] Fixed an issue with the dollar sign in the page builder translation.
* [wpmlcore-5285] Removed the notice to activate the translation feedback for sites uprgrading from WPML < 3.8.0
* [wpmlcore-326] Fixed the missing custom types in the inactive contents
* [wpmlcore-3148] Fix locale code for Ukrainian and Nepali Languages
* [wpmlcore-2393] Fixed same-name taxonomy term is not displayed in term translation
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Download WPML Multilingual CMS v4.0.7 WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
# Features
* [wpmlcore-4676] Fixed issue when assigning language information to posts created through inner post insertion
# Fixes
* [wpmlcore-5796] Fix compatibility issues with WP Super Cache
* [wpmlcore-5795] Resolved fatal error with Toolset Views in the front-end happening with WPML 4.0.6
* [wpmlcore-5785] Fixed an issue which sometimes prevents translation of Avada's global items.
* [wpmlcore-5782] Relevant check performed to avoid notice
* [wpmlcore-5777] Fixed fatal error when WP Bakery custom grid item is not a valid numeric ID.
* [wpmlcore-5776] Fixed a fatal error when a term has the same slug in different languages and term ID is different than taxonomy term ID.
* [wpmlcore-5775] Added missing quick-link for Media translation settings in the Settings page
* [wpmlcore-5768] Fixed an issue preventing the translation to be saved for WP versions < 4.7.0.
* [wpmlcore-5756] Handled possible communication errors between WPML and ATE
* [wpmlcore-5752] Notices are suppressed by relevant checks
* [wpmlcore-5708] Resolved Compatibility issue with Avada's global items when updating them from a standard page
* [wpmlcore-5687] Fixed by finding page with exact slug and setting it as best match
* [wpmlcore-5647] Added support to translate global templates conditions in Elementor.
* [wpmlcore-5190] Fixed the WPML setup notice which was displayed for non-administrators.
WPML Multilingual CMS v4.0.6
# Features
* [wpmlcore-5714] Introduced the filter hook `wpml_ls_template_paths`.
* [wpmlcore-5706] Add an option to allow translation of raw HTML in page builders.
* [wpmlcore-5701] Integrated Elementor WP text widget module
* [wpmlcore-5700] Added hooks for customising the behaviour of the browser logic
* [wpmlcore-5692] Add WP Super Cache support for registering cookies which can be configured to be cached
* [wpmlcore-5375] Add support for Avada global elements.

# Fixes
* [wpmlcore-5750] Fixed issue where the translation of a Gutenberg post also added with Gutenberg isn't linked with the original post
* [wpmlcore-5719] Resolved exception resulting to 500 error when changing status of WooCommerce shop page
* [wpmlcore-5709] Fixed the translation not displaying on frontend when Enfold page builder's page is translated with ATE.
* [wpmlcore-5707] Resolved improper canonical link translation with Yoast SEO
* [wpmlcore-5704] Add support for custom grid translation in Visual Composer.
* [wpmlcore-5695] Resolved fatal error "Call to undefined function get_user_by()" with Core network install
* [wpmlcore-5688] New "wpml_custom_fields_sync_option_updated" action for updating custom fields sync preferences
* [wpmlcore-5680] The script controlling the translation services list shouldn't be loaded when that list is not rendered
* [wpmlcore-5677] Do not run the posts' translation update logic when updating the post from the front-end (e.g., when purchasing a product which updates the stock)
* [wpmlcore-5664] Included WPML version when enqueueing language cookie scripts
* [wpmlcore-5662] Strings with former `wpml-media` text domain updated with `sitepress`
* [wpmlcore-5661] Resolved exception with Apache and the .htaccess file when changing language on the permalinks page
* [wpmlcore-5660] Fixed issue when submitting a form from Contact Forms 7 having WPML language set as directory
* [wpmlcore-5659] Resolved exception when using languages per domains and creating a page in the secondary language/domain using Elementor
* [wpmlcore-5656] Do not display the translation editor prompt when activating a page builder and an editor is already selected
* [wpmlcore-5646] Fixed fatal error in WPML > Languages page
* [wpmlcore-5633] Fixed extra slash in flags upload folder when domain per languages activated
* [wpmlcore-5630] Resolved exception preventing user from creating a sticky post when posts are set as non-translatable
* [wpmlcore-5606] Fix problem with loading Elementor global widgets
* [wpmlcore-5591] Resolved bug in Media duplication wizard resulting in an endless AJAX process
* [wpmlcore-5581] Prevent database errors when concurrent requests try to initialize post's languages
* [wpmlcore-5570] Fixed a broken GUI on the upload page with a lang parameter.
* [wpmlcore-5560] Fixed error when registering a string and sending a translation job notification
* [wpmlcore-5470] Fixed an error which prevented from saving page builder with a long text.
* [wpmlcore-5464] Added hreflang in empty categories archives pages
* [wpmlcore-5445] Show media from source language post in translated post for featured image
* [wpmlcore-5443] Fixed issue not letting WooCommerce users edit any customer's detail of an order
* [wpmlcore-5191] Resolved exception with Widget not being displayed in the frontend when using register_widget
* [wpmlcore-5180] Do not display the languages column in non-translatable post types
* [wpmlcore-5091] Limit the terms shown in the "Taxonomy translations" screen to avoid running out of memory
* [wpmlcore-4785] Fixed an issue that prevented us from adding a widget wia WP-CLI.

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