WPML Translation Management Addons

WPML Translation Management Addons v2.10.8

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# Features
* [wpmltm-3149] Post type added to the header of xliff file
* [wpmltm-3139] Added an option to switch between native editor and translation editor on the post edit page
* [wpmltm-3122] Add the translator notes when creating xliff files
* [wpmltm-2984] Include a link to Advanced Translation Editor in translators' emails notifications

# Fixes
* [wpmltm-831] Load some WPML Translation Management resources only on required pages
* [wpmltm-3198] Fixed an issue where Divi posts created without title couldn't have proper translation assigned to them
* [wpmltm-2983] Improved output feedback when a network error occurs between WPML and the Advanced Translation Editor
* [wpmltm-2970] Improved the parsing of shortcode strings when mixed with other nested shortcodes.
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# Fixes
* [wpmltm-3128] Resolved an exception causing a database error in the Translation Management dashboard
* [wpmltm-1851] Fixed an issue with filtering in Translation Management dashboard preventing users from seeing what needs translation but excluding the duplicates
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# Fixes
* [wpmltm-3135] Fixed small issue with post id in ATE
* [wpmltm-3085] Fixed issue with disappeared system fields in pagination
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# Fixes

* [wpmltm-3068] Tooltips are empty in the translation basket
* [wpmltm-3046] Prevent fatal error when trying to export XLIFF files with no jobs
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# Features
* [wpmltm-2732] Included word count summary in the Translation Basket
* [wpmltm-2703] Added ability to filter the already translated fields under Classic Translation Editor

# Fixes
* [wpmltm-3012] .mo file for Ukrainian language renamed since we adjusted locale to uk
* [wpmltm-2977] Fixed an issue which was preventing export of translation memory when switching from Classic to Advanced translation editor
* [wpmltm-2891] Added fix allowing translation managers to de-activate a translation service preselected as preferred in wpml.org
* [wpmltm-2825] Improved the basket notice with a "done" button redirecting to the dashboard (instead of an automatic redirection)
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# Features

* [wpmltm-2794] Improved user's search in Translation Roles dialog
# Fixes
* [wpmltm-2182] Fixed several issues with the basket name (HTML entities in blog name + multi-bytes and quotes support).
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# Fixes

* [wpmltm-2790] Fixed notice when sending Toolset Layout for translation
* [wpmltm-2733] Target filter modified to allow blank string.
WPML Translation Management Addon v2.6.6
# Fixes
* [wpmltm-2757] Fixed issue with ATE when translating a post originally created in the non-default language
* [wpmltm-2754] Do not insert `<br class="xliff-newline" />` inside HTML tags in XLIFF files.
* [wpmltm-2747] Avoided auto include for translation of native WP categories and tags
* [wpmltm-2734] Fixed issue wrongly changing status of original products when stock is set
* [wpmltm-2730] Adjusted text-domain in one place so that translations can appear
* [wpmltm-2727] Fixed issue when translating custom fields with similar names
* [wpmltm-2708] Added integration to Elementor Countdown module
* [wpmltm-2707] Added integration to Elementor Testimonial Carousel module
* [wpmltm-2706] Added integration for Elementor Animated headline after text field
* [wpmltm-2689] Fixed an issue to activate a non-public translation service.
* [wpmltm-2688] Fixed issue when sending overdue jobs email
* [wpmltm-2675] Fixed issue which was avoiding the Translation Management Wizard to complete in sites with languages configured as folder
* [wpmltm-2631] Prevent "Manage translator subscriptions" link to be used twice
# Features
* [wpmltm-2701] Added highlighting for already translated fields in the translation editor
* [wpmltm-2699] Implemented Translation Memory feature for exported XLIFF files. Now if a string has already been previously translated, its translation will be pre-populated in the XLIFF files
* [wpmltm-2597] Added grouping for Translation Services in the respective tab of Translation Management

# Fixes
* [wpmltm-2696] Fixed the translated terms included in the translation job regardless of related setting.
WPML Translation Management v2.6.4 Addon
# Fixes
* [wpmltm-2647] Fixed performance issue caused by the word count
* [wpmltm-2645] Fixed JavaScript errors occurring on WPML pages in IE 11

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