WPML WooCommerce Multilingual Addons

WPML WooCommerce Multilingual Addons 5.3.6

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# Features

* [wcml-3637] Make products "not-translatable" until the WCML setup is complete (compatibility with the "translate everything" mode).

# Fixes
* [wcml-3648] Adjusted the WC pages creation process for the "Translate Everything" mode.
* [wcml-3646] Fixed the Installer not loading from WCML.
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# Fixes

* [wcml-3598] Temporary fix for dashboard widget.
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# Fixes

* [wcml-3550] Fixed the product term REST handler when `term_id` and `term_taxonomy_id` are different.
* [wcml-3542] Fixed a fatal error thrown for REST request on Windows servers.
* [wcml-3524] Synchronise product data to translations when updating via REST.

# Compatibility
* [wcml-3588] Prevented an infinite recursion error with Stripe Gateway and Point of Sale addons.
* [wcml-3565] Fix Minimum WooCommerce version to 3.9 at Plugin's Header Comments.
* [wcml-3527] Fixed the missing attributes in the REST response for creating product variations with the "display as translated" mode.

# Usability
* [wcml-3574] Fixed a 404 error when displaying an order from the client account in the secondary language.
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# Fixes - Thanks To @TassieNZ
* [wcml-3532] Fixed a fatal error when the currency order is not properly set.
* [wcml-3526] Fixed a possible bug in product bundles synchronization.
* [wcml-3515] Handled different type of order objects in REST api when querying for orders.

# Compatibility
* [wcml-3530] Fixed a fatal error with WC Accommodation Bookings.
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# Features - Thanks To @TassieNZ

* [wcml-2225] Add Rest API support for more compatibility, like taxonomies, product variations, reports etc.

# Fixes
* [wcml-3487] Fixed missing product tabs comming from WooCommerce Tab Manager plugin.
* [wcml-3473] Better compatibility with plugins that manipulate the cart.
* [wcml-3426] Fixed not working product category order synchronization between languages.
* [wcml-3421] Fixed shipping country used instead of billing one when checkout.
* [wcml-3394] Increase minimum Woocommerce version to 3.9.0.
* [wcml-3390] Fixed error for "Fix translated variations relationships" troubleshooting option.
* [wcml-3389] Woocommerce Analytics Dashboard now will not display translated products separately.
* [wcml-3374] Added noindex/nofollow to all reviews page and link redirecting to it (filterable with wcml_noindex_all_reviews_page filter).
* [wcml-3343] Fixed not translated payment gateway title in new order admin email.
* [wcml-3315] Set default language for orders while installation.
* [wcml-3313] Handling warning for rating for newly translated products.
* [wcml-3188] [WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing] Fix advanced category rules.

# Compatibility
* [wcml-3464] Fixed not translated heading paid for Customer Invoice e-mail.
* [wcml-3435] Fixed all products block in secondary language.
* [wcml-3350] Override template only if it was not overriden before that.
* [wcml-3337] Added compatibility class for WOOF - WooCommerce Products Filter plugin.
* [wcml-3319] Fixed comment synchronization on duplicate content does not copy metadata of WooCommerce.
* [wcml-3289] Translate Composite Products scenario IDs data .
* [wcml-3198] Added a notice when multi-currency feature is enabled and an active cache plugin is detected.

# Performances
* [wcml-3312] Fixed huge loading time for "Pay for order" Woocommerce page.

# Usability
* [wcml-3385] Fixed an undue warning popup when leaving the multi-currency settings page.
* [wcml-3383] Make the currency switcher to appear on 'my account' page.
* [wcml-3290] Fixing the link to edit translation in WooCommerce Translation Editor.
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# Fixes

* [wcml-3443] Fixed currency switcher modal has lost its padding.
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# Fixes

* [wcml-3366] Fixed the regular price displays as on sale for secondary currency.
* [wcml-3365] Fixed JS error on Woocommerce->Emails settings page.
* [wcml-3358] Fixed wrong shipping country returned for non-logged in users for gateways limiter.
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# Features

* [wcml-3352] Replace usage of `jQuery.attr` with `jQuery.prop` for `disabled`, `selected`, `readonly`.

# Fixes
* [wcml-3347] Fixed missed variations for German and Danish languages.
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# Features

* [wcml-3156] Currencies and payment options based on location.

# Fixes
* [wcml-3323] Fixed notice after WooCommerce Currency was changed.
* [wcml-3293] Fixed not translated partial refunded email heading and subject.
* [wcml-3279] Fixed the WC Bookings email string not updated in the settings screen.
* [wcml-3278] Fixed a PHP notice when one language is not set inside the currency languages settings.
* [wcml-3266] Fixed a fatal error with MercadoPago addon on WC Settings page.
* [wcml-3265] Fixed the usage of `wp_safe_redirect` and `wp_redirect` and take into account the returned value before to exit.
* [wcml-3258] Fixed empty attribute label for translations.
* [wcml-3255] Fix Redis cache when using Display as Translated mode and creating a variable product.
* [wcml-3246] Fixed a PHP Notice for some custom fields showing in the classic translation editor.
* [wcml-3236] Fixed the filter on wc_get_product_terms returning term names instead of slugs.
* [wcml-3214] Fixed multiple "Low stock" emails are not received by the admin.
* [wcml-3199] Fixed attribute label translation in German as a secondary language.
* [wcml-3130] Fixed not ended sale price in secondary currency if same sale dates uses from default.
* [wcml-2673] Fixed our gateways initialization on `wp_loaded` action.

# Compatibility
* [wcml-3268] Fixed the WC Bookings reminder email that was sent in the wrong language.
* [wcml-3267] Fixed the WC Bookings email reminders sent multiple times.
* [wcml-3248] Fixed an issue creating empty "_gravity_form_data" post meta on product translation.
* [wcml-3211] Fixed no products on secondary language shop page if default language shop page contains special symbols.

# Performances
* [wcml-3245] Fixed a performance issue due to comments filtering.

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