Advanced Form for Magento 2 By Magesolution


New member
Apr 22, 2019
Are you seeking a super time-saving tool to build any web forms ?Then Advanced Form for Magento 2 by Magesolution is the perfect one for you. This versatile tool allows administrator to create limitless types of form and place it anywhere on your website you want. This means that you can create everything like feedback, customer satisfaction surveys, contact forms, quotation form and more to gather customer information for your marketing needs.
As an administrator, you can easily design your own forms with 11 super exciting input types for each field such as : text, text area, file, image, drop-down, radio, checkbox, multiple select, date, store view, product ..etc
And much more outstanding features can be discovered on our detailed description page:
Advanced Form — Features
  • Unlimited number of forms created


  • Automatically create email template, meanwhile, the form is being created


  • Generate display page while creating form
  • 11 super exciting input types for each field (text, text area, file, image, drop-down, radio, checkbox, multiple select, date, store view, product) to choose





  • Support data storage and sending mail after form is submitted.


  • Ability to configure Send mail panel with email template, recipients and fields to reply


  • Allow to add CAPTCHA code to form
  • Allow to configure Display page similar to creating a CMS page
  • Allow to create your own template to display the form using available shortcodes

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