Asset CleanUp Pro - Best Performance WordPress Plugin

Asset CleanUp Pro - Best Performance WordPress Plugin v1.2.5.2

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  • WordPress 6.3 compatibility: Updated the code to avoid the following notice: “Function WP_Scripts::print_inline_script is deprecated since version 6.3.0”
  • “WPML Multilingual CMS” plugin compatibility: Syncing post changes on all its associated translated posts / e.g. if you unload an asset on a page level in /contact/ (English) page, it will also be unloaded (synced) in /contacto/ (Spanish) and /kontakt/ (German) pages
  • “WP Rocket” plugin compatibility: “Settings” — “Optimize JavaScript” — “Combine loaded JS (JavaScript) into fewer files” is automatically disabled when the following option is turned on in “WP Rocket”: “File Optimization” — “JavaScript Files” — “Delay JavaScript execution”
  • “Hide My WP Ghost – Security Plugin” plugin compatibility: Asset CleanUp’s HTML alteration is done before the one of the security plugin so minify/combine CSS/JS will work fine
  • “Site Kit by Google” plugin compatibility: JavaScript files from this plugin are added to the ignore list to avoid minifying as they are already minified (with just a few extra comments) and minifying them again, due to their particular structure, resulted in JS errors in the
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* Added "wp wpacu update" CLI command to be used in updating the plugin, in case the most recent version doesn't show yet in the list from "wp plugin list" (basically, it attempts a "force" download of the latest version)
* Fix: "JavaScript" was shown instead of "stylesheet" when specific unload rules were applied
* Fix: Make sure the right message is shown to the popup that has a loading spinner (e.g. when the rules from "Plugins Manager" were all turned off, the message from clearing the cache was shown instead)
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- 27 February 2024
* "Plugins Manager": Allow the option to unload a plugin depending on the logged-in user role (e.g. for a "subscriber" that has access to the Dashboard, specific plugins that you know are useless for this type of user, could be unloaded to make the Dashboard load faster)
* CSS/JS manager: When the "src" of a SCRIPT tag or "href" of a LINK tag starts with "data:text/javascript;base64," and "data:text/css;base64," respectively, a note will be shown with the option to view the decoded CSS/JS code
* Improvement: Added the option to change the way the assets are retrieved ("Direct" as if the admin is visiting the page / "WP Remote POST" as if a guest is visiting the page) from the CSS & JS manager within the Dashboard (for convenience, to avoid going through the "Settings" as it was the case so far)
* Fix: In some environments, the tags with "as" attribute were not properly detected (e.g. when "DOMDocument" is not enabled by default in the PHP configuration)
== Changelog ==

= <strong></strong> - 9 November 2023

* Rank Math & other SEO plugins compatibility: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering, thus saving extra resources, whenever URIs such as /sitemap_index.xml are loaded to avoid altering the XML structure or generate 404 not found errors
* Plugins Manager: Make sure the user roles from "If the logged-in user has any of these roles:" are translated into the language chosen for the current admin to avoid any confusion (e.g. if the language chosen in the admin's profile is German, then show "Abonnent" instead of "Subscriber")
* CSS/JS Minifier: Prevent calling @is_file() when it's not the case to avoid on specific environments errors such as: "is_file(): open_basedir restriction in effect"
== Changelog ==

v1.2.4.6 - 28 October 2023

* Preload CSS feature: When a .css file is preloaded (Basic), the "media" attribute is preserved if it's not missing and different than "all"
* "Rank Math SEO" & "Premmerce" plugin compatibility: Prevent Asset CleanUp Pro's "Plugins Manager" rules from triggering when the permalinks are updated
* Fix / The preload and stylesheet LINK tags had the same "id" attribute which shouldn't be like that as the "id" should be unique for each HTML element
* Fix / In rare cases, the following error is printed: 'Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: DOMDocument::loadHTML(): Argument #1 ($source) must not be empty within the method "cleanerHtmlSource" inside the "OptimizeCommon" class'
== Changelog ==

= <strong></strong> - 7 October 2023
* Hardcoded assets: They can be moved from <HEAD> to <BODY> and vice-versa just like the enqueued assets
* Hardcoded assets: Can be preloaded, loaded based on the media query, deferred/asynched just like the enqueued assets (for <SCRIPT> tags with the "src" attribute & <LINK> tags with the "href" attribute)
* Hardcoded assets' sorting: The assets are now sorted based on the option chosen in "Assets List Layout:" (e.g. if you sort them by their size, you can view the hardcoded assets from the largest one to the the smallest)
* Styling Improvement: Anything from "Settings" related to removal of something (e.g. Google Fonts) has a new style of the switcher (the styled checkbox), now showing a dark red background; This looks the same as the one from the CSS/JS manager for "Unload on this page".
* Fix: If the following option is set to "Standard" (from "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Accessibility"), make sure that the rule applies to any form field from the plugin, including the <SELECT> one
* Fix: Error message: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, array given in [...]/wpacu.php:185 / This triggered whenever the "page" query string was used as an array / e.g. /wp-admin/admin.php?page[]=value
== Changelog ==

= <strong></strong> - 16 September 2023
* New Option: "Settings" -- "Plugin Usage Preferences" - "Do not load on specific pages" -- "Prevent specific features from Asset CleanUp Pro from triggering on specific pages"; This allows you to stop triggering specific plugin features on certain pages (e.g. you might want to prevent combining JavaScript files on all /product/ (WooCommerce) pages due to some broken functionality on those specific pages)

* Combined CSS/JS improvements: Whenever a file from a plugin or a theme is updated by the developer/admin, there's no need to clear the cache afterwards, as sometimes, users forget about this; the plugin automatically recognizes the change and a new combined CSS/JS is created and re-cached

* Improvement: Fallback for clearing CSS/JS cache when using the top admin bar link; it will just trigger by reloading the page if, for any reason, Asset CleanUp Pro functions fail to load there (e.g. in rare cases, plugin/theme developers prevent 3rd party assets to load on their admin pages for various reasons); this fallback is triggering on admin pages unrelated Asset CleanUp Pro's plugin pages (e.g. a settings page of a different plugin)

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