Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version)

Beaver Builder Plugin (Pro Version) v2.8.3.1

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Decryption key:

  • Remove fix that addresses conflict with Yoast SEO when an image has shortcode in alt text as it was creating issues with shortcodes rendering when using Yoast SEO (#3486)
  • Fix fatal error when using notequals to check for a custom field value
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  • Add class for columns with background images (#1658)
  • Debug: Add history counts (#3323)
  • Clear cache when you import BB settings (#3441)
Bug Fixes

  • Security: Update libraries for MailJet and MailerLite integrations (#3426)
  • Security: Use sanitize_html_class for icon classes where necessary in Icon, Button, Post, Accordion and Pricing Table modules (#3462)
  • Fix container modules not being read by Relevanssi (#3460)
  • Fix not being able to drag into the Box module when it has no padding (#3435)
  • Fix conflict with Yoast SEO when an image has shortcode in alt text (#3468)
  • Countdown Module: Fix styling of field connection window (#3439)
  • Fix issue with ACF Blocks integration where shortcodes in Post Module were returning no data (#3431)
  • Fix fatal error with ACF Color field set tor return RGBA Array (#3389)
  • Fix integration with ClassicPress 2 (#3405)
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  • Fix Global Styles being reset or replaced during upgrade process on Multi-Site installations (#3420)
  • Fix YUI loading an unload listener (#2791)
  • Fix incorrect module position when dropping into a container module (#3383)
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  • Revert: Photo Module fix caption not aligning with image when using a custom width (#2295) as it was causing photo module alignment not to work responsively
  • Dark Mode: Fixed CSS/JS advanced indicator (#3417)
  • Tools: Fixed branding typo for Autoptimize (#3416)
  • Docs: fixed a 404 documentation link (#3398)
  • Menu Module: Fixed fatal error when search is enabled and using Lite version (#3409)
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  • Add copy/paste to parent menu (#3380)
  • Show color value in color picker when clicking a Global connected color (#3367)
  • Photo Module: Add new filter to change the photo link (#356)
  • Add filter to disable the tour option (#1104)
  • Post Module: Add option to disable paged autoscroll (#2219)
  • Add an indicator to Node CSS/JS tabs (#3331)
  • Debug Mode: Add enabled/disabled modules section and previous version info (#3233 & 3314)
  • Add version info to body tag for easier discovery (#2740)
  • Try to detect PHP Memory Limit errors (#3196)
Decryption Key:


  • Security: Add sanitization when echoing class (#3372)
  • Fix fatal error when copying and pasting settings with nested forms when the multiple attribute set to false (#3364)
  • Rank Math: Fix fatal error with versions with AI (#3360)
  • Search Module: Add excerpt option when displaying AJAX search results (#3361)
Decryption key:

  • Security: Use esc_attr on link target in link fields to prevent XSS (#3353)
  • Fix dimension field styling when there is not a unit option (#3340)
  • Legacy UI: Fix nodes hidden on a breakpoint hidden for all breakpoints when in Responsive Editing Mode (#3341
  • Revert fix for Slideshow module not displaying when using default themes (#2967)
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  • Fix submenu delay closing other menus (#3349)
Decyp key:

  • Improved BB Settings Export/Import to use serialization to fix various bugs when importing. Prior exports will not work with the new system. (#3283)
  • Box Module now requires WordPress version 5.2+. Versions below 5.2 will not see the Box Module in the UI (#3226)

  • New keyboard shortcut Shift+R to toggle through breakpoints in reverse order (#3159)
  • Menu Module: add new filters fl_builder_menu_toggle_button and fl_builder_menu_toggle_button to the render-toggle-button function allowing manipulation of the nav element for the flyout menu (#2958)
  • Add delay to overlay submenus to ensure they don't close too quickly (#3309)
  • Add vh as a unit to Box Module fields (#3325)
Decryption key:


  • Fix XSS issue in Button & Button Group Modules when using lightbox (#3306)

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