Calculated Fields Form PRO

Calculated Fields Form PRO v5.8.63

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  • Fixes minor conflicts with the third-party plugin.
  • Implements two new operations, MONTHNAME and WEEKDAYNAME.
  • Fixes a minor issue with the data-cff-field attribute relationship.
  • Fixes an issue in the CAPTCHA module.
  • Encloses the shortcode for results and the shortcode for the results list into DIV tags with classes cff-result and cff-results-list, respectively.
  • Modifies the phone control to allow selecting its size.
  • Improves the integration with SiteGround Optimizer.
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Reactions: tanierlyons
  • Modifies the phone control.
  • Includes a new control to display the form builder at fullscreen.
  • Allows to close the editor associated with the HTML Content editor by pressing the ESC key.
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Reactions: tanierlyons
  • Implements the setPlaceholder method in the fields objects.
  • Modifies the Elementor integration, removing deprecated functions.
  • Includes minor variations in Template 13.
  • Modifies the coupon module.
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Reactions: tanierlyons

  • Includes new form templates.
  • Modifies the default values of the slider fields.
  • Improves the add form process.
  • Includes robots metatags in forms preview and direct forms URLs to prevent being indexed by search engines.
  • Modifies EVALEQUATIONS operations. If the operation is called without any parameter, it evaluates the equations on every form on the page.
  • Allows using the currentFormId text in the HTML Content fields for the current form tag's id.
  • Love
Reactions: tanierlyons
  • Improves the add form process.
  • Includes robots metatags in forms preview and direct forms URLs to prevent being indexed by search engines.
  • Modifies EVALEQUATIONS operations. If the operation is called without any parameter, it evaluates the equations on every form on the page.
  • Allows using the currentFormId text in the HTML Content fields for the current form tag's id.
  • Love
Reactions: tanierlyons
  • Modifies the tags with the data-cff-field attribute to display the information to submit from Dropdown, Radio Buttons, and Checkbox fields.
  • Modifies the values processing in radio buttons and dropdown fields.
  • Love
Reactions: tanierlyons

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