Download Free CountryHolidays - Country Hotel and Bed & Breakfast Nulled ThemeForest 11800971
CountryHolidays is one of the TOP SALES Themeforest Item, suitable for country hotels, accommodations and bed&breakfast. It’s responsive and comes with a booking/check availability form.
Boxed and wide version included.
- Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3 code
- +40 HTML pages
- 3 Home pages (With Video Background - With Revolution slider - With Working PHP/AJAX Booking form with autoresponder)
- Working PHP/AJAX Contact form with antispam protection
- Working PHP/AJAX Newsletter subscription
- Working PHP/AJAX Review/rate submit form
- Boxed and Wide version
- Revolution Slider (Value 14$)
- Site launch BONUS pack: counter plus newsletter subscription
- Fullscreen gallery
- Weather Forecast Widget/plugin
- 2000 Fantastic Icons with Retina support
- Retina ready
- Supported By all major Browsers
- Megamenu
- Google Map
- Google Web Fonts
- Jquery Slider Pro
- Magnific Popup
- Coded with love and attention
- Easy to edit