Divi Supreme - Custom and Creative Divi Modules

Divi Supreme - Custom and Creative Divi Modules v4.9.97.4

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4.9.90 – 06.02.2024

  • Changed: Updated the default Twitter Username to another username on the Divi Embed Twitter Timeline Module. The default username was not loading properly, which prevented it from rendering correctly.
4.9.89 – 01.02.2024

  • Fixed: Addressed an issue where a Popup was not appearing when using the Divi Mega Menu (Divi Engine) due to the Divi Engine structure. Compatibility updates have been implemented to ensure Divi Supreme works seamlessly with even third-party plugins.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where undefined Cookies were causing problems, impacting the functionality of the Exit Intent Popup.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where undefined array is showing up as warning in PHP log for Divi Post Carousel Module.
  • Enhanced: All Divi Carousel modules will now disable a11y options due to accessibility scores, optimizing the overall accessibility of these modules.
4.9.89 – 01.02.2024

  • Fixed: Addressed an issue where a Popup was not appearing when using the Divi Mega Menu (Divi Engine) due to the Divi Engine structure. Compatibility updates have been implemented to ensure Divi Supreme works seamlessly with even third-party plugins.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where undefined Cookies were causing problems, impacting the functionality of the Exit Intent Popup.
  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where undefined array is showing up as warning in PHP log for Divi Post Carousel Module.
  • Enhanced: All Divi Carousel modules will now disable a11y options due to accessibility scores, optimizing the overall accessibility of these modules.
== Changelog ==

4.9.82 – 14.11.2023

  • Added: Carousel Orientation Direction (Vertical/Horizontal) options to all Divi Blog Carousel, Divi Post Carousel, Divi Image Carousel and Divi Card Carousel module.
== Changelog ==

4.9.79 – 03.11.2023

  • Fixed: Resolved an issue where the Header Tag was not rendering correctly in the Visual Builder for the Divi Flipbox Module.
  • Fixed: Addressed a similar issue in the Divi Content Timeline, where the Header Tag was not displaying properly in the Visual Builder.
  • Fixed: Fixed a problem in the Divi Price List Module, where the background color styling for prices was affecting the description content in the Visual Builder.
== Changelog ==

v4.9.65 – 11.08.2023

Fixed:Resolved an issue with the Divi Card Carousel Module where the CSS selector for item padding and margin was not working correctly. This fix ensures that the padding and margin settings for individual items within the Card Carousel Module are applied as expected.

Added: Introduced the “Active State Image & Icon” option to the Divi Advanced Tabs Module. With this addition, users can now customize the appearance of images and icons when a tab is in the active state, providing a more visually engaging experience for users.

Enhanced: Tooltip placement on mobile devices for the Divi Icon List Module. This improvement ensures that tooltips within the Icon List Module are displayed optimally on smaller screens, enhancing user interaction and readability on mobile devices.
== Changelog ==

4.9.64 – 07.08.2023

Fixed: Resolved an issue with the Divi Text Rotator where the rotator text was not hidden on first load. With this fix, the rotator text will now be hidden on the initial load, providing a cleaner and more professional appearance.

Added: Introduced the “Responsive Option” for Equalize Card Heights in the Divi Card Carousel. Users can now set responsive options for Equalize Card Heights, allowing for different card heights on various screen sizes and ensuring a more adaptive and visually pleasing carousel layout.

Added: “Shortcode” option to the Divi FAQ module. Users can now use shortcodes in the content of the FAQ module, allowing for greater flexibility and integration of dynamic content within the FAQs.
Download Divi Supreme v4.9.13 - Custom and Creative Divi Modules Nulled Free
v4.9.13 – 19.02.2023

  • Fixed: Implemented fix to only check license status when the license key is active or valid to prevent brute force attempts.
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with Divi Breadcrumbs Module where CPT Archive was not displaying the name.
  • Fixed: Corrected problem with Divi Business Hours Module where borders were not being applied to the child item CSS selector.
  • Fixed: Fixed an issue with Divi Gradient Text Module where the margin was not being applied to the CSS selector.
  • Fixed: Addressed problem with Divi Typing Text Module where the Data Attribute was being displayed on the frontend if a custom typing cursor was empty or contained spaces.

v4.9.12 – 15.02.2023
  • Fixed: Margin conflict between Divi Icon List Module and Divi’s last-child margin value.
  • Fixed: Divi Circle Info Module – Design tab -> Content -> Border not working on frontend.
  • Fixed: Divi Circle Info Module – Background Image fade when items switches.
  • Fixed: Divi Circle Info Module – Background image not working correctly on frontend.
  • Fixed: Divi Circle Info Module – Use Image/Icon in the Child Settings -> Content.
  • Fixed: Divi Advanced Tabs Module – Content width and content inner width were not properly filling the gap.
Download Divi Supreme v4.9.11 - Custom and Creative Divi Modules Nulled Free
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Download Divi Supreme v4.9.10 - Custom and Creative Divi Modules Nulled Free
v4.9.10 – 04.02.2023

Fixed: Divi Popup positioning on tablet and mobile.
Added: Auto height option to Divi Filterable Gallery Module.
v.4.9.09 – 01.02.2023

Fixed: Reinit Divi Card Carousel when using it for Divi Advanced Tabs Module.

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