Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder

Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder v2.8.13

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  • Fixed an issue where custom theme styles are sometimes not applied on confirmation page or when navigating between pages in a multi-page form.
  • Fixed an issue where the AJAX spinner init script is output in save and continue notifications, which can impact deliverability in some environments.
  • Fixed an issue where a choice of 00 in the minute settings for the form scheduled start and end times changes to 01 on save.
  • Updated and improved the performance of database queries by removing the legacy table check.
  • AF: Fixed an issue where a saved value of 0 is not displayed in text type settings.
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Reactions: nowugetme
Decryption key:

  • Improved performance of database queries by removing the legacy table check.
  • Fixed an issue where custom styles for ajax-enabled forms using the "Orbital" theme are not rendered correctly on confirmation page or when navigating between pages in a multi-page form.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ajax spinner init script is output in save and continue notifications, which can impact deliverability in some environments.
  • Fixed an issue where a choice of 00 in the minute settings for the form scheduled start and end times changes to 01 on save.
  • AF: Fixed an issue where a saved value of 0 is not displayed in text type settings.
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Reactions: aawq125
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  • Fixed an issue where a console error is thrown if gform.initializeOnLoaded is called directly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Conversational Forms Add-On settings page is not displayed if the site is using a plugin to manage roles and capabilities.
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  • Fixed an issue where some forms are broken due a missing gform variable caused by recent changes to the Dom_Parser class.
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  • Added a new form setting to put field validation messages above inputs.
  • Added the gform_bypass_template_library filter to bypass the template library and create a blank form.
  • Fixed an issue where an invalid value in a hidden state field causes a fatal error on submission.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong value populates into the "other" choice input if a Radio field with conditional logic has "other" choice enabled and a default value set.
  • Updated the backwards compatibility of the file upload field if no files are selected.
Decryption key:

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Fixed a fatal error in WordPress 6.5 when using a 3rd-party add-on without a defined slug.
  • Fixed a PHP notice that is thrown when calling GFForms::get_form() with just the form ID parameter.

  • Fixed an issue where the submit button was blocked by the reCAPTCHA field in IOS devices when using certain themes.
  • Fixed an issue where the gform_progressbar_start_at_zero filter is not working with forms that have page conditional logic.
  • Fixed a PHP notice that can be displayed when instantiating the GF_Locking class in certain contexts.
  • Updated status indicator component to use improved markup and styles.
Decryption key:

  • Fixed a PHP notice that is thrown when calling GFForms::get_form() with just the form ID parameter.
  • Fixed an issue where the submit button was blocked by the reCAPTCHA field in IOS devices when using certain themes.
Decryption key:

  • Fixed an issue with WordPress 6.5 where some 3rd party Add-Ons without a defined slug are causing fatal errors.
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  • Fixed a bug where total calculation and post conditional logic events sometimes aren't called when using the gform_abort_conditional_logic_do_action filter.
  • Fixed a fatal error that sometimes occurs when deleting entries.
  • Fixed a bug that causes the plugins page to display "Auto-updates disabled" for Gravity Forms when auto-updates are turned on with the auto_update_plugin filter.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents the gform_pre_validation filter from running when an individual field is validated, such as in a conversational form.
  • Updated JavaScript and CSS from the assets directory to always load minified versions.
  • Updated the minimum WordPress version (for support) on the System Status page to 6.4.

2.8.6 | 2024-03-21​

  • Added gform_custom_merge_tags JavaScript filter to allow the inclusion of custom merge tags.
  • Added gform_merge_tags_supported_input_types JavaScript filter to allow the inclusion of specific input types for merge tags.
  • Added the gform_pre_post_render filter to GFFormDisplay::post_render_script() to abort the rendering process.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents the error icon from displaying in the validation summary in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
  • Fixed the padding of field validation messages in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented notification CC and BCC fields from correctly handling comma-separated merge tags.
  • API: Updated the file upload field value in the draft entry from GFFormsModel::create_lead() to contain a JSON encoded array of file details instead of the incorrect file URL.
  • API: Updated the border color of disabled inputs in the Settings API.

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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