Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder

Gravity Forms | The Best WordPress Form Plugin | Form Builder v2.8.13

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  • API: Updated the file upload field value in the draft entry from GFFormsModel::create_lead() to contain a JSON encoded array of file details instead of the incorrect file URL.
  • Fixed a bug that prevents the error icon from displaying in the validation summary in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
  • Fixed the padding of field validation messages in the Gravity Forms 2.5 Theme.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented notification CC and BCC fields from correctly handling comma-separated merge tags.

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2.8.5 | 2024-03-06​

  • Added security enhancements.
  • Fixed the gform_required_legend filter to that the $form parameter is passed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the Entry menu item to appear disabled when on an Entry screen.
  • Fixed an issue where importing a form with Next buttons causes an error.
  • Fixed an issue which causes empty column headers in entry exports for the address field latitude and longitude inputs added by the Geolocation Add-On.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents replacement of the field merge tag when the input ID includes alphanumeric characters like {Address (Latitude):1.geolocation_latitude}.
  • Updated the datepicker to fit on small screens.

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  • Fixed the gform_required_legend filter to that the $form parameter is passed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where older forms with Next Buttons cause an error when importing them on a new site.
- Fixed an issue which causes empty column headers in entry exports for the address field latitude and longitude inputs added by the Geolocation Add-On.
- Fixed an issue that prevents replacement of the field merge tag when the input ID includes alphanumeric characters like {Address (Latitude):1.geolocation_latitude}.

2.8.4 | 2024-02-21​

  • Fixed an issue that causes fields like the signature field to not render correctly in hidden interfaces such as tabs or modals.
  • Fixed an issue where the merge tag dropdown in the product field shows the incorrect options.
  • Fixed an issue which causes the incorrect confirmation to display when deleting a "display only" field.
  • Fixed an issue that displays the Consent field description value in the {all_fields} merge tag.
  • Fixed the display of the name field tooltip in the form editor in Safari.
  • Fixed an issue where the post selector dropdown is not displaying for form confirmations using the Page confirmation type.
  • Updated the log files section of the system report to list older files that have been rotated out.
  • Updated File Upload field to display correct values on the form review page.​

  • Updated the log files section of the system report to support listing older files that have been rotated out.
  • Fixed an issue where the merge tag dropdown in the product field was showing the incorrect options.
  • Fixed an issue which causes the incorrect confirmation to display when deleting a Display-Only field.
  • Fixed an issue that displays the Consent field description value in the all_fields merge tag.

2.8.3 | 2024-02-01​

  • Added telemetry data points.
  • Fixed an issue where the honeypot was not working on forms using the Stripe Field with additional payment methods enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, an error saying "undefined index 'page_instance'" is shown when rendering a form.
  • AF: Updated the Settings API so that form meta saved in a settings field save callback will not be lost.
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Reactions: bobbybizzle89
Added telemetry data points.
Fixed an issue where the honeypot was not working on forms using the Stripe Field with additional payment methods enabled.
Fixed an issue where under certain conditions, an error saying "undefined index 'page_instance'" is shown when rendering a form.
AF: Updated the Settings API so th
== Changelog ==

- Fixed jQuery deprecation notices in the form preview for the following fields: email, product, total, and stripe fields, as well as some conditional logic.
- Fixed "undefined index" errors that sometimes appear when a form is embedded with a shortcode. Credit: The GravityKit team.
- AF: Updated the background processor to include additional logging statements around batch processing.
== Changelog ==

- Fixed an issue that causes fatal errors on some sites during the background processing of telemetry data.

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