Gravity Perks Populate Anything

Gravity Perks Populate Anything v2.1.2

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Fixed issue where Populate Anything could conflict with the Elementor editor. - Fixed PHP error if using GF Image Choices 1.4.12 or newer. - Fixed issue where GP Nested Forms `{Parent}` merge tags could show the raw merge tag instead of an emptry string if used inside a Live Merge Tag. - Fixed PHP deprecation notice. - Fixed regression where editing entries with dynamically populated choices using the Entry Details edit screen would not persist the saved choices in some cases. - Fixed issue with the Email field type's Confirm Email input not populating if set to do so.
== Changelog ==

## 2.0.24

- Fixed issue with type-casting that could cause the Inventory template for GP Inventory to not work as expected for some forms.
== Changelog ==

## 2.0.21

- Fixed an issue where filtering by Email fields with confirmation enabled could cause a database error due to an invalid query.
- Fixed issue where fields could show `Fill Out Other Fields` when editing entries using the Entry Details Edit screen.
== Changelog ==

## 2.0.20

- Fixed issue where empty Multi Select values were not treated as empty.
- Fixed an issue where `{count}` returned 1 when there were no results.
- Fixed a potential PHP warning when passing an array as a filter value.
- Fixed issue where Live Merge Tags in field labels could have awkward horizontal spacing when using the Orbital Theme.
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notice.
- Fixed potential PHP warning.

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