JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor v3.5.0

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Download JetEngine v2.0.0 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: new admin UI;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to edit built-in post types;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to delete/reattach created posts (terms) on post type (taxonomy deletion);
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to change type of already created posts/terms on post type/taxonomy slug update;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to make admin columns sortable;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to select from predefined callbacks for admin columns;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to group created fields into tabs/accordions;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to set max length and required for created fields where is possible;
  • ADD: New feature: global options pages;
  • ADD: Listing Calendar: showcase multiday events;
  • UPD: Admin UI/UX: allow to sort notifiactions in forms;
  • UPD: Listing Calendar: allow to set default month;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: compatibility with new Elemntor icons control;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: show all existing fields in Elemntor widgets controls;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: added callback for filtering switcher meta fields;
  • FIX: Prevent errors if some of dates in calendar posts is not timestamp;
  • FIX: Posts control in repeater;
  • FIX: Various fixes and performance improvements.
Download JetEngine v1.4.8 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* FIX: Elementor Pro 2.6+ compatibility.
Download JetEngine v1.4.7 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • FIX: Better ACF compatibility;
  • ADD: JS trigger on From wdget init;
  • ADD: PHP hooks to add own fields into forms builder.
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Reactions: atesliaslangs
Download JetEngine v1.4.6.1 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • UPD: allow to use P tag in dynamic field widget;
  • FIX: Booking form fields render.
Download JetEngine v1.4.6 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* FIX: Booking form fields render.
Download JetEngine v1.4.5 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: Masonry layout for listing grid widget;
  • FIX: Better ACF compaibility.
Download JetEngine v1.4.4 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: jet-engine/forms/booking/notifications/fields-after hook;
  • UPD: Allow to filter form field template path;
  • UPD: Store inserted post ID into form data to allow process it by other notifications.
Download JetEngine v1.4.3 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • FIX: Prevent errors in Listing grid widget;
  • FIX: Macros regex.
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Download JetEngine v1.4.2 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

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Download JetEngine v1.4.0 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: Register user notification for booking form;
  • ADD: Call a Webhook notification for booking form;
  • ADD: Field Visibility option for Booking form fields;
  • ADD: Post status option for Insert post notification in Booking form;
  • ADD: Allow to use dynamic popups from JetPopup inside listing and calendar;
  • ADD: Mobile settings for image gallery slider in Dynamic Field widget;
  • ADD: Allow to set meta field width;
  • UPD: Allow to showcase listing grid as slider;
  • UPD: Allow to set equal columns height for listing grid widget;
  • UPD: Cross-browser Date- and Timepicker for meta fields;
  • FIX: Allow to use shortcode in Not Found Message control;
  • FIX: Mobile columns in Listing Grid widget.

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