JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor v3.5.0

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Download JetEngine v2.11.9 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: User Page Title to Profile Builder;
  • ADD: compat the User Single Page with SEO plugins;
  • ADD: webp support for media control;
  • ADD: query variable source in the Dynamic Field;
  • UPD: Post author ID macro callback to better work with filters;
  • UPD: remove empty array for the Relations Dynamic Field props;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#5261;
  • FIX: setup single user page props on filters request;
  • FIX: Edit post type/meta box link style in Blocks Editor;
  • FIX: gallery field bug;
  • FIX: better CCT and Maps Listings compatibility.
Download JetEngine v2.11.8 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: allow to export & import JetEngine CPT & CCT Meta Fields;
* UPD: Display CCT Repeater fields;
* FIX: Dynamic Visibility AND relation;
* FIX: Forms html rendering bug;
* FIX: Update Options form hook - allow to clear data;
* FIX: Human readable time difference callback;
* FIX: various minor fixes and improvements.
Download JetEngine v2.11.3 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: an ability to get object link by ID in the QR Code callback;
* UPD: allow to create relations for the same objects;
* FIX: compatibility the Dynamic Visibility with Elementor Improved CSS Loading Experiment;
* FIX: prevent jump to top of listing after load more of masonry listing;
* FIX: compat with Elementor Pro 3.6 (registration controls);
* FIX: lazy load listing by queried_user_id on single user page;
* FIX: displaying preview of profile menu widget in Elementor Editor.
Download JetEngine v2.11.2 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

ADD: related grandchildren macros;
ADD: an ability to use Store Count dynamic tag in the Dynamic Visibility;
UPD: better related items context processing;
UPD: change AJAX URL for AJAX listing requests;
FIX: setting custom context for label in the Dynamic Link;
FIX: inline font icons color;
FIX: render fallback image for the post thumbnail if post not found;
FIX: select2 dropdown position on woo pages;
FIX: prevent php error on change date field format;
FIX: correct saving listing settings in the Blocks Editor;
FIX: prevent php notice in the Profile Builder module.
Download JetEngine v2.11.1 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* UPD: Better timestamp query arguments processing;
* FIX: Required date meta fields;
* FIX: 3rd party legacy relations registration;
* FIX: Admin filters by related items.
Download JetEngine v2.10.3 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* ADD: better compatibility a query builder listing with taxonomy filters;
* ADD: compatibility with Elementor 3.5;
* ADD: compatibility the Map Listings with JetPopup;
* ADD: Rest API listing settings in Blocks editor;
* ADD: verify nonce in the Form;
* FIX: condition meta field by glossary field;
* FIX: prevent php error if a store name has quotes;
* FIX: prevent php error if a store name or slug has slashes;
* FIX: `update_user` notification in the Form;
* FIX: better data escaping before output in the listing grid;
* FIX: Repeater listing inside WC_Product_Query listing.
Download JetEngine v2.10.2 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

  • ADD: Title Field option for the Repeater Meta Field;
  • ADD: an ability to copy repeater item in meta boxes;
  • ADD: an ability to collapse repeater items in meta boxes on page load;
  • ADD: Author ID parameter to WC_Product_Query;
  • ADD: warning tooltip on removing repeater item in meta boxes;
  • ADD: base macros class to more refined custom macros registration -
  • FIX: WC_Product_Query id in Data Stores;
  • FIX: %current_terms% and %queried_term% macros in WC_Products_Query Tax Query;
  • FIX: select2 styles in interface builder module;
  • FIX: prevent js error in Elementor Editor;
  • FIX: print inner templates styles in listing item on ajax;
  • FIX: hierarchy relations.
Download JetEngine v2.10.1 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free
## 2.10.1

* ADD: support Save as array checkbox fields for terms meta;
* ADD: Post Has Terms condition in the Dynamic Visibility module;
* ADD: updating the user display_name property on update user action;
* ADD: an ability to use shortcodes in email notifications content;
* ADD: an ability to use multiple post types in the Calendar Listing;
* FIX: applying Is checked setting from glossary option;
* FIX: init Data Store Button script;
* FIX: Images gallery slider callback in Blocks Editor;
* FIX: JetSmartFilters Indexer compatibility lazy load with Use as Archive Template;
* FIX: process meta box conditions for non-hiearachical terms.
Download JetEngine v2.10.0 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free
## 2.10.0

* ADD: New admin conditions for meta boxes;
* ADD: Admin filters for CPT;
* ADD: Quick Edit support for CPT and CCT;
* ADD: Dynamic data funcitonality for blocks editor;
* UPD: compatibility between JetReviews and WC_Product_Query;
* UPD: notice if custom format don't have %s or %1$s in the Dynamic Field;
* FIX: better custom query check for Listing Grid widget;
* FIX: calendar widget with nested listings;
* FIX: ensure indexer correctly works with CCT and filters with multiple keys;
* FIX: better Query Builder and JetSmartFilters compatibility;
* FIX: custom query check for Listing Grid widget;
* FIX: avoid CCTs REST API Create endpoints from updating existing items if `_ID` is presented in the request.
Download JetEngine v2.9.4 - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor Nulled Free

* FIX: gallery dynamic tag if value is empty;
* FIX: export CCT items to CSV for available users;
* FIX: prevent js error on init captcha in popup if popup don't have form;
* FIX: calendar widget with nested listings;
* FIX: additional output validation in the Dynamic Field;
* FIX: ensure select, radio and checkboxes fields are processed correctly when registered programmatically;
* FIX: pin view if using global colors in the Map Listing;
* FIX: inline svg icon color in the Map Listing;
* FIX: prevent remove term metadata on quick edit term;
* UPD: compatibility with upcoming JetSmartFilters indexer update;
* UPD: better compatibility glossaries with filters;
* ADD: an ability to use Query Count dynamic tag in the Dynamic Visibility;
* ADD: Icon Size control for the Data Store Button widget;
* ADD: compatibility with SEOPress plugin.

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