Download Free Kleanity - Minimalist HTML Template / Creative Portfolio Nulled ThemeForest 22225949
Kleanity is a beautiful Minimal Multirpurpose Template with 4 unique home demos. We have carefully crafted each & every demo to ensure that a clean and modern design is carried through. Great design and Powerful features makes kleanity is irresistible. What you see below are full fledged demos and features from various demos can be combined.
- 4 Beautiful Demos
- More than 90 Html Pages
- Massive Portfolio layouts
- Tons of shortcodes
- Different google map styles
- Clean & Simple Design
- Advance Framework
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Fully Responsive Design
- BusinessConcept
- Working Contact Form
- All files are well commented
- Crossbrowser Compatible with IE9+, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
- Extensive Documentation