Download Free Magic Responsive Slider and Carousel WordPress Plugin Nulled CodeCanyon 6892273
Magic Slider and Carousel will help you to create the next generation of sliders, using the CSS3 transitions for layers and an ultra-smooth KenBurns effect. You’ll also be able to create interactive ‘magic’ carousels with YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5 video support; HTML5 audio support; Image support; Links support. Enjoy it now!
- touch screen navigation support for mobile
- responsive design. Available parameter to disable responsive behaviour
- 2 predefined skins: bullets & thumbs
- layered elements: permits almost unlimited number of layers, images or texts.
- animated layers from any direction: top, bottom, left and right using smoooth CSS3 transitions.CSS and HTML formated
- each layer has parameters for intial move animation, intermediate move animation and exit move animation
- Ultra-smooth Ken Burns Effect for background image, on all major browsers
- ‘Fade’ and ‘Slide’ transitions to navigate between the slides. Parameters to set the speed and easing.
- Fixed Dimensions Version, Full Width Version and Responsive Version
- Full Screen background option
- external url link parameter for each slide
- target parameter: _blank or _self
- width & height parameters
- autoplay parameter
- loop parameter
- show/hide controllers parameter
- show/hide bottom thumbs parameter
- circle timer parameters for color, dimensions, transparency
- you can include YouTube and Vimeo
- multiple options from where you can customize the plugin.
- you can insert multiple instances in the same page with the same skin or using a different skin.
- detailed help documentation included.