MainWP Updraft Plus Extension

MainWP Updraft Plus Extension 4.0.10

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== Changelog ==

= 4.0.10 - 9-6-2023 =
* Fixed: An issue with saving settings to child sites
= 4.0.8 - 12-14-2022 =
* Updated: MainWP 4.3.1 compatibility
= 4.0.7 - 12-7-2022 =
* Updated: Amazon S3 key input type
* Preventative: Multiple security improvements
= 4.0.6 - 6-21-2022 =
* Added: WP Nonce verification to the Go to WP Admin request for additional security

Version 4.0.4 – 3-18-2021​

  • Fixed: Compatibility with the latest UpdraftPlus plugin

Version 4.0.3 – 10-29-2020​

  • Fixed: An issue with setting WebDAV settings

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