Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables

Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables v2.0.2

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Master-Detail Tables is an add-on for wpDataTables which allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click. Many users today have tables with lots of columns and once they place that table on their website it looks ugly so they often need to hide some columns or entirely edit the table so it can fit to the page. But, what if you actually need all those columns and data and you cannot hide anything because you want your users to see all the data? Well don’t worry, from now on you can have as many columns in the table as you need and you can hide them without worrying that the users of the table will lack some information. Master-Detail Tables add-on allows you to show those hidden columns with just one click, and the table will always look nice.

Installing the Master-Detail Tables addon is a quite straightforward process if you have some experience with WordPress plugins. There are 2 possible ways of uploading it to the WordPress site:
Go to your WordPress admin panel, open the “Plugins” page, then click “Add new”, choose “upload” and then browse to the ZIP file that you’ve downloaded from our store.
Go to our store, login with the credentials you received via e-mail when you purchased the plugin, download the plugin and extract the ZIP file that you’ve downloaded. Once you’ve done that open your WordPress installation through FTP, browse to wp-content/plugins, and upload the extracted folder there.
Once you’ve uploaded the plugin using one of these 2 scenarios, you should see the Master-Detail Tables add-on in your plugins list. Just click “activate”, and you’re good to go!
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  2. Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables

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