PublishPress Future Pro

PublishPress Future Pro v3.3.1

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= [3.3.1] - 19 Mar, 2024 =

* ADDED: Add validation for the date and time offset in the settings page, #683;
* ADDED: Add form validation to the settings panel;
* ADDED: Add form validation to the metabox panel;
* ADDED: Add a date preview to the date/time offset setting field;
* ADDED: Add translation comments strings with arguments;
* CHANGED: The actions to move posts to another status where grouped in a single action, with a dropdown to select the status, #668;
* CHANGED: The actions "draft", "private" and "trash" are deprecated in favor of "change-status", #668;
* CHANGED: The metadata hash key has now a prefix "_" marking it as a private key, #695;
* CHANGED: Improved the name of some actions;
* CHANGED: Change the label of the field to select terms when "Replace all terms" is selected, #664;
* CHANGED: Block editor script now loads in the footer;
* FIXED: Make it impossible to choose dates in the past, #443;
* FIXED: Enter key submits quick-edit panel when selecting a taxonomy term, #586;
= [3.3.0] - 29 Feb, 2024 =

* ADDED: Add new filter for filtering the list of post types supported by the plugin: publishpressfuture_supported_post_types, #677;
* ADDED: Add new filter for choosing to hide or not the Future Action in the post editors: publishpressfuture_hide_metabox, #69;
* ADDED: Add new filter for filtering the post metakeys in the post model: publishpressfuture_action_meta_key, #69;
* ADDED: Add new method `medataExists` to the `PublishPress\\Future\\Framework\\WordPress\\Models\\PostModel` class;
* ADDED: Add support to a hash in the the post meta `pp_future_metadata_hash`, to identify if the future action\'s post meta has changed or was scheduled by metadata (fully availale only on PRO);
* ADDED: Add metadata support for the future action data, allowing to schedule actions based on metadata (support for ACF, Pods, and other plugins), #69;
* ADDED: Add metadata mapping for allowing integrating with 3rd party plugins, #69;
* ADDED: Add a setting for hiding the Future Action metabox on the post edit screen and keeping the future actions
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* ADDED: New Gutenberg Block for displaying the future action date, #171;
* ADDED: Add new action `publishpressfuturepro_process_metadata` for triggering the future actions scheduling based on metadata, #69;
* CHANGED: Deprecated the filter `postexpirator_unset_post_types` in favor of the new filter `publishpressfuture_supported_post_types`, allowing not only remove, but add new post types to the list of supported post types, #677;
* CHANGED: The list of post types in the settings page now also shows the non-public post types that are not built in on WordPress, #677;
* CHANGED: Remove the X and Facebook icons from the footer in the admin pages, #667;
* CHANGED: Updated the URLs on the plugin\'s footer, #667;
* CHANGED: Minor change in the description of the setting that controls the activation/deactivation future action for the post type;
* CHANGED: The metadata `_expiration-date-status` now can be specified as `1` or `\'1\'` and not only `\'saved\'`, #69;
* CHANGED: The action `publishpress_future/run_workflow` is now depreacated in favor of `publishpressfuture_run_workflow`;
* CHANGED: When metadata support is enabled, a future action enabled is recognized by the presence of the date metadata field, ignoring the status field, #69;
* CHANGED: Added support for other date formats in the date metadata field, not only unix timestamp, #69;
* CHANGED: Minor changes to the layout of some settings pages;
* CHANGED: Change the default settings tab to "Post Types" instead of "General";
* CHANGED: Change the links and items in the footer on the plugin\'s admin pages, #667;
* FIXED: Fix language files for ES, IT, FR, #665;
* FIXED: Fix error when a term does not exists, #675;
* FIXED: Add new interface for NoticeFacade: NoticeInterface;
* FIXED: Fatal error: Delcarations of PostStatusToCustomStatus::getLabel() must be compatible with the interface, #674;
* REMOVED: Remove the legacy action `postExpiratorExpire`. This action will not trigger the future actions anymore;
* REMOVED: Remove the legacy action `publishpressfuture_expire`. This action will not trigger the future actions anymore;

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