Root Explorer (Premium)

Root Explorer (Premium) 4.11.4

No permission to download

Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for rooted users. Access the entire Android file system (including the data folder!).

Features include multiple tabs, Google Drive, support for Box, Dropbox and network (SMB), text editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, extract rar files, multiple selection, run scripts, search, repack, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, Bluetooth, etc.), image thumbnails, APK binary XML viewer, change file group/owner, create symlink, "Open with" feature, MD5, create shortcuts.

For fast and friendly support, just send us an email: [email protected].

We will always do our best to resolve any issues you may have with the app.

If we can't help you, you'll be refunded, no hassle.

Although more than 22,000 five-star ratings indicate that most people are very satisfied with our customers. Remember to read as many reviews as you can to get a good idea of what people think of the app.

We still respect the old 24-hour refund policy: So if you're not happy with the app, just email us within 24 hours and you'll be refunded. We will need the order number, which can be found in emails sent to you by Google when downloading.

Why give up the best? Choose the unique and original!

New Permissions:

Full Network Access - Required for cloud and network access. No information is forwarded to us over the Internet.

Add or Remove Accounts - Used by the Google Drive SDK to add a new account if desired. No changes are made to existing accounts and no details are accessed beyond the account name.

Find Accounts on Device - Used to list accounts available to connect to Google Drive.

Avoid Sleep Mode - Used to prevent devices from going into sleep mode during lengthy operations so there are no interruptions.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Root Explorer 4.11.4

    .Copy as path menu option copies full path to clipboard • Clicking on name, location, MD5 or...

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