Second - Responsive Wordpress V-card

Second - Responsive Wordpress V-card v1.3

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Download Free Second - Responsive Wordpress V-card Nulled ThemeForest 3664263
Second is an easy cutomizable wordpress v-card/portfolio template made entierly (95% with html and css) it allows you to introduce yourself with the most important informations to your features clients or employers.

The template is responsive that’s allows you to view it in the mobile devices also.

All the html ,css, javascript code are well organized and commented to make any change easy to do without any problems. The template come whit a 3 sets of colors : red, orange and green to give you a lot of variety in the design plus a four different background pattern to change the look a little bit.

Because second is made with the popular cms Wordpress, it allows you to have a dynamic driven vcard, that you can almost change anything using a very simple to use option panel available under the wordpress interface.

Responsive (mobile/tablet/desktop)
Html5 & CSS3
Filterable portfolio
Jquery powred animation
Easy to customize
3 color skin
3 background pattern
Google map
Working contact form with a live validation ready to use
Awesome blog
Icon icluded
Psd included
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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