SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin

SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin v7.9.2

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  • Allow to generate alternative text with AI directly from the media modal (PRO)
  • NEW Export slug changes to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections) – PRO
  • INFO Bump required PHP version to 7.4 (recommended 8.2+)
  • INFO We no longer use the first image of your post content for social media to improve performances
  • INFO Strengthened security
  • INFO Improve UX to generate alt text for media from filename
  • FIX Remove Home item from Breadcrumbs JSON-LD
  • FIX Redirection test link in specific cases
  • FIX Compatibility issue with WP Rocket in rare cases
  • FIX Headings analysis
  • FIX Social OG and X title on default archive pages if global settings are empty
  • FIX Redirect other XML sitemap URL with WordPress subdirectory setup
  • FIX Remove help links to SEOPress if White label is enabled
  • FIX Remove a deprecated function
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  • NEW Add GPT-4-Turbo model to our OpenAI integration (PRO)
  • NEW Import post title / term name using our CSV import tool (PRO)
  • NEW Automatically add XML sitemap link to default WordPress robots.txt file (if robots.txt feature from SEOPress PRO is disabled)
  • INFO Refactoring code of our content analysis
  • INFO Add error handling for AI to better understand failed generation (SEO, PRO, AI tab, OpenAI logs section)
  • INFO Improve security by showing SEO metadata from published posts only for our REST API (thanks to Patchstack)
  • INFO Improve WPML compatibility with our content analysis to detect target keywords already used by language
  • FIX Improve detection of custom meta title / description with our content analysis
  • FIX 410/451 on new redirects (PRO)
  • FIX Show only public post types for the HTML sitemap block
  • FIX Prevent failed post update/publishing if IndexNow API key is incorrectly set (SEO, Instant Indexing, Settings tab)
  • FIX Prevent a fatal error in specific cases with the Matomo CRON task (PRO)
  • FIX chart.bundle.js error on SEO Dashboard page if the define SCRIPT_DEBUG is set to TRUE
  • FIX Deprecated Increment on non-alphanumeric string

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= 7.6.1 (21/03/2024) =​

  • INFO Add prevention for intl PHP module (we strongly invite webmasters to contact their hosts if you see a missing PHP intl module from our notification center. This is required by both WordPress Core and SEOPress.)
  • FIX Some CSS in WP admin

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= 7.6.1 (21/03/2024) =​

  • INFO Add prevention for intl PHP module (we strongly invite webmasters to contact their hosts if you see a missing PHP intl module from our notification center. This is required by both WordPress Core and SEOPress.)
  • FIX Some CSS in WP admin

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= 7.5.1 (1/03/2024) =​

  • FIX Warnings with REST API
  • FIX Keywords in permalink / Target keywords already use in Content Analysis
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= 7.5 (28/02/2024) =
  • NEW SEOPress REST API with context 🎉
  • NEW Custom table for our content analysis feature 🎉
  • NEW Course schema updated with new properties (PRO)
  • NEW Quickly block search results crawling with robots.txt file (PRO)
  • NEW Add VAT ID and Telephone fields to the installation wizard
  • INFO Rename Twitter to X
  • INFO Increase the default min height of our Universal SEO Metabox
  • INFO Disable search results indexing on first time configuration to prevent SPAM referer
  • FIX Migration tools from other SEO plugins in specific cases
  • FIX PHP Warning $seopress_redirections_enabled_regex
  • FIX Ecwid fatal errors
  • FIX Error when deleting content analysis scans
  • FIX Incorrect counters for meta description in SEO metabox
  • FIX Bricks compatibility issue on homepage with our universal SEO metabox
  • FIX A non-breaking space with the directive on RSS feeds (robots.txt tab)
  • FIX “seopress_ai_openai_alt_text” filter for AI/Alt text
  • FIX Deprecated mb_convert_encoding function with PHP >= 8.2
  • FIX A notification related to Google Search Console verification meta tag
  • FIX Invalid datetime value for “uploadDate” + timezone for Video schema

= 7.4.1 (1/02/2024) =​

  • FIX Automatic Product schema error if WooCommerce is not installed (PRO)

= 7.4 (30/01/2024) =​

  • NEW Add Shipping properties to Product schema (automatically added to your existing products schemas)
  • NEW Add ‘Description’, ‘Email’ and ‘VAT ID’ properties to Organization schema (SEO, Social Networks, Knowledge Graph to configure)
  • NEW Bulk action to generate alt text from media filename
  • NEW Export your 404 errors list to a CSV file (SEO, Tools, Redirections tab)
== Changelog ==

= 7.0.2 =
* INFO Update the Google Preview to match the new design from search results
* INFO Improve error handling for OpenAI
* FIX Language passed to OpenAI when using the Universal SEO metabox
== Changelog ==

= 7.0.1 =
* FIX Fatal error get_network()

About us

  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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