SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin

SEOPress Pro - Seo WordPress Plugin v7.9.2

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== Changelog ==

= 7.0 <a href="">Read the blog post update</a> =
* NEW WooCommerce compatibility: use the Universal SEO metabox with the new editor
* NEW Generate SEO metadata with AI in WP CLI (PRO)
* NEW Track product view details with Google Analytics 4 Ecommerce (PRO)
* NEW Quickly block ChatGPT bots to crawl your website (SEO, PRO, robots.txt)
* NEW Generate independently SEO metadata from the standard and universal SEO metabox
* NEW Internal linking: show the anchor with the suggested link
* NEW 'seopress_gtag_ec_single_view_details_ev' hook to filter the view product details event for GA4 ecommerce (
* NEW 'seopress_primary_category_list' hook to filter the primary category / product category list (
* NEW 'seopress_bot_query_dom_args' hook to filter the query to request the DOM
* NEW 'seopress_sitemaps_xml_index_item' hook to filter items in Index XML sitemaps
* NEW 'seopress_sitemaps_html_hierarchical_terms_query' && 'seopress_sitemaps_html_hierarchical_tax_query' hooks to filter hierarchical taxonomies/terms in HTML sitemap (
* INFO Added number of notifications as badge on notification center icon
* INFO Order notifications by impact: high, medium, low, info
* INFO Improve responsive design / CSS for content analysis and structured data types metaboxes
* INFO Remove "Display archive links in HTML sitemap"
* INFO 'seopress_sitemaps_html_remove_archive' hook is now deprecated
* INFO Improved notice when a redirect already exists
* INFO Add quick tags for global author meta description template
* INFO Improve UI for Universal SEO metabox
* INFO Completely remove Universal Analytics (GA3) from the plugin
* FIX Some User consent cookie bar customization settings
* FIX GA4 Enhanced Ecommerce for FSE themes
* FIX Duplicated accordion.js file with FAQ block
* FIX PHP Undefined array key "bing"
* FIX PHP Warnings if %%_ct_tax%% is used with empty terms / incorrect tax name
* FIX Remove jQuery tabs for GA4 widget
* FIX Do not load GA Enhanced Ecommerce if GA toggle off
* FIX 'seopress_stop_attachment_url_to_postid' filter
* FIX Do not display empty values for width / height publisher logo for schemas
* FIX Matomo JS if disabled
* FIX Remove /product-category/ option with specific cases
* FIX White Label with multisite setup
* FIX PHP Warning: Undefined array key "host" in redirections
* FIX FAQ and How-To Blocks errors
* FIX PHP 8.2 notices
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= v6.4 =

* NEW OpenAI integration #2 iteration (better UX, error handling, universal SEO metabox integration, support for Bricks Builder)
* NEW Internal linking suggestions for standard content analysis metabox (PRO)
* NEW 'seopress_get_dynamic_variables' hook to filter the drop-down list of dynamic variables (
* FIX CSS Dynamic tags dropdown list / Social Preview
* FIX Admin notices for PRO version
* FIX Prevent Fatal error Cannot access offset of type string on string in wp-seopress/src/Services/ContentAnalysis/RenderContentAnalysis.php:34
* FIX Check if Google Search Console feature is enabled before running the CRON task
* FIX Fatal error on plugins deactivation
Download SEOPress Pro v6.3.2 - Seo WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v6.3.2 (01/02/2023) =

INFO Compliance with the plugin guidelines
FIX Revert CSS to display full SEO metadata in post type columns
FIX Check if 404 monitoring / Redirections toggle is checked for CRON task
Download SEOPress Pro v6.3.1 - Seo WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v6.3.1 (26/01/2022) =

INFO Improve our OpenAI integration
INFO Update OpenAI hooks to pass the post id
FIX Cleaning media filename
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= v6.3 (26/01/2022) =

  • NEW OpenAI integration: generate automagically meta title and description for your content. Bulk actions supported (PRO) 🤯
  • NEW Track phone links with Google Analytics
  • NEW Display an alert from Social Preview if image filesize is superior to 300KB for WhatsApp
  • NEW 404 email alerts: you can now receive weekly reports instead of 1 mail for each new 404
  • NEW Add missing UploadedDate property for manual / automatic Video schema (PRO)
  • NEW ‘seopress_gtag_phone_tracking_ev’ hook to filter phone links JS tracking (
  • NEW ‘seopress_ai_openai_meta_title’ hook to filter sentence to generate meta title
  • NEW ‘seopress_ai_openai_meta_desc’ hook to filter sentence to generate meta description
  • NEW ‘seopress_ai_openai_request_args’ hook to filter arguments sent to OpenAI to generate title and description
  • NEW ‘seopress_image_seo_before_cleaning’ hook to filter media filename before cleaning (
  • NEW ‘seopress_image_seo_after_cleaning’ hook to filter media filename after cleaning (
  • NEW ‘seopress_image_seo_clean_input’ hook to filter input characters (
  • NEW ‘seopress_image_seo_clean_output’ hook to filter output characters (
  • INFO Automatically get your Google Search Console metrics daily (CRON task)
  • INFO Update CSS for Elementor integration (including Dark Mode)
  • INFO Update the code for Google Optimize
  • INFO ‘seopress_gtag_optimize_id’ hook is now deprecated
  • INFO Add documentation links for Redirection metabox
  • INFO Import primary post / product categories from SEO Framework
  • INFO Quickly set RSS feeds to noindex from SEO, PRO, Robots.txt tab
  • FIX Matomo tracking code for subdomains / cross domains
  • FIX CSS for Universal SEO metabox
  • FIX jQuery autocomplete error when editing a term taxonomy
  • FIX Term metabox social preview CSS
  • FIX Google Analytics PHP warnings
  • FIX Regenerate button for Bing IndexNow API key
  • FIX Import JSON redirects from Rank Math
  • FIX InspectURL with non UTF-8 language
  • FIX Line breaks / paragraphs for term / category / autor description in archive pages
  • FIX Automatic Local Business opening hours properties
  • FIX Fatal error with How-to block on Widgets screen
  • FIX Primary category
  • FIX i18n
= =
* FIX i18n warning
* FIX Google Suggestions (PRO)
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= v6.2 =

* NEW Google Search Console iteration #2: add clicks, positions, CTR, impressions columns to post/page/post type (PRO)
* INFO Add uninstall.php file to clean up database when uninstalling (
* INFO Stop saving empty metadata in database
* INFO Add additional checks for SiteNavigationElement schema generation
* INFO Update the Google Preview to follow latest changes
* INFO Remove noodp meta robots
* INFO Allow users with 'manage_options' cap to change the number of items displayed from SEO, Redirections, Screen options tab
* INFO Disable Content Analysis metabox now also disable significant keywords
* INFO Remove seopress font to optimize performance
* INFO Remove '_seopress_robots_primary_cat' from default WP API (we recommand to use our SEOPress REST API instead:
* INFO Optimize Twitter Cards
* FIX Video xml sitemap regeneration process (go to SEO, Tools, Video Sitemap tab, and click Regenerate button if some YouTube videos are missing from the video sitemap)
* FIX servesCuisine for global Local Business schema (SEO, PRO, Local Business)
* FIX Do not add the license key to the database if the define 'SEOPRESS_LICENSE_KEY' is used in wp-config.php
* FIX Add a non breaking space for "Search results:" to breadcrumbs
* FIX Nginx rewrite rules for XML sitemaps (, thanks to @seobro_agency
* FIX Returns a 404 error if post type doesn't exist for XML sitemaps
* FIX Compatibility issue with modal link
* FIX PHP 8.1: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
* FIX Thrive Architect compatibility with Content Analysis
* FIX Compatibility issue with Beaver Builder Ultimate add-on
* FIX Energy Consumption min/max scale (product schema)
* FIX Universal SEO Metabox translation
* FIX Fatal error from Widgets screen if both Polylang and SEOPress enabled
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= v6.1.2 (11/11/2022) =

  • FIX Alternative title from Wizard is no longer required
  • FIX Updater “a new version is available” (PRO)
Download SEOPress Pro v6.1.1 - Seo WordPress Plugin Nulled Free
= v6.1.1 =

* FIX wpml-config.xml file with WPML and Polylang (PRO)

= v6.1 <a href="">Read the blog post update</a> =
* NEW Support for Site names in Google Search
* NEW PHP 8.1 compatibility
* NEW Add "nofollow", "UGC", "sponsored" link attributes with Classic Editor
* NEW Import SEO metadata from Slim SEO plugin
* NEW Add a notice to content analysis metabox if a target keyword is already used from another content
* NEW 'seopress_pro_breadcrumbs_terms' hook to filter terms taxonomy from the Breadcrumbs (
* NEW 'seopress_schemas_website' hook to filter Website schema (
* NEW 'seopress_matomo_dashboard_widget_cap' hook to filter Matomo Analytics capability (
* INFO Update Website schema to follow new Google guidelines
* INFO Update GA4 stats in dashboard CSS widget
* INFO REST API: add custom breadcrumbs, attachment ID, image width and image height to post and term metadata endpoints
* INFO Add post/page/post type/term ID as third item for each crumbs of the Breadcrumbs for better flexibility
* INFO Remove request reverse domains from SEO dashboard
* INFO Improve UI for Redirections manager
* FIX 404 errors sorting (SEO, Redirections)
* FIX A user capability issue with Matomo Analytics & Google Analytics widgets
* FIX Word counters with Elementor in specific cases
* FIX Undefined SEOPRESS_PRO_VERSION constant
* FIX Stop showing Matomo widget if no site ID or tracking ID set
* FIX Improve compatibility with Oxygen for Content Analysis
* FIX Saving attachment ID / width / height for term SEO metadata
* FIX Saving Service type value for automatic Service schema
* FIX GA4 stats in dashboard if no GA3 property associated with the Google account
* FIX i18n
* FIX WPML configuration file
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= v6.0.1 (6/10/2022) =

  • INFO Bump min version of WP required to 5.0+
  • INFO WPML compatibility for translated archive links in XML sitemaps (thanks to @wpml)
  • FIX Compatibility with SEOPress for MainWP add-on
  • FIX Accordion.js error for FAQ block
  • FIX Doc links
  • FIX Slow file_get_contents request for robots.txt on very specific server configuration
  • FIX Warning from Review.php file

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  • Our community has been around for many years and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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