Download Stackable v2.14.2 - Reimagine the Way You Use the WordPress Block Editor Nulled Free
= v2.14.2 = Thanks To @TassieNZ
* Fixed: Added Auto Block Recovery support for reusable blocks
* Fixed: Video Popup block play button SEO and accessibility issues
* Fixed: Possible PHP undefined variable warning in global settings
* Fixed: Image border radius now properly shows in mobile for the Feature block
* Fixed: Gradient backgrounds would overlap if there's a border in Column blocks
* Fixed: Picking a global color did not visibly show as active
* Fixed: Text highlight toolbar button now shows pressed state when active
* Fixed: Block title and Block description spacing in some blocks didn't get applied
* Fixed: Count Up and Notification block's icon alignment not working in tablet and mobile
* Fixed: Some em units did not display as active
* Fixed: Missing stretch class in Feature block
* Fixed: Disabled html editing in the Accordion block
* Fixed: Text of some blocks now are blank when you first add them so you can type immediately
* Fixed: Get the correct color from custom properties in Icon List block icons
* Fixed: Better color picker support for Neve Theme colors
* Fixed: Image Box block now properly adds min-height