Tailwind UI Templates [All-access]

Tailwind UI Templates [All-access] 20 Aug 2023

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What’s included​

When you purchase an all-access license, you get access to everything. Every component example, every production-ready website template, and everything we ever add to Tailwind UI in the future.
There's no recurring subscription and you never have to pay for any updates. You just pay once, and get access to all of our premium Tailwind CSS resources forever.

Built for production​

Easy to customize — everything is styled with utility classes, directly in the markup. No configuration variables or complex CSS to wrestle with, just open the markup in your editor and change whatever you want.
Keyboard accessible — everything we build is keyboard accessible, and we carefully craft the markup to deliver the best screenreader experience we know how.
Built by the Tailwind CSS team — you can trust that all of the code is written following Tailwind CSS best practices, because it’s written by the same team who created and maintain the framework.
Production-ready — our components and templates are rigorously tested in the latest versions of all browsers, and handle lots of edge-cases you might easily miss yourself.
First release
Last update
4.93 star(s) 15 ratings

Latest updates

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  3. Sept 8

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Latest reviews

Thanks for this. Awesome stuff
Thanks a lot
Thank you very much for providing all these templates. It has helped me a lot because I couldn't afford them. God bless you
Thanks from the heart
Thank you for the great resource.
Thank you !!!!
Thank you!!
Excelente contenido
Thank you ❤️
Truely awesome mate!

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