The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon

The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.15.8

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== Changelog ==

= [1.15.4] 2023-09-13 =

* Fix - Prevent inconsistent behavior of virtual event links not appearing in ticket or RSVP emails. [ET-1864]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 6 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 15 obsoleted
== Changelog ==

= [1.15.2] 2023-08-10 =

* Version - The minimum supported version of WordPress is now 6.1.0
* Fix - Ensure the block editor includes support for user-defined custom CSS classes. [TEC-4724]
* Fix - Fix for error `Publishing failed. The _tribe_events_virtual_show_embed_to property has an invalid stored value, and cannot be updated to null` when editing an event in the block editor. This was caused by an invalid REST arg type definition. [VE-574]
* Fix - Ensure that the Virtual Event button link within the Tickets Emails template is the correct color. [ET-1785]
* Tweak - Changed views: `blocks/virtual-event`, `integrations/event-tickets/emails/template-parts/header/head/ve-styles`
* Language - 0 new strings added, 2 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted.
= [1.13.3] 2022-11-29 =

* Tweak - Modify the information text around the embed feature to represent all the support integrations. [VE-557]
* Fix - Prevent fatal errors with Webex and the password usage. [VE-570]
* Fix - Add back Virtual Events filter to the Filter Bar. [FBAR-282]
* Fix - Change how the Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft, and Webex automatic access token refresh gets the url to prevent it from being empty causing numerous error log entries. [VE-565]
* Language - 10 new strings added, 35 updated, 1 fuzzied, and 16 obsoleted.
Download The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.13.1 Nulled Free
= [v1.13.1] 2022-09-22 =

* Fix - Correct some text domains. [VE-555]
* Fix - Fix issue with Webex not able to refresh the access token due to access to undeclared static property error. [VE-560]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 1 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
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Download The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.11.0 Nulled Free
= [1.11.0] 2022-07-18 =

* Feature - Add an option to generate a Google Event with Meet from the event editor and display meeting details on the event. [VE-517]
* Feature - Connect existing Google Event with Meet to your events using the new 'Smart' url field. [VE-514]
* Fix - Ensure if Zoom password requires a special character that the generated password includes at least 1. [VE-524]
* Tweak - Include the Zoom error message returned from the API when trying to create a meeting or webinar. [VE-524]
* Tweak - Get password requirements and use those requirements per host when generating a meeting or webinar password. [VE-524]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tec_events_virtual_meetings_api_settings_fields`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_api_error_message`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_google_{$this::$meeting_type}_data`, `tec_events_virtual_google_get_users_arguments`, `tec_events_virtual_google_calendar_calendar_id`, `tec_events_virtual_google_calendar_api_url_with_placeholder`, `tec_events_virtual_google_{$type}_link_allow_generation`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_google_hosts`, `tec_events_virtual_google_meeting_link_creation_urls`, `tec_events_virtual_google_export_fields`, `tec_events_virtual_google_regex_event_hash_url`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_google_meet_include_pin`, `tec_events_virtual_link_button_new_window`, `tec_events_virtual_google_link_new_window`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_google_user_cache`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_settings_fields`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_zoom_settings_fields`
* Tweak - Added actions: `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`, `tribe_log`
* Tweak - Changed views: `google/email/details/dial-in-content`, `google/email/details/dial-in-header`, `google/email/details/join-content`, `google/email/details/join-header`, `google/email/ticket-email-google-details`, `google/single/google-details`, `webex/single/webex-details`, `zoom/single/zoom-details`, `zoom/zoom-details`
* Language - 39 new strings added, 63 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted
Download The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.10.0 Nulled Free
= [v1.10.0] 2022-05-19 =

* Version - Virtual Events 1.10.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 5.15.0 and higher
* Feature - Add compatibility to the new TEC admin menu system. [ET-1335]
* Language - 1 new strings added, 34 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 1 obsoleted
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Reactions: riccore and torsky
Download The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.9.0 Nulled Free
= [1.9.0] 2022-03-30 =

* Feature - Add an option to generate a Webex meeting from the event editor and display meeting details on the event. [VE-502]
* Feature - Connect existing Webex Meetings to your events using the new 'Smart' url field. [VE-484]
* Fix - Fix high number of YouTube or Zoom user API calls by switching to a persistent cache. [VE-500]
* Fix - Fix issue that would cause the show to setting to default to everyone even if unchecked. [VE-498]
* Fix - Fix Zoom Alternative hosts returning a 404 error when attempting to save them to a meeting or webinar. [VE-505]
* Fix - Fix fatal when using Zoom or Webex in PHP 7.2 or older. [VE-506]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_{$app_id}_actions`, `tec_events_virtual_api_select_account_url`, `tec_events_virtual_{$api_id}_select_account_url`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_api_accounts`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_{$api_id}_accounts`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_api_post_response`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_{$app_id}_api_post_response`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_{$this::$meeting_type}_data`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_get_users_arguments`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_{$type}_link_allow_generation`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_hosts`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_meeting_link_creation_urls`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_export_fields`, `tec_events_virtual_show_virtual_content`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_meeting_show_password`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_regex_meeting_join_url`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_settings_fields`, `tec_events_virtual_link_button_new_window`, `tec_events_virtual_webex_link_new_window`, `tec_events_virtual_meetings_webex_user_cache`
* Tweak - Removed filters: `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_zoom_actions`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_zoom_api_post_response`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_zoom_api_allow_webinars`, `tribe_events_virtual_meetings_zoom_accounts`
* Tweak - Added actions: `tec_events_virtual_before_update_api_accounts`
* Tweak - Changed views: `components/icons/lock`, `webex/email/details/join-content`, `webex/email/details/join-header`, `webex/email/details/password-content`, `webex/email/details/password-header`, `webex/email/ticket-email-webex-details`, `webex/single/webex-details`, `zoom/email/details/dial-in-content`, `zoom/email/details/join-content`, `zoom/single/zoom-details`, `zoom/zoom-details`
* Language - 58 new strings added, 68 updated, 23 fuzzied, and 6 obsoleted
Download The Events Calendar Pro Virtual Events Addon v1.7.3 Nulled Free
= [v1.7.3] 2021-12-14 =

* Version - Virtual Events 1.7.3 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 5.12.1 and higher
* Feature - Add Moved Online event status option to use to add the related schema to an event. [VE-94]
* Feature - Add Moved Online event status as an option in the Event Status Filter bar setting if active. [FBAR-92]
* Fix - Add an additional check for the Virtual Events block to prevent block editor scripts from running in the classic editor. [VE-443]
* Fix - Prevent undefined errors in Javascript by adding a check for Facebook App ID before trying to load FB SDK. [VE-451]
* Fix - Update gCal and iCal export location for better support for Zoom, Facebook Live, and YouTube Live. [VE-442]
* Fix - Bypass caching of the event when dealing with the admin event list table to prevent event title duplication. [VE-454]
* Tweak - Load tooltip style sheet for compatibility with Community Events front end form. [VE-368]
* Tweak - Update the override template paths for the files in the components directory 'src/views/components'. [VE-385]
* Language - 2 new strings added, 19 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted

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