Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application

Ultimate POS - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application v5.40

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  1. IMPROVEMENT: In Add/Edit contact contact type (Indivisual/Business) is now getting saved.
  2. IMPROVEMENT: Delivery note translation added
  3. IMPROVEMENT: CRON command improved. (if the existing command is working fine then no need to change it)
  4. FIX: Email sending issue when enabling “Allow businesses to use Superadmin email configuration” from superadmin.
  5. FIX: Products in sell showing “out of stock” if “customer group” has Price calculation type as “selling price group”.
  6. FIX: Credit limit taking not final into consideration issue.
  7. FIX: Decimal issue in purchase requisition fixed.

V 5.31 –Released on October 27, 2023​

  1. FIX: Patch Released
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Reactions: MrSam_1
  1. FIX: Fixed 500 error in /pos screen

V4.8 – Released on Nov 18, 2022​

  1. NEW: Ledger format 3 added with much more details
  2. NEW: Service Staff status modal added in pos screen (DOCUMENT)
  3. NEW: Delivery slip print option in List sales.
  4. Improvement: Removed quantity check for Drafts & Quotations invoices
  5. Improvement: Option to display the description in the invoice (Enable from Invoice layout -> Add/Edit -> Product description)
  6. Improvement: Displayed email in view sales
  7. Improvement: Delete font size increased
  8. Improvement: Displayed SKU in add/edit/view stock transfer
  9. Improvement: Total purchase return paid and total sell payment paid displayed on dashboard
  10. Improvement: Custom Views added to backup
  11. Fix: Subtotal issue on invoice fixed
  12. Fix: Cash denomination error on add/edit sale/purchase fixed
  13. Fix: Ledger last financial year due and current financial year opening balance mismatch issue fixed
  14. Fix: Delete category permission issue fix
GST purchase report & GST sales report for Indian users. (DOCUMENT)

Thanks @hero70411 (nulled)

Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application V4.7.8 Nulled + Patch 12 August 2022​

Addons Nulled​

API-or-connector-module V1.7
Asset-Management-SaaS V0.8
CRM-With-SaaS-Compatibility V1.4
Digital-Product-Catalogue-and-menu V0.8
Essentials V3.3
Manufacturing-With-SaaS-Compatibility V2.6
ProjectManagement V1.6
Repair-Module V1.6
Superadmin V3.0
UltimatePOS-to-WooCommerce-(SaaS-compatible) V3.0
Download Ultimate POS v4.7.8 - Best Advanced Stock Management, Point of Sale & Invoicing application Nulled Free
v4.7.8 - 12 August 2022 - Thanks To @techmainfest

V4.7.8 – Released on July 13,2022===txs to @ultranoob

  1. NEW: Option to add ledger discount on view contact details page (DOCUMENT)
  2. NEW: Second unit added to add/edit product also option to add quantity in second unit added to purchase/sell (Need to enable it from Business settings > Products) (DOCUMENT)
  3. NEW: Currency precision and quantity precision moved from config to business settings (DOCUMENT)
  4. NEW: Added option to download PDF for Purchase Order
  5. NEW: Added notification option in purchase order
  6. NEW: Previous unit price added to the product line of sell and purchase(DOCUMENT)
  7. NEW: Search option added to account book and cash flow
  8. NEW: Export all products in excel format, with complete details(DOCUMENT)
  9. NEW: Product sold details table added to cash register modal
  10. NEW: Cash denomination option in add/edit sale purchase screen(DOCUMENT)
  11. Improvement: Row color change for alert quantity added to stock report
  12. Improvement: Location filter added to dashboard stock alert table
  13. Improvement: Removed stock check for draft and quotation
  14. Improvement: Subcategory added to list expenses
  15. Improvement: Total items added to invoice
  16. Improvement: Category and custom fields columns added to stock report
  17. Improvement: Contact name and business name added product stock history
  18. Improvement: Contact filter in tax report
  19. FIX: Pay term with pos sale issue fixed
  20. FIX: Update variable product with too many variations issue fixed
  21. FIX: Dropzone issue on import purchase product fixed
  22. FIX: Ledger location filter issue fixed
  23. FIX: Sales order line not getting added while stock is zero issue fixed

V4.7.7 -Released March 26, 2022===Big txs==@ultranoob​

  1. NEW: Simplified ledger format added (Format 2)
  2. NEW: Location filter added to the ledger
  3. Improvements: Payment method and payment details added to cashflow and account book
  4. Improvements: Child payments details and total advance amount displayed if advance payment on cash flow and account book
  5. Improvements: Hide advance payment if advance payment remaining is zero on cashflow and account book
  6. Improvements: Lot number added to item report
  7. Improvements: Display discounted price on invoice (need to enter Discounted unit price label: in invoice layout)
  8. Improvements: Displayed unit breakdown shown on invoices (need to check Show base unit details in invoice layout)
  9. Improvements: Line break for product description preserved in invoice print
  10. FIX: Fix for media upload(Image upload for products)
  11. FIX: Edit POS showing warranty dropdown twice issue fixed
  12. FIX: Label print issue when printed from list products fixed
  13. FIX: Quick add supplier/customer from sale and purchase screen not displaying business name issue fixed
  14. FIX: HTML link URL issue on print invoice fixed
  15. FIX: Add payment form validation issue fixed

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