WP Activity Log Pro - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin

WP Activity Log Pro - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin v4.4.3.0 Nulled

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Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.4.3.0 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
= v4.4.3 (2022-12-08) =

Release notes: [Announcing WP Activity Log 4.4.3](https://wpactivitylog.com/wsal-4-4-3/)
* **New activity log event IDs**
* 6060: an event ID was enabled or disabled.
* **New features & functionality**
* [MemberPress activity log extension](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/memberpress-activity-log/) - keep a log of the changes that happen on your MemberPress powered website.
* Support for syslog connections over TLS connection.
* Setting to write activity logs directly to a log file (completely bypassing the Action Scheduler).
* Sessions policies for super admins on a multisite network.
* Button to terminate only the displayed sessions in the Logged-In users view.
* New setting to show only the logged in users who have multiple sessions.
* New {user_email} tag available for custom notifications.
* Plugin can now read v4 IP addresses that are mapped to v6.

* **Plugin & features improvements**
* Reports are now generated in the background and an email is sent to the user upon completion, allowing users to navigate away from the page without interrupting the process.
* Non mirrored logs are now stored in a php file instead of a log file - more secure implementation.
* User email address is now available as a tag that can be used in email templates.
* Major database queries improvements to optimize the reading of activity log events from the database.
* Improved display of extension events (as well as special sub-options) within the Enable/Disable events view.
* Adjusted CSS for a more responsive activity log viewer.
* Improved login sensor to improve compatibilty with most custom login forms.
* Improved logic handling when creating custom notifications.
* Activity Log events sorted by event ID in Enable/Disable Events section.
* UI improvements to the Enable/Disable events view.
* Activity log event metadata is now consistently an array for efficiency and better data management.
* Added new options in the "Terminate all sessions" feature to terminate all but the admin's sessions.
* Silencing admin notices in the activity log viewer page.
* New selection checkbox to individually select sessions from the logged in users view.
* Various UI and UX improvements to the Users Sessions view.
* Event data inspector styling improvements.
* Removed the Freemius SDK from the free edition of the plugin.
* Plugin now displays the user role name instead of the slug.
* Improved the plugins internal logging class/system.
* Applied several new checks and improvements to improve the reliability of the archiving connection module.
* Limited external connection usage to single use (to avoid conflicts and speed up the process).
* Removed Freemius from the Free edition of the plugin.
* Improved the logic of event ID 1000 (user login) to avoid duplicate events when a user logs in via WooCommerce.
* Improved the "ordering and organizing" of the event ID lists in the Enabled / Disable Events section.
* Updated the Freemius SDK to version 2.5.3.
* Improved compatability with the MemberPress plugin (addresses a number of errors etc).
Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.4.2.2 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
v4.4.2.2 – Premium only (2022-07-27)
New functionality

  • New setting to not send the daily notification if there are no events to report.
  • Post titles in Daily summary email now link to post directly.
  • Improved support for custom user roles in notifications.
  • Applied a number of UI changes and improvements to the “Logged In Users” section.
  • Added version number to Search JS scripts so they are not cached by browsers.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed: Search of logged in sessions by user role not returning correct results.
  • Fixed: A number of PHP notices were reported whe nthe WSAL_cleanup cron job is fired.
  • Fixed: Daily email summary cannot be disabled.
  • Fixed: Cannot change the daily summary notification email address.
Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.4.0 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
= v4.4.0 (2022-02-08) = Big Thanks To @TassieNZ
Release notes: [New Reports engine with more criteria, reports management & more](https://wpactivitylog.com/wsal-4-4/)

* Third party libraries are now available through a helper plugin. If you are mirroring events or sending SMS messages, you will be prompted to install this helper plugin.

* **New activity log event IDs**
* ID 6059: Changed the site's title.
* ID 4021: Changed the website URL in the user profile.
* ID 4013: User has been activated on a multisite network.

* **New features & functionality**
* Reports for WordPress: we developed an all new reporting engine, with more criteria.
* Reports management module: see all generated reports, redownload or delete them etc.
* Reports white labelling: users can now change the logo and links on the reports. More to come in upcoming updates.
* New template for reports with new title page for reports.
* Reports settings page: making a number of reports configuration settings available, giving the user more options to work with.
* Setting to configure the plugin to "always" send an email for scheduled reports, even when no events match the criteria.
* Hooks to allow users to change the columns in reports or ad value from non-default columns. Refer to the [list of hooks in WP Activity Log](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-hooks/) for more information.
* New naming format for all the reports: [yyyymmdd]-[report_number].[extension].
* Specific reports can now be generated in PDF and JSON formats.
* New UI for "Enable/Disable event IDs" with search and filtering functionality.
* Table with numbers of how many users are logged in with specific roles + filters.
* Added the user role next to each user in the list of logged in users.
* Removed obsolete code used for advertorial events in the activity log viewer.
* New "See user's activity" link for each user in the users' page to see a user's activity with just a click.
* New filter that allows user to add metadata to user information popup. Refer to the [List of hooks in WP Activity Log](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-hooks/) for more information.
* The new [Activity Log for TablePress extension](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/tablepress-activity-log/).

* **Improvements**
* Changed the database schema for improved storing of data, and faster writing and reading. After the upgrade the plugin will launch the upgrade process which might take some time to complete, depending on the amount of data in the activity log.
* Activity log events from local database can be merged into an extising activity log in an external database.
* Improved the coverage of changes done to a website via REST API.
* Improved the format of the statistics reports. More statistics reports will be available in the upcoming version update.
* Date and time are now two separate objects in CSV reports.
* Updated the search module to read from new database schema.
* All plugin settings now have the wsal_ prefix automatically added to them.
* Added the URL metadata in CSV reports.
* Rewritten some of the settings help text in the plugin to better explain the settings.
* Updated the notifications module to read from new database schema.
* Updated the integrations module for better backward compatability with older versions of WordPress.
* Removed obsolete settings & code of the old file integrity scanner (now part of [Website File Changes Monitor plugin](https://www.wpwhitesecurity.com/wordpress-plugins/website-file-changes-monitor/)).
* Removed obsolete reference to the old file changes scanner in the daily summary email.
* Made a number of JS strings available for translation.
* Removed a number of plugin settings from autoload for improved performance.
* Improved the plugin's metadata and added the licensing information.
* Long URL strings in activity log events are now automatically truncated. Full URL can be seen with just a click.
* Removed forced database table collation: plugin now uses the default WordPress table collation.
* Updated the "Help & Contact Us" page; improved text and added more relevant information.
* Improved several UI sections in the Third Party Connections module.
* Improved the check for writing activity log to external database; now it is less restrictive and faster.

* **Security fix**
* Upgraded the Freemius SDK to version 2.4.3.

* **Bug fixes**
* Fixed: Database error when trying to log in with a non-existing user and a login notification is enabled.
* Fixed: In some edge cases the plugin was creating an empty "external database" connection string.
* Fixed a number of typos in the text of activity log events.
* Fixed: Auto complete in the Delete activity log data section was not returning the correct list of objects.
* Fixed: Wrong object reported for event ID 5029.
* Fixed: Event ID 4000 not reported when front-end sensor is disabled.
* Fixed: "Unknown connection type" reported back setting up a third party connection on specific versions of WordPress.
* Fixed: Event ID 6320 (added / removed connection) reported instead of event ID 6321 (modified connection).
* Plugin settings and view privileges no longer imported when using the configuration import tools. User is not prompted to choose whether to import them or not.
* Fixed: Function that was running on "add_filter" instead of "add_action" - [Support ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/issue-with-hook-name-and-param-callback/).
* Fixed: Deletion of events from the activity log based on severity not working.
* Fixed: Plugin fails to delete specific events from activity log with an error when using the Logs management module.
* Old reports are now properly and automatically deleted from the /uploads/ directory.
* Fixed: PHP warning about OPCacheUtils.php in specific setups.
* Fixed: Edge case in which other plugins couldn't be installed or updated when WP Activity Log was activated.
* Automatic termination of idle sessions was not triggering properly on some setups.

Refer to the [complete plugin changelog](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/plugin-changelog/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=WSAL&utm_content=plugin+repos+description) for more detailed information about what was new, improved and fixed in previous versions of the WP Activity Log plugin.
Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.3.6 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
= v4.3.6 (2022-02-15) =

Release notes: the improvements in this update are required to prepare for WP Activity Log 4.4. Therefore it is important to install this update in preparation for update 4.4.

* **Improvements**
* Removed opcache purging
* Improved error handling during plugin upgrade
Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.2.1 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
= v4.2.1 (2021-03-17) =

Release notes: [WP Activity Log 4.2.1: Maintenance update & new event IDs](https://wpactivitylog.com/wsal-4-2-1/)

**Improved activity log coverage**
* 6045: user changed the site language
* 4029: admin initatiated a user password reset

* Improved events definition (prep work for version 4.3).
* Added the {meta} and {links} tags in email and SMS notifications.
* Plugin reports email address used in failed login attempt instead of System.
* Added nonce to daily email notification trigger to prevent possible CSRF issues.
* Updated some plugin settings so they can be centrally managed from the [Activity Log for MainWP extension](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/mainwp-activity-log/).
* Added more user privileges checks in the plugin (better restricted access to users who has read only access to the activity log).
* [Activity log extensions](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/) name is now displayed in admin notices.
* Sorted the activity log extensions in alphabetical order in the plugin UI.
* Improved the Search filters labels.

**Bug fixes**
* Dates in reports were not being translated.
* Some cron job data was left behind during uninstall.
* A database entry was left behind during uninstall.
* Site administrators could see some plugin pages on a multisite network (help and about).
* Fixed some formatting issues with some of the event IDs.
Download WP Activity Log Pro v4.1.4 - The #1 WordPress Activity Log Plugin Nulled Free
v4.1.4 (2020-10-07) = Thanks To @NullMaster

Release notes: [WP Activity Log 4.1.4: New activity log for Yoast SEP extenion & improved coverage](https://wpactivitylog.com/wsal-4-1-4/)

* **New features**
* [Activity Log for Yoast SEO](https://wpactivitylog.com/extensions/yoast-seo-activity-log/) extension.
* Plugin detects plugin updates done via a zip file (new feature in WordPress 5.5)

* **New Yoast SEO activity log event IDs**
* ID 8826: user has enabled / disabled the Redirect Attachment URLs in the Yoast SEO plugin.
* ID 8827: Usage tracking has been enabled / dsabled.
* ID 8828: The REST API: head endpoint setting was enabled / disabled.
* ID 8829: The social profile URL was added / modified / deleted.
* ID 8830: User changed the taxonomies settings to show in search results.
* ID 8831: Chaged the SEO title template for a taxonomy type.
* ID 8832: Changed the meta description template for a taxonomy type.
* ID 8833: Enabled or disabled the display of Author or Date archives.
* ID 8834: Configured the plugin to show the Author or Date archived in the search results.
* ID 8835: Changed the SEO title template for the Author or Date archive pages.
* ID 8836: Changed the Meta description template for the Author or Date archive pages.
* ID 8837: Enabled / disabled the setting to show SEO settings for specific taxonomy types.

Refer to the [complete list of activity log event IDs](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/list-wordpress-activity-log-event-ids/) for more detailed information.

* **Improvements**
* Improved the overall coverage and how events of changes in Yoast SEO plugin and YoastSEO metabox are reported.
* Implemented a single email class that is now used by all email features in the plugin.
* Updated Freemius SDK to the latest version (2.4.0).
* Improved the detection mechanism of installed third party plugins used for the activity log extensions notifications.
* Consolidated all [activity log extensions code](https://github.com/WPWhiteSecurity/wsal-extension-example) - now all third party plugins extensions use the same code.
* Improved the plugin's activation process on multisite network.
* Plugin only shows file changes notifications if the [Website File Changes Monitor](https://www.wpwhitesecurity.com/wordpress-plugins/website-file-changes-monitor/) plugin is installed.
* Plugin prompts user to save unsaved changes in settings page before switching pages.
* Improved plugin & activity log permissions on multisite network.
* System information file updated to retrieve settings from the wp_options table.
* Removed all the obsolete event IDs from the Enable/Disable events section.
* Updated a number of filters/hooks calls that were calling deprecated ones.
* Removed all the obsolete code which was used for the old wp_wsal_options table.
* The handling of disabled event IDs is now done more efficiently, via filters.
* Improved the session db adaptor which was causing errors in specific edge cases.
* Branded the notifications for third party plugins extensions and improved the text.
* Improved the first-time install wizard CSS to correctly display the list of required extensions for third party plugins.
* Removed event ID 2106 (plugin updated post) and ID 8823 (Yoast SEO date snippet) because they were made redundant.
* Moved all remaining bbPress code to the [Activity Log for bbPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-security-audit-log-add-on-for-bbpress/) extension.
* Added check to prevent identical search filters from being saved.

* **Bug fixes**
* Removed the old version check from the wp_wsal_options table.
* Reset plugin settings was not deleting all the settings.
* Reports UI was not loading in a mixed content environment.
* Unkown object was reported in event ID 6034 (user purged activity log).
* Custom login page message was not shown in specific edge cases.
* Addressed a number of errors that were appearing during WooCommerce setup.
* List of IP addresses in event ID 1005 (users has multiple logged in sessions) was incorrect.
* Plugin was generating an error when changing the WooCommerce store address on a multisite network.
* Event ID 1000 reported twice on websites using the OptimizeMember plugin.
* Third party plugins detection was not detecting all plugins on multisite network.
* Built-in email notifications couldn't be disabled after they were enabled.
* Notifications to install third party plugin extensions were shown in sub sites on a multisite network.
* Event ID 1000 (user login) was reported even when user was excluded from the logs.
* Data picker obscured by autocomplete in notifications.
* Fixed conflict with MyCred plugin (widget sensor was killing ongoing widget requests).

Refer to the [complete plugin changelog](https://wpactivitylog.com/support/kb/plugin-changelog/?utm_source=wordpress.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=WSAL&utm_content=plugin+repos+description) for more detailed information about what was new, improved and fixed in previous versions of the WP Activity Log plugin.

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